I want to rehome my dog after he snapped at my twins’ faces – but my partner is REFUSING to agree

A woman has revealed she wants to rehome her dog after it snapped at her children’s faces, but her partner refuses to agree.

The anonymous British woman took to the parenting forum Mothernet to explain the delicate situation; her Border Collie has been terrorizing her family of four for two years.

She said: ‘We got our dog seven years ago when there was just the two of us. He has been a great dog, apart from being uncontrollable on a leash and reactive with children.”

The woman explained that the couple had tried everything to tame him, but the hundreds they spent on a dog trainer were wasted once they were told the cause of the problem was his breed.

The mother, who gave birth to her twins last year, hoped her dog would calm down and welcome the newborns into the family, but “he just hates them” and “won’t even be in the same room as her.”

The anonymous British woman took to parenting forum Mumsnet to explain the delicate situation; her Border Collie has been terrorizing her family of four for two years. (stock image)

He even snapped at the babies twice, all because they tried to touch him.

The Mumsnet user has had enough and said that the Border Collie is so territorial that she ‘I can’t have doors open in the summer and not let my babies play in the backyard.”

The disgruntled mother continued, “I can’t leave them in the kitchen when it’s raining because he sits in there and he barks and growls at them from his crate when I put him in there.

“But we don’t have much time to walk him anymore because I can’t walk him on a leash and I can’t walk him with my kids, so the time I can walk him is so limited, because of our shifts. I’m alone a lot.’

Logically, the woman decided it was wise to cut ties with the problematic dog and put her family first, but it turns out her boyfriend and his family thought differently.

InitialShe was determined to give the dog to anyone willing without little ones, but her boyfriend’s parents opposed the motion and instead offered to take him in.

But apparently they went back on their word, leaving the mother of two to think about moving with her two children.

The caring parent said: ‘I can’t live in fear of the dog biting the babies. But I feel like my entire family is against me and would choose a dog over their grandchildren and have no regard for the safety of their children and grandchildren.”

The woman explained that the couple had tried everything to tame him, but the hundreds they spent on a dog trainer were wasted once they were told the cause of the problem was his breed.

The woman explained that the couple had tried everything to tame him, but the hundreds they spent on a dog trainer were wasted once they were told the cause of the problem was his breed.

Also considering the dog’s safety, she said, “We could live (there) by keeping the dog in a crate, but I don’t think that’s fair to the dog.” “While it’s so sad to have to rehome him, it’s also sad to have to keep him in a crate all the time when he should be living with someone who has time for him.”

She said helplessly: ‘I’m living in limbo and don’t know if I’m going to give the dog a new home or if my partner is going to leave me, and I’m going to have to find a home for me and my two-year-old twins. Am I wrong in this situation?’

Users quickly came to her defense – and accused her boyfriend of his poor parenting.

One person wrote: ‘YANBU. The dog has to go, there is no other option and your family is being ridiculous.’

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Users quickly came to her defense - and accused her boyfriend of his poor parenting

Users quickly came to her defense – and accused her boyfriend of his bad parenting

Another said: ‘Just rehome the dog without him knowing. He comes home from work one day and the dog is not there. This is exactly what my mother did when my father got a dog that was not suitable for the family.’

Someone else wrote: ‘Your DC is in danger, the dog has to go today. You need outside help, whether that is advice from the police or social services.

‘It doesn’t really matter what your H or his parents’ opinion is, the safety of children comes first. Has your baby needed treatment because of the bite?’

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The woman was grateful for all the advice and revealed that she will rehome the dog without his input

The woman was grateful for all the advice and revealed that she will rehome the dog without his input

The woman was grateful for all the advice and revealed that she will rehome the dog without his input.

She wrote: ‘Thank you, the dog is currently being kept completely separated from the children, the dog was snapping at the baby’s face so she didn’t get hurt, but the intention was there.

‘Since then the dog has been kept completely separate from the children, but we can’t live like that. I think I’m just going to have the dog rehomed without his input into the decision because he refuses to make a decision.

‘I have a really lovely dog ​​rehoming charity. I’ve spoken to a lady who says she will investigate every house and make sure it goes to the right place, thank you.’