Millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson reveals the VERY complicated morning routine that he says will help him live to ‘120+’ – as he reveals the ideal time to begin an anti-aging regimen, admitting he wishes he could ‘go back in time’ and start earlier

Millionaire Bryan Johnson can afford just about anything he wants in life – but the one thing money can’t buy is the ability to change the habits of his former self.

The tech CEO has made headlines in recent years for his obsession with age-reversal through his Blueprint diet – which he spent millions developing.

The wealthy health nut has revealed that there is an optimal age to start taking serious care of yourself – and unfortunately, you’re probably already too late.

“What I would give to go back in time and start this way of life, at that age (10 to 20),” says California tech mogul Bryan, 46, wistfully in a recent YouTube video titled My morning routine (lively to 120+).

‘It is so much harder to reverse aging damage than to prevent it,’ he pointed out. “There was this mindset that you live fast and die young or that you do things in your youth and then fix things when you’re an adult.”

Millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson shared insight into his meticulous morning routine, which sees him wake up between 4:30-6am and spend time in front of a UV light

Millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson shared insight into his meticulous morning routine, which sees him wake up between 4:30-6am and spend time in front of a UV light

Bryan, 46, who has added meditation to his routine, says he wishes he had started his health journey decades earlier, revealing he should have started between the ages of 10 and 20

Bryan, 46, who has added meditation to his routine, says he wishes he had started his health journey decades earlier, revealing he should have started between the ages of 10 and 20

His team of medical staff organizes his pills every two weeks

Bryan takes about 50 to 60 pills a day, which his team organizes for him

The millionaire takes around 50 to 60 pills a day, with his team of medical staff swapping them out every two weeks in response to how they’ve helped his health journey

The health-conscious millionaire described life with health not being your priority – but with the plan to fix it later – as ‘not a good idea’.

“So if you are in your younger years, I would strongly encourage you to start this and avoid the traps of self-destructive behavior that has been the cultural norm,” he urged.

In the 12:30-minute video, Bryan took viewers through his rigorous morning routine, which starts around 4:40 to 6:00 a.m. and lasts for about “three to four hours.”

The first thing the tech mogul does in the morning is take his temperature with an in-ear device.

“I’m doing this as a safety and efficacy study for various therapies we do,” he explained, adding that he’s generally “cooler” than most by 3 degrees because of his diet.

The health junkie then catches a few rays – from a UV light that emits 10,000 lux – the recommended amount of lux for effective light therapy.

“I normally wake up when it’s dark outside so I can’t see the sun,” he explained. “And so instead of the sun I will use this device it helps to set circadian rhythm it improves sleep after the light exposure.”

He then takes 10 micrograms of heme iron – the iron that is most easily absorbed by the body – and 250 micrograms of vitamin C.

Bryan uses a range of light treatments, including red light therapy (pictured), to help prevent hair loss

Bryan uses a range of light treatments, including red light therapy (pictured), to help prevent hair loss

He prepares his food for the morning (pictured here making his green monster drink) before starting his intense workout for the day

He prepares his food for the morning (pictured here making his green monster drink) before starting his intense workout for the day

He has access to the latest technology, such as this device to help with his dry eyes, which he uses every day

He has access to the latest technology, such as this device to help with his dry eyes, which he uses every day

He then takes his body measurements and notes his weight, body mass index, fat, visceral fat, muscle, water, bone and water percentages in his body.

Bryan Johnson’s Age-Reversing Morning Routine

  • The millionaire wakes up naturally between 4.30am and 6am every day – depending on how well he slept
  • When he wakes up, he takes his temperature and body measurements, which include: his weight, body mass index, fat, visceral fat, muscle, water, bone and water percentage
  • He will then use a UV and blue light
  • Bryan said he started incorporating meditation into his routine, which he does for 10 minutes daily
  • He then uses a device to relieve dry eyes and eye drops for cataract prevention
  • He then takes his ‘morning pills’, consisting of 50 to 60 vitamins and minerals, which he takes while drinking his ‘green giant’ drink
  • He begins to prepare his first two meals of the day – the super veg and nut pudding – while wearing a red light cap to reduce hair loss
  • Bryan will then complete his high intensity workout
  • After the workout, he will eat the pre-prepared super vegetable meal

Finally, before Bryan begins the second part of his morning – which is eating breakfast and working out – Bryan undergoes five minutes of blue light therapy, which involves lying back and placing a mask with a blue light over his face.

“It keeps my complexion clear and it’s also a nice time to do a little meditation,” he said.

Bryan does a more focused meditation in his living room for about 10 minutes to ‘ground’ himself before going about the rest of his day.

The tech millionaire noted that he doesn’t set alarms and wakes up naturally. Depending on how well he slept, he may wake up as early as 4:30 in the morning.

“I can imagine you (the viewers) watching me and thinking ‘these guys are crazy,'” he joked, adding: ‘Probably true.’

“I think of myself now as a professional rejuvenation athlete,” he explained. ‘My life tries to be the science; it’s like trying to be the whole process from the discovery and analysis to the implementation.’

Bryan then proceeded to use another device aimed at relieving dry eyes, which he placed just near the junction of the eye socket and nose and held for 30 seconds.

He then uses some eye drops for cataract prevention and checks the air quality.

The next step is to get through the mountain of pills, carefully organized into individual tins.

“Every two weeks my team organizes all the pills,” Bryan explained, pointing to the small can with “over 50 or 60” vitamins and minerals inside.

“In between those times, we change some things,” he continued, adding that his team of medical specialists will often add a few new pills mid-cycle.

“(When) the two-week timeframe arrives, they will be included in the whole process,” the tech mogul said.

The millionaire does daily HIIT workouts in his gym

He toils daily

Bryan exercises 30 to 60 minutes a day and does high intensity workouts in the gym where he tries to keep his heart rate up

He meets with his medical staff every day who monitor his progress and adjust various pills and treatments

He meets with his medical staff every day who monitor his progress and adjust various pills and treatments

1697012267 235 Millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson reveals the VERY complicated morning routine

Another therapy he uses is blue light therapy in the mornings, to help with his complexion

Another therapy he uses is blue light therapy in the mornings, to help with his complexion

Bryan prepares many of his meals, and while doing a high-intensity workout in the morning, he defrosts and cooks his food—while wearing a red-light hat to help with hair loss, something that began in his early thirties. .’

Bryan eats a dish called ‘super veggie’ for breakfast, and says he rotates monthly between eating it pureed or in whole pieces – eating a total of 50 pounds of vegetables per month.

The millionaire then prepared his second meal of the day – a nut pudding – and then went to complete his HIIT workout. He noted that he usually exercises for 30 to 60 minutes, but he only had 20, so was just trying to get his heart rate in the 160s.

It is then at one of his ‘favourite’ parts of the day – breakfast – where he enjoys a ‘few pounds of vegetables’ along with some fermented foods and two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil before going about his day.

Bryan also added that it’s important to remember that he’s not suggesting people try his diet — which is apart of his Blueprint Project — and copy it exactly; but rather adapt it to suit their own lifestyle.

“Hopefully you can pull nuggets here and there about what you want to do, but you definitely don’t have to do my whole routine,” he added.

He added that sometimes starting small is the best way to initiate change.

“Often life is defined by our ability to just take that first baby step and take the smallest actions in life,” he said.

“I’ve wrecked my body and mind for almost 20 years,” he thought. “And if I can come back from that really bad place to be in pretty good health now, so can you.”

Bryan Johnson is shown here in 2018 before he began his biohacking efforts

In 2023, Bryan Johnson, who is 46, has the biological age of 36

Bryan’s biohacking and restrictive diet changed his appearance, shown in 2018 (left) and 2023 (right)

A team of more than 30 doctors regularly measures Bryan's blood, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood vessels and sexual health

A team of more than 30 doctors regularly measures Bryan’s blood, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood vessels and sexual health

Bryan has made millions from his online payment platform Braintree, which has generated nearly $5 million in revenue in just three years.

In 2012, profits soared with Braintree’s $26 million acquisition of Venmo, and was bought out by PayPal for $800 million the following year.

He has since developed a company aimed at improving the quality and access to high-tech brain scans meant to spot impending diseases early, earning him a mountain of revenue to spend on his health efforts, such as devices to measure nocturnal erections and a blood plasma exchange with his teenage son.

His quest for youth began in 2020, and has since spent an estimated $6 million.

A team of more than 30 doctors regularly measures his blood, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood vessels and sexual health.

He claims he now has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the fitness of an 18-year-old.