Giant meteor spotted over Scotland as space object crashes to earth in a yet unidentified location
Meteor streaks across Scotland’s skies ‘so low you could HEAR it’ leaving locals transfixed
- At least 200 people have reported seeing a huge fireball in Scotland
- Further reports have come in recently from Exeter and Northern Ireland
- The UK Meteor Network confirmed the meteor shortly after 10pm
A large meteor has been spotted over Scotland and the north of England.
Video shot form a back garden in Motherwell shows large bright object flying from let to right an a downwards angle followed by a long tail.
The UK Meteor Network has received more than 200 public reports about a fireball in the sky. A couple of their cameras caught the image.
Witnesses claimed the object was ‘so low you could hear it’.
A large meteor is believed to have crashed in Scotland having been filmed and caught on camera
It was reported that the meteor was spotted around 9pm, with reports coming from across Scotland and the north of England
UK Meteor Network said they have received 35 reports of the fireball streaking across the sky
Further reports said the meteor had been spotted over County Donegal in the Republic of Ireland.
Many people reported hearing a loud bang as the object entered the Earth’s atmosphere and shot past the sound barrier.
According to initial reports the meteor has heading from the south west over the island of Ireland and across to Scotland.
Alan McGowan, of Dunblane, Stirlingshire, said: ‘I saw it arc slowly across the night sky as I drove through Dunblane with my dad around 10pm. It was a huge burning ball of green with an orange flaming tail. It was amazing to see. At first we thought it was a crashing plane or helicopter then realised it was likely a meteor.’
One video shot in Dublin saw the meteor lighting the night’s sky green.
Some witnesses claimed that the object crashed north of Glasgow although there has been no proof of an impact.
One witness told MailOnline: ‘We saw it in Linlithgow West Lothian, Scotland. Heading south to north, green trail behind it. Amazing.’
Stephanie Sharp said: ‘Spotted in West Cumbria looking West over the Solway at approx 22:00, very long tail and slow trailing through the sky. I’ve seen similar fireballs in the past 10 years, but nothing as spectacular as this!
Jennifer Ryan said she saw the object crossing Dublin Bay.