Convicted sex-offender Joseph Moore has signs reading ‘free fentanyl’ at his home outside a San Francisco school drawing outrage from community members

  • Joseph Moore was sentenced to six years in prison in 1997 for lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14
  • He has camped outside the $11,500-a-year Stella Maris Academy with provocative signs offering meth and “free fentanyl.”
  • Moore reportedly admitted to selling drugs when questioned by a local media outlet

A convicted pedophile has set up camp outside a San Francisco school with signs offering “free fentanyl” and other drugs – a move that has angered the community.

Joseph Adam Moore, 46, lives in a tent near Stella Maris Academy Catholic school. California sex offender registry records show that Moore received a six-year prison sentence in 1997 for lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14.

Photos show the encampment decorated with signs reading “Meth for Stolen Items” and “Free Fentanyl 4 New Users.”

“We don’t want anything like that near our schools, but we want to be able to work with law enforcement to establish guidelines,” Peter Marlow, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of San Francisco, said of the demonstration.

Joseph Adam Moore, 46, convicted of sexual contact with a child under 14, but camps outside Stella Maris Academy in San Francisco

Joseph Adam Moore, 46, convicted of sexual contact with a child under 14, but camps outside Stella Maris Academy in San Francisco

Photos show his encampment decorated with signs that read

Photos show his encampment decorated with signs that read “Meth for stolen items” and “Free Fentanyl 4 new users.”

A Santa Cruz Sentinel article from the same year describes how Moore had been out of custody for just a month after abusing a 12-year-old girl when he committed “statutory rape” against a 15-year-old girl.

He has also been arrested five times since 2007 for failing to provide authorities with his address as a sex offender every 30 days. San Francisco standard reports.

Moore told Standard that the signs had been up in the camp for a few days and that a “charged response” had already been received with some people threatening his life.

He also admitted that he actually sold drugs.

‘Yes, this is really happening, but only because I’m tired. I’m tired. If you want to flush the whole world down the toilet, if you want to ignore people like me, it is at your own peril. I mean, I’m a scholar. You can’t fake that,” he said.

Moore was about 19 years old when he was convicted in 1997, but claimed he was told that pleading guilty would result in a more lenient sentence that could be expunged from his record with good behavior.

“It’s all lies, and there’s no bigger lie than the justice system,” Moore claimed.

Moore was last arrested on May 11 for an alleged crime while out on bail, but no further details about the offense were available.

Moore has posted “free fentanyl” and “meth for stolen property” signs at his camp across from the $11,500-a-year Catholic school

Moore has posted “free fentanyl” and “meth for stolen property” signs at his camp across from the $11,500-a-year Catholic school

His presence in front of the $11,700-a-year school has ruffled feathers, including those of the environmental charity Refuse Refuse San Francisco.

The charity shared a photo of the camp, saying: ‘This is a sign at the encampment that we clean regularly at 9th Ave and Geary, right next to the Richmond Library.

“Can anyone justify how we accept this as normal and acceptable?”

Marlow said police have visited Moore’s camp several times.

‘I noticed that this person is well established there. They disappeared about a month ago and now they’ve turned up again,” Marlow told the Standard.

‘I had seen him for the past year before he disappeared, but now he is back. I don’t know these signals about fentanyl and things like that.’

He added that the school would investigate Moore’s claims that he sells drugs.

A spokesperson for the San Francisco Police Department confirmed to the newspaper that there are no incident reports related to the location and that Moore has no arrest records in the past 90 days.