Trump’s missteps that have sparked comparisons to Biden and mockery from DeSantis: Ex-President called Hungarian leader Orban the leader of Turkey and, confused Iowa and South Dakota cities and said Joe was leading us into ‘World War II’

A series of strange blunders by Donald Trump have bungled topics ranging from history to current events and geography, undermining his own repeated attacks on President Joe Biden’s mental faculties.

In a recent incident, Trump messed up the name of the city he was speaking in – Sioux City, Iowa – by confusing it with Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

It happened when he said a “very big hello” to a place where we have done very well, Sioux Falls. Thank you very much, Sioux Falls!”

Only after he was corrected did Trump come up with the correct city he was talking about: Sioux City.

Unfortunately for Trump, the flub took place in a battleground where he hopes to overwhelm Republican competition (and where he has a commanding lead in the latest Des Moines Register poll).

Trump leads the Republican presidential candidates by a wide margin in the polls.  But he has encountered the president of Turkey, the name of the town in Iowa where he was, and

Trump leads the Republican presidential candidates by a wide margin in the polls. But he has encountered the president of Turkey, the name of the town in Iowa where he was, and “World War II.”

Yet it is a state where he has been defeated before, by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas in 2016 (he would later call Trump a “pathological liar” and a “narcissist” before becoming a loyal supporter in the Senate).

Many politicians have messed up the names of the cities they are in, partly due to the whirlwind nature of modern campaigns. Unfortunately for Trump, he himself has ridiculed Biden for forgetting where he was with a caricature on stage.

In another onstage blunder, again in a state of contention, Trump confused Viktor Orban, the right-leaning head of Hungary, with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. Both are important NATO allies during tense times during Russia’s war against Ukraine.

‘I was very honoured. There is a man, Viktor Orbán, has anyone ever heard of him? He is probably one of the strongest leaders in the world,” Trump said in Derry, New Hampshire.

Trump has repeatedly called President Biden “cognitively impaired.”  He also said Biden could draw us into the “Second World War,” which ended in 1945

Trump has repeatedly called President Biden “cognitively impaired.” He also said Biden could draw us into the “Second World War,” which ended in 1945

“He is the leader of Turkey,” Trump misinformed the crowd. Trump then said the country had “fronts on both Russia,” suggesting it had a border it doesn’t have.

“We’ve got plenty of time, who cares,” Trump said, making a light of the crowd.

Trump then called him the “head of Hungary” and praised the leader, who has raised concerns in Western capitals about moves toward authoritarianism.

‘He is the head of Hungary. And he executes it hard. Let me tell you, he executes it well. He executes strongly.’

The 77-year-old Trump’s blunders come at a time when polls show serious concerns about the age and fitness of 80-year-old President Biden.

They’ve also taken hits from rival Ron DeSantis.

He lambasted Trump for struggling to use a teleprompter after telling people not to vote, and instead focus on watching polls (which fits with his fixation on the 2020 election).

“And what Donald Trump is doing now, he’s married to the teleprompter. He can’t get rid of that teleprompter, every time he does he says things like ‘Don’t vote,'” DaSantis said while campaigning in New Hampshire.

“He tells people not to vote, as if we have all the votes we need. Real? Wait a minute, you lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in 2016. You don’t have all the votes you need.’

Trump the crowd told, ‘We have to be careful. You gotta get out of there. You have to keep an eye on those voters. You don’t have to vote, you don’t have to worry about voting. The mood. We have enough votes.

It was another awkward mistake: Trump said Biden could get us into “World War II,” even as he called Biden “cognitively disabled.”

“We have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, incapable of leadership, and who is now in charge of dealing with Russia and a possible nuclear war Trump said. said. ‘Think about it. If we have to rely on this man, we will soon be in the Second World War.’

It’s all because Trump has had to juggle his campaign trips with court appearances, where he was fined $10,000 by a New York judge after attacking his clerk online, and subsequently given a gag order by a federal judge overseeing held his trial in Washington, DC. .

Trump’s famed loyalty among his fervent supporters may be enough to withstand onstage blunders. Trump himself has expressed increasing confidence that he will win Iowa and then win the White House. He’s even said he had the upper hand in matches he wasn’t even a part of.

“With Obama, we won an election they said couldn’t be won,” Trump said said in a recent blunder. In 2016, he defeated Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.