What happens to Victor Timely now?

Victor Opportune’s fingerprints are all over Loki 2 time, even when it is not. As one of the many versions of Kang the Conqueror, it immediately feels appropriate the greatest for a second time, before we know his plans which inspired (nay, created?) the Time Loom. He is definitely the one who remains the plan, but still! As we can see from the workshop of his inventions and the way Miss Minuta tries to come to him: Timely got the juice!

(Ed. note: This post will now somewhat spoil the end of episode 4, with some speculation as to what will happen next. Remind me).

So it’s kind of amazing when, after all the hard work and amazing CGI to build it for TVA with OB, the magical machine that saved the day was just…spaghetti’d. In a sudden moment, Time turns into noodles, and Loki is left stunned, just wondering what the hell they’re going to do without him, while the audience wonders what the hell. Loki will do without him.

However, this folding of time into itself taught us only one thing: This moment could have a greater implication for the time continuum of space. Properly manipulating the time period of the pasta could indicate its existence, life, consciousness, or matter simply wibbly wobblied somewhere. As such, the spaghettified Victor Fit didn’t go away – or at least the story didn’t happen with him. So what could happen to him? Here are our thoughts.

Theory 1: Conqueror Timely episode 4 creates the fate of Kang the Conqueror

Kang appears on a flying platform with glowing green and purple arms and a mask with a blue veil thrown over his face in the sixth installment of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum of Solace.

Image: Marvel Studios

We know there seem to be infinite Kangs spread across infinite things, but how do they become… you know, Kang? He comes from the future, so his advanced technology (and his survival) accounts for his many powers. And we know that he had a most ingenious intellect, as is shown by Victor Templi’s less timely comments. But will he manage his character and time and matter? It is sometimes attributed to his suit, but I think that too is left a little open to interpretation.

What if we just saw its origin? Loki? He was a man, as many have put it before me, completely and utterly spaghetti’d by the approaching stream and the multifarious branches of the multiverse. Could his essence be diffused into the multifarious through the sea, gaining unexpected powers in the process? Or even more directly, didn’t this event somehow change the brain chemistry of all the other variants across the timelines, due to the sheer proximity to those times? Could this be the event that transformed Victor Timely/Nathaniel Richards into Kang the Conqueror? It seems like that’s what the MCU is going to do – they love a big reveal, though Loki He was asked to bring a wonderful burden when he approached the universe with a great evil. So showing his “origin” genre in the series isn’t much of a stretch. –Pete Volk

Theory 2: Victor Timely is going to go elsewhere in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Avengers stand among the wreckage and flames of the Battle of New York

Image: Marvel Studios

What we don’t know about the technobabble of the Loom era is that it pulls all the different times of the multiverse and hesitates. But unlike an actual sewing machine, the band sits in a large space, pulling whatever threads are approaching. So maybe when Victor turns on the wires in the empty waste outside the TVA, the remains are also sucked into the stream, like one of the giant wormholes of the machine.

Then, Timely plop out of… somewhere! My guess is, it won’t be as big anyway (or at least it shouldn’t be), like the Battle of New York or the fight against Thanos. This will just be a quick little end-credits joke, just like the original Guardians of the Galaxy tag with Howard the Duck. I hope that somewhere in their lands they will make small discoveries; if not, well, there’s always Kang next. –Zosha Millman

Theory 3: Timely Victor is dead!

Jonathan Majors as Victor Timely in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum of Solace.

Image: Marvel Studios

I think he is dead. That seems to present a problem with the timeline: If Victor Timely is really Kang who invented the TVA, he must not have died before he invented the TVA. Maybe we’re going to see a chance of that – two climactic episodes in which all the TVA employees wake up in their communal lives at the right time, because TVA will never get out of it. Maybe Mobius will finally get to ride Jet Skr. Perhaps it was possible to choose between Jet Skis and TVA to somehow put it into existence.

But honestly, there seems to be only causality Loki he wants, who knows! If he died in time, there are many Kangs to go around. –Susan Polo

Theory 4: The winner is Spaghetti Time now, period.


Photo: Louis Robayo/AFP via Getty Images

My theory is short, simple, and best summed up in the words of Polygon’s executive editor, Matthew Patches, when in the father’s way: pasghetti.

So, the winner is not necessarily the one who stays, but Kang is equally if not more different: the one who started the spaghetti. Within TVA’s walls, far outside the confines of the regular season, all spaghetti, and perhaps all European noodle shapes in general, were discovered mainly through the dissolution of Victor Timely. Through his sacrifice, the bright divinity of a new knotty form is dissolved in a stream and spread through the various, rolled into the perfect place in the history of each universe to help someone who discovers the most sacred form of pasta delivery sauce: the spaghetti noodle.

Of course, it is important to remember that Victor is one man, and his physical form is limited by his size, even when stretched by an unstable rod. This means, tragically, that not everyone will experience the magic of spaghetti. Some people lost their pasta perfection because their universe never delivered a horrible Cronenberg-esque noodle shaped piece of a man. But we have thanks to God in him who did it. –Austen Goslin
