I’m a doctor – and here’s the surprising reason you should NEVER mix berries with dairy in your smoothies

  • Dr. Charles Puza is a dermatologist practicing in New York City
  • He shares science-backed health and beauty tips on TikTok
  • Dr. Puza recently shared why she does not recommend mixing berries with milk

A doctor has discovered the surprising reason why you should never mix berries with milk or yogurt in your smoothies.

Dr. Charles Puza, a dermatologist practicing in New York City, has more than 1.4 million followers on TikTok, where he shares science-backed health and beauty tips.

He recently sew a video of content creator Dana Bobyn making a high-protein smoothie with bananas, blueberries, almond butter, Greek yogurt, protein powder, and spinach.

Dr. Puza noted that she loves smoothies before revealing which ingredient she should have skipped if she wanted to get the full health benefits of berries.

Dr.  Charles Puza, a dermatologist practicing in New York City, revealed in a recent TikTok video the surprising reason why you shouldn't mix berries with milk

Dr. Charles Puza, a dermatologist practicing in New York City, revealed in a recent TikTok video the surprising reason why you shouldn’t mix berries with milk

Doctor Who posted a video of content creator Dana Bobyn making a high-protein smoothie with bananas, blueberries, almond butter, Greek yogurt, protein powder, and spinach

Doctor Who posted a video of content creator Dana Bobyn making a high-protein smoothie with bananas, blueberries, almond butter, Greek yogurt, protein powder, and spinach

Doctor Who posted a video of content creator Dana Bobyn making a high-protein smoothie with bananas, blueberries, almond butter, Greek yogurt, protein powder, and spinach

Dr.  Puza pointed out the one ingredient she had to skip if she wanted to get the full health benefits of berries.

Dr. Puza pointed out the one ingredient she had to skip if she wanted to get the full health benefits of berries.

“No offense to this creator, because I don’t think anyone really learns that,” he said.

“But if you mix dairy with antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries — the stuff you want to top your smoothies with — you actually cancel out the absorption of the antioxidants.”

“It’s true,” he added, saying he would share the study in comments.

of STUDY Dr. Puza referred to finding that eating blueberries with milk reduces the absorption of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant.

Antioxidants are chemicals that neutralize the activity of harmful free radicals, which are linked to diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Berries, vegetables, beans and teas are known to be rich in antioxidants, but this does not necessarily mean that you should stop consuming dairy products.

Although research has shown that milk lowers antioxidant capacity to some extent, there is insufficient evidence that consuming milk with foods and beverages high in antioxidants has health benefits, according to Health line.

Dr. Puza’s video has been viewed nearly 30,000 times and has received various comments from commentators.

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“If you mix dairy products with antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries… you actually cancel out the absorption of the antioxidants,” he explained.

Im a doctor and heres the surprising reason you

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The video of Dr.  Puza has been viewed nearly 30,000 times and received mixed reviews from commenters who were not convinced by the study he cited.

The video of Dr. Puza has been viewed nearly 30,000 times and received mixed reviews from commenters who were not convinced by the study he cited.

“This is the information I need. Good to know!’ one person answered.

“WHAT,” someone else added. “Made that mistake.”

“I also recently saw an article that said NEVER mix bananas with blackberries. Something about breaking down polyphenols,” added another.

Others shared that they did not find the study convincing enough to stop mixing milk with berries.

This was a study of 11 people. Is there other data you are citing or is this the only study? Honestly asking, one user asked.

“The creator wasn’t making an antioxidant smoothie, she was making a protein smoothie. Blueberries and dairy are delicious and make a great pairing,” argued another.

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