I had my boyfriends name tattooed on my forehead – people don’t believe it’s real, but it’s not a big deal for me

An influencer who got her boyfriend’s name ‘tattooed’ on her forehead has made a follow-up video to ‘prove’ it’s real.

It comes after she was overwhelmed by comments saying her new ink is a joke and that it is ‘in no way’ real.

Polish-born Ana Stanskovsky, who currently lives in Bali, shocked her 587,000 TikTok followers when she posted a video earlier this week to unveil her bold new ink, dedicated to her fellow influencer boyfriend, Kevin Freshwater.

Now, in her latest video, captioned “let’s prove it’s real” on the screen, she writes: “I’ll try to wipe it away. Let’s see what will happen’.

She told viewers: ‘I’m tired of hearing from everyone that my tattoo is fake. Why would I do that?

An influencer who got her boyfriend’s name ‘tattooed’ on her forehead has made a follow-up video to ‘prove’ it’s real

“I don’t understand, I have so many tattoos, what’s the point? I did it, for me it’s not that big of a deal. But for everyone else it is.

“So yeah, I’m just going to prove it. I’m going to wash my hands first. I’ll try to wipe it away.’

“If it’s fake, it would go away, so let’s get some tissues.

“I’m really excited because I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, for someone who has so many tattoos.

“But for someone who doesn’t have one, getting your boyfriend’s name on your forehead might be a big deal,” she continues, showing her followers the rest of her tattoos on her stomach.

She added, “But it’s not even that big, so I don’t know what they’re saying.”

At the end of the clip, she prepared to take the plastic wrap off and said, “Okay, so I’m going to get a tissue, it still hurts a little bit, so I don’t want to…”

However, the video was cut before she “wiped it off” or even removed the plastic, prompting even more commenters to claim this was all a big joke.

One user wrote: ‘Nobody who has a new tattoo is about to wipe it off with a tissue.’

The TikToker's boyfriend, to whom the 'tattoo' is dedicated, is said to be fellow influencer Kevin Freshwater - who has more than 400,000 followers on Instagram

The TikToker’s boyfriend, to whom the ‘tattoo’ is dedicated, is said to be fellow influencer Kevin Freshwater – who has more than 400,000 followers on Instagram

Polish-born Ana Stanskovsky, who currently lives in Bali, shocked her 587,000 TikTok followers when she posted a video revealing her bold new ink earlier this week

Polish-born Ana Stanskovsky, who currently lives in Bali, shocked her 587,000 TikTok followers when she posted a video revealing her bold new ink earlier this week

Others pointed out that there is ‘no redness and no swelling’, while one claimed he could see ‘spots’, and another claimed it was a ‘permanent marker’.

One frustrated follower wondered: ‘Are you going to wipe it off or not?’

Although some people still think the influencer is telling the truth, with one commenting: ‘I just screamed! I thought this was a legit joke. It’s actually REAL.’

One loyal follower told Ana: ‘Don’t listen to the haters!!! I love your attitude of embracing life and love! There is nothing wrong with that. You are free.’

The original video she posted last week was titled “My New Face Tattoo” and showed the influencer in a body modification shop, apparently getting her boyfriend Kevin’s name permanently emblazoned on her head in large black cursive letters.

It zoomed in on the artist going over the stencil and Ana writhing in pain before rushing to the mirror and exclaiming, “Ready? Okay, let’s see. Oh my God, I love it. Wow, Kevin will love it’.

Polish-born Ana Stanskovsky, who is currently in Bali, shocked her 587,000 TikTok followers when she posted a video yesterday revealing her bold new ink

Polish-born Ana Stanskovsky, who is currently in Bali, shocked her 587,000 TikTok followers when she posted a video yesterday revealing her bold new ink

She wrapped up the clip by asking her followers, “Do you think he’ll like it?”

The video has already been viewed by more than 14.7 million people, with commenters wondering whether the striking tattoo is real or not. Those who think this is so warn her that she will regret it.

One user wrote: ‘Noooo, this is definitely a joke,’ while another user asked: ‘And if he breaks up with you, what then?’

Someone joked: “I don’t know who Kevin is, but wherever you are… Run!”

Skeptical viewers chimed in with “This isn’t real” and “People who think this is real have clearly never had a tattoo.”

However, another argued: ‘I’m covered in tattoos and it looks real to me’.

One surprised commenter wrote: ‘I was waiting for them to say it was just a joke but they never did.’

Shortly after the clip attracted attention, Ana decided to respond to the hate another video in response to the comment: ‘Wow, you’re going to regret this one day.’

The influencer told viewers:

The influencer told viewers: “Everyone tells me I’m going to regret it and every time I look in the mirror I’m just in love.”

The influencer told viewers that despite the reactions, she is “in love” every time she looks in the mirror.

“I’m in love with the tattoo and I’m in love with my boyfriend,” she said. “I think if you really love someone, you just have to show it, you know, you just have to prove it.

“So I think if your girlfriend doesn’t want to tattoo your name on her face, you should just find a new girlfriend because I don’t think she loves you.”

“This is the way you show your love, you know.

“I know a lot of you have said I’m going to regret that and what if we break up and all these things, all these horrible things and I just want to say this is how I express my feelings so when I love someone, I do this.

‘I love it, I will certainly never regret it. How can I regret this? It is beautiful.’

While some fans are still not convinced, they say “Wait. Wasn’t it a joke?’ and ‘is that really true???!!!!’

Ana made a third video which showed her going out to eat at a restaurant, with her fresh tattoo still covering her head.

She said: ‘I don’t know why people don’t believe me, this tattoo is real. I literally eat my spaghetti in a restaurant.’

One viewer sarcastically wrote: ‘Great decision here. I don’t know how you could ever regret this.’

Others added: “Okay but we need to see this Kevin” and “We need a response to what your friend thought.”