Big Brother SPOILER: Three housemates face eviction while Yirun bursts into hysterical tears as her nominations are REVOKED and she’s put in jail for breaking show rules

Three housemates have been evicted this week and will face the public vote ahead of Friday’s live show.

In scenes airing in Wednesday’s episode, the housemates gathered in the lounge before being called to the Diary Room to nominate two housemates.

Matty revealed the reason for his nomination and the identity of who fans will see on the show: “I still think she’s quite loud and sometimes she has disproportionate reactions to minor discomfort.”

Meanwhile, when nominating one of his housemates, Dylan told Big Brother: ‘When it came to the Foul Fast Food challenge I felt like she took more time talking about it than actually doing the challenge, whereas everyone else was just getting started. along.’

Once all the housemates had nominated themselves, Big Brother made a surprise revelation that one of them would be punished for breaking the rules.

Big Brother SPOILER: Three housemates will be evicted as Yirun burst into hysterical tears as her nominations were WITHDRAWN and she was jailed for breaking show rules

Tense: In scenes airing in Wednesday's episode, the housemates gathered in the lounge before being called to the Diary Room to nominate two housemates

Tense: In scenes airing in Wednesday’s episode, the housemates gathered in the lounge before being called to the Diary Room to nominate two housemates

Addressing a shocked house, Big Brother said: “Housemates. The rules surrounding the discussion of nominations have been clearly explained to you.

“Today at 1:18 PM this rule was broken by one of you. Both their nominations have been withdrawn and they will also go to jail.

“The housemate who broke the rule is Yinrun.”

Ironically, one of Yinrun’s since-rescinded nominations had been for Hallie, because she had broken the rules a week earlier.

Yinrun apologized for her mistake and said: ‘I think it’s very bad, because it could be a punishment for all housemates.

‘I still say it because I was so nervous today and I don’t know who to choose. My apologies – sorry everyone.”

Big Brother then delivered another shock when they revealed that three housemates will face eviction this week.

Still, the drama wasn’t dwelled on too much when Yinrun was ordered to transform into one orange jumpsuit before going into the yard to spend time in jail.

Devastated by the news of her rule breaking and how her violation affected the outcome of this week’s nominations, Yinrun sought support from Trish and Matty.

Trish tried to comfort her and said, “Yinrun, you are doing well. Try not to fall into despair or guilt.’

And as proof that her rule breaking had not upset the other housemates, they soon began protesting for her release, marching through the garden chanting, “Free Yinrun!”

Lawyer Jordan was then brought forward by the housemates to try to reason with Big Brother and went to the Diary Room to plead her case.

Oh dear: Yinrun apologized for her mistake and said, 'I'm very sorry because it could be a punishment for all the housemates'

Oh dear: Yinrun apologized for her mistake and said, ‘I’m very sorry because it could be a punishment for all the housemates’

News of Yinrun’s prison sentence was first announced on Tuesday’s episode of Big Brother Late and Live, with guest host Oti Mabuse going behind the scenes to spy on the house action.

She said: ‘She’s in the cage but Dylan came and gave her some shoes, she’s being supported. It’s very cold now, but she has some food in her pockets!’

It’s the second time prison has appeared in this series after Olivia and Hallie were jailed last week for writing in code on each other’s backs about who they nominated.

Big Brother continues with an extended episode on ITV2 and ITVX on Wednesday at 9pm.

Oops: Ironically, one of Yinrun's since-rescinded nominations had been for Hallie because she broke the rules a week earlier

Oops: Ironically, one of Yinrun’s since-rescinded nominations had been for Hallie because she broke the rules a week earlier