I don’t want Batman’s utility belt when I’m Spider-Man

Many of the ideas are great and Insomniac’s Spider-Man game mechanics are borrowed from the Rocksteady series. The influence from those Batman games is evident in the fluid combat, the stealth sequences, and most notably, the new addition of the web line in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which allows you to create an articulation for greater flexibility and pick up the bad guys. However, there is one element that I would like to stick with Da Bat: the utility belt of fancy gadgets.

I implore, I appeal. More Power = More Fun A lot of people with these types of games (and I’m really enjoying the game). But here’s the thing: I don’t want to be Batman. I’m here to be Spider-Man!

When I play Spider-Man, I want to run around the city, do small and large tasks to the locals, punch and kick the bad guys, and use my webs to either throw them at things or throw them around a bit. . I don’t want to throw gravity bombs or use mechanical spider legs that grow out of my back like ungodly contraptions.

Spider-Man looks at the Spider-Bot in his hands in Spider-Man 2

Image: Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon

Also… Who pays for all these decorations? To their credit, the games acknowledge the financial precariousness of their protagonists in a way similar to Sam Raimi’s horror movie trilogy (and unlike the MCU Spider-Man trilogy, where Peter has a billionaire benefactor in Tony Stark). Two great plot points The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Peter is struggling to pay the mortgage on his house inherited from Aunt May, and he can’t keep his job (a volunteer crime-fighting job gets in the way). This is not a person who can bring an endless supply of gadgets and high-tech enhancements.

It’s true that Peter Octavius ​​worked with Otto in the first game, which gave him access to much of this gear, but even the scientists struggled without a prescription to support Spidey’s new war chest. Now that Otto’s board is out, it’s even harder to see how Peter could keep up his gadget habit – even though at a time when he’s making all the money he can muster, he’s doing absolutely horrible financially.

As a great poster once saidFood $200, Data $150, Rent $800, Spider gadgets $3,600, Utilities $150. Someone who is good at economics will help Peter with this budget. His family is dying.
