How to expand your inventory in Return to Moria

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria you start with a frustratingly small backpack. Although you’re limited to the 10 slots (plus the eight slots in your hotbar) that the Scout’s Pack gives you at the start of the game, you’ll continually run out of inventory space. Fortunately, you can make a bigger package for yourself: the Adventurer package.

You’ll have to do a lot of work first. Us Return to Moria guide will explain how to expand your inventory by creating a new package and everything you need to do to get there.

How to expand your inventory in Return to Moria

Expand your inventory Return to Moria is as simple as creating a new and larger package. But getting to the point where you can create that package is the tricky part. Before you can expand your inventory Return to Moriayou must first complete five steps:

  • Reach the Elvenkwartier
  • Collect a bunch of Elvenwood
  • Build a workbench
  • Make a hunting bow
  • Collect animal skins

Once you’ve done all that, Than you are ready to expand your inventory. Let’s break down the steps in detail.

Reach the Elf Quarter and collect Elven Wood

Before you can craft your new pack and expand your inventory, you’ll need to be able to build a new crafting station in your base, a Workbench. And for that you need Elfwood. And for Thatyou must reach the Elfenkwartier.

Early in the game you will discover that the path to Durin’s Highway is blocked. You will then get a new map marker for the Shortcut to the mines. Follow this to (eventually) get the Elvenkwartier.

Return to the Moria player arriving in the Elven Quarter

Image: Free Range Games/North Beach Games via Polygon

There, use your pickaxe to take down a few trees – don’t worry much about exploring yet. The trees drop both wood waste (always useful) and wood waste Elfwood. Collect at least 23 Elvenwood to save yourself some trips.

Build a workbench and craft a hunting bow

With your new Elven Wood resource in hand, head back to a base. (If you haven’t already, here’s how to unlock fast travel.) From the Build menu, choose one Workbench (2 Iron Ingot and 15 Elven Wood) into the Essentials & Crafting tab and place it.

Return to Moria's Workbench interface

Image: Free Range Games/North Beach Games via Polygon

The Adventurer’s Pack unlocks at this point and offers 25 slots of inventory space, but you probably won’t have the resources for it – especially the skins. Skins come from animals that run away when you get too close, so it’s time to make a ranged weapon. Make yourself one Hunt bow (8 Elven Wood and 2 Skin Remnants) and the same amount Arrows (15 wood fragments and 3 metal fragments) as you like. The arrows come in sets of 30 and a stack contains 99 arrows.

Collect skins to create a new pack

The Hide Scraps that drop from Wolves and Da’imun that you have been using all the time (including for crafting your bow) are not enough for your new pack. You are looking for Hides.

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria player approaches a Hriwaras in the Elven Quarter

Image: Free Range Games/North Beach Games via Polygon

Skins fall from the so-called white elk-like animals Hriwaras which you will see around the Elven District. These will run away if you get too close, so the only way to kill them at close range is to trap them in a corner – of which there are frustratingly few in the Elven Quarter. Instead, use your bow to take them out. If you don’t kill them in one shot, they won’t run far before stopping, so just chase them.

Technically it is also possible to obtain skins Cave bears, but your weapons aren’t really a match for them yet and it’s not really worth reducing their health. It’s much faster to look around for Hriwaras.

You need 8 skins for your new pack.

Create an Adventurer Pack to expand your inventory

Back at the workbench it’s time to make your own creations Adventurer package (8 hides). This new pack has 25 slots for inventory. Because weight is not an issue, this means you can collect a lot more stuff during your expeditions, such as when you go to the Great Forge of Narvi to start making steel.