I’m a career coach – here’s five tips on how to tackle questions during a job interview

A career coach has revealed her five tips on how to deal with the questions you’ll face during a job interview.

Em Rezkalla’s recommendations in her TikTok video show her advising her followers to tell the interviewer not only “why you want a job,” but also “why you deserve it,” giving the recruiter “proof” of your career successes.

She also emphasized the importance of summarizing your answers in one or two sentences before finalizing your answer.

The US-based mentor believes that if you follow her advice, you will be a success at your next job interview.

The US-based mentor recorded a TikTok video with five of her tips

A career coach has revealed her five tips on how to deal with the questions you’ll face during a job interview. The US-based mentor took to a TikTok and gave five of her tips

Em Rezkalla's tips tell the recruiter not only 'why you want a job', but also 'why you deserve it', and also give the recruiter 'proof' of your career success

Em Rezkalla’s tips tell the recruiter not only ‘why you want a job’, but also ‘why you deserve it’, and also give the recruiter ‘proof’ of your career success

Em captioned her video: “My top five ways to stand out to the hiring manager. (I have got you).’

She started her video with her blunt take on the process: “Guess what, the hiring manager isn’t looking to see if you’re qualified for the interview.”

The career coach started counting the desirable qualities and said, “They look to see if you are confident, trustworthy and, most importantly, memorable.

‘I am a career coach. I’ll put you on… the five best ways to differentiate yourself to the hiring manager so they remember you and are more likely to hire you because almost everyone they interview is qualified.

“If they first ask you, ‘Tell me about yourself,’ make sure you use a unique identifier and a verb that is recognizable but professional.”

To show what she means, Em plays out a hypothetical example.

She smiles at the camera and introduces herself.

“Hi, I’m Emily Rezkalla. I consider myself a flexible problem solver who enjoys going for walks on the weekends,” Em said.

She also emphasized the importance of summarizing your answers in one or two sentences before finalizing your answer

She also emphasized the importance of summarizing your answers in one or two sentences before finalizing your answer

‘It’s professional, brutal, but memorable. Remember, we are people first.”

In her overlay text, she has included keywords that followers can use for their answers.

Her “verb examples” were “adaptable, confident, calculated, determined, dedicated.”

For “identifier examples,” she used “problem solver, people leader, analyst, project leader, and strategist.”

Get the job you want! Interview Hacks for Career Coach

  1. Give the interviewer a unique identifier and a verb that describes yourself
  2. Tell the interviewer why you want the job and why you deserve it
  3. At the end of your answer, summarize it in one or two sentences
  4. Make sure you always have a sample of evidence for each question
  5. At the end of the interview, ask a question that relates specifically to you

Number two: Whether you mention it in your “Tell me about yourself” or when they ask you “Why do you want this role,” make sure you mention “why you want it,” but also “why you it deserves’. she advised.

‘Why you want it’ is your motivation. ‘Why you deserve it’ is your proof and you need both.”

Her overlapping text read: “Most candidates forget to do both.”

Em further explained, “Evidence means examples you have from your work experience.”

She then gave her examples: ‘I want this role because your company evokes all the values ​​of the mission… you would outline those values ​​and mission… which I really align with and that is extremely important for me to be motivated . to do the job well and on time and to work closely with the people in my team who also share the same values.’

Em then gave her personal example for the second half of her suggestion: “I deserve this role because that motivation has driven me to achieve ‘X’ amount of sales and revenue in my previous work experience, which I am confident that I would achieve that. just as well with this company.

“Because this role is a senior leadership role, I can fulfill those values ​​and mission as a role model, which will translate into better results.”

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Em's video has over 1.2 million views, 88,300 likes and 596 comments

Em’s video has over 1.2 million views, 88,300 likes and 596 comments

The young professional continued with her next tip: “Number three: Summarize each answer in one or two sentences at the end.

‘Because we all get nervous and because we all have one question that stumps us, but our brains finally start to grind once we get to the end of our answer – summarize it in one or two sentences so that the interviewer doesn’t have to hesitate . to make a puzzle of what you just said.

‘Number four, with the exception of the ‘tell me about yourself’ question: always have an example for every question, even if it doesn’t ask for just one example.

“Hiring managers like evidence over fluff. It shows self-awareness and is more talkative than you think, and gives a fluffy answer.’

Em then mentioned her fifth piece of advice: “Ask a specific question at the end of the interview, but make it specific to you.

“Ask the hiring manager for examples of certain things.”

She then played out how she would ask the interviewer her question.

“Can you give some examples of the types of stakeholders the person in this role previously had to work with and the types of relationships they built with them to stay on task and meet deadlines?” Em explained.

“I’m telling you, if you follow all five of these things, a hiring manager will have no choice but to remember you.”

“Good luck,” she concluded as she blew a kiss to her followers.

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Some job seekers were 'tired' of all the advice, others were grateful for her recommendations

Some job seekers were ‘tired’ of all the advice, others were grateful for her recommendations

The US-based mentor believes that if you follow her hacks, you will be a success in your next job interview

The US-based mentor believes that if you follow her hacks, you will be a success in your next job interview

Em’s video has over 1.2 million views, 88,300 likes and 596 comments.

One person wrote: ‘I want this role (because) I have bills and kids. How are you?’

Another job seeker wrote about the application process: “I’m so tired.”

“Ughhhh, why does this have to be this way? Just because you say the right things doesn’t mean you’ll be better than anyone else,” a third person wrote.

A fourth added: ‘It’s all about confidence and knowing how to speak well.’

“Recruiter here. Great advice in general! It’s also important to try to limit business buzzwords and keep them human. Too many people went out,” someone else wrote.

She replied, “Great! Yes, we are human first and foremost.’

Another person sarcastically said, “Okay, so not based on my skills, but a great spectacle,” to which Em replied, “Your qualifications will get you an interview!” Your soft skills will get you the job.’

One applicant enthusiastically wrote, “Em Rez, I followed this and have a second interview this week!!! Thank you!’

She responded ecstatically, “Omg yay! Good luck on the next one.”