The Matic robovac can clean up and mop your house – and it doesn’t need you

A pair of former Google employees have created what they claim is “the world’s first fully autonomous indoor robot vacuum cleaner,” the Matic.

In the official announcement, the pair say they have equipped their robot with several technologies that allow it to navigate around a household without bumping into anything or getting tangled in wires. First, the square Matic houses five RGB cameras, allowing it to see where it’s going. In theory, this should make the Matic less accident-prone.

If TheVerge points this out in their reportingMost other robot vacuums use a combination of “sensors, bumpers and lidar technology” to move, which isn’t perfect. For example, Roombas have been known to get stuck under furniture. Progress has been made to reduce accidents, but the Matic seems to be on a different level.

Matic under a dining table

(Image credit: Matic)

The device takes its video feed and processes the information using an internal “neural network” AI to map the floor being cleaned in real time. Matic co-founder Mehul Nariyawala told TheVerge that because their device has a higher level of “semantic understanding,” it can identify “many more items than the competition.” The robot vacuum cleaner categorizes everything it sees into three categories: dirty, non-dirty or unknown. Anything placed in the last two categories is actively avoided.

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