I’m a photography expert and these eight tricks will make you look good in any photo

Many people will be camera shy – accustomed to a lifetime of awkward photos from closed eyes and double chins to goofy smiles.

But photographers have now revealed how to perfect your smile to make the most photogenic shot possible – no matter how you’re feeling.

Around 70 per cent of Brits feel uncomfortable in photos, according to a study by Invisalign this year.

So you’re not alone if you find yourself nervous when a camera is near you — but luckily, the experts at Lafayette Photography have found out how you can achieve the perfect smile.

Whether it’s a group photo, selfie, or professional shot, these tricks will help you smile naturally and feel more at ease the next time a camera comes your way…

Smile with your eyes

Most people in the UK have tried 'focusing' on photos.  The term, coined by supermodel Tyra Banks (pictured), means 'to smile with your eyes'

Most people in the UK have tried ‘focusing’ on photos. The term, coined by supermodel Tyra Banks (pictured), means ‘to smile with your eyes’

Most people in the UK have tried ‘focusing’ on photos. The term, coined by supermodel Tyra Banks, means ‘to smile with your eyes’.

To achieve this, keep a relaxed facial expression, tilt your chin and slightly squint your eyes.

It may not feel completely natural, but it is extremely effective in enhancing the appearance of your face for a perfect smile.

Think happy thoughts

This approach ensures no awkward poses or fake smiles;  instead, you will naturally feel more relaxed, promoting a genuine smile.  Pictured: Kim Kardashian

This approach ensures no awkward poses or fake smiles; instead, you will naturally feel more relaxed, promoting a genuine smile. Pictured: Kim Kardashian

Our minds are powerful.

By simply diverting your thoughts to things that make you happy – be it a person, place or thing, you can boost your mood, reduce stress and create a positive atmosphere around you towards things that make you happy – be it a person , place or thing, you can boost your mood, reduce stress and create a positive atmosphere around you.

A recent study from the University of Sussex found that thinking about happy things for just two minutes can reduce stress levels by up to 25 percent.

This approach ensures no awkward poses or fake smiles; instead, you will naturally feel more relaxed, promoting a genuine smile.


Laughter creates a natural kick.  Pictured: Emma Watson at the BAFTAs

Laughter creates a natural kick. Pictured: Emma Watson at the BAFTAs

If you want to create a big smile full of personality, try laughing.

This combination of genuine emotion and a well-timed laugh can elevate your smile, making it appear even more radiant and full of life.

Letting out an audible breath pushes air out of your stomach, giving you the added bonus of a tighter waist.

Close your eyes

A useful tactic to ensure your photos look natural and effortless is to briefly close your eyes a few seconds before taking the photo.

As the closing moment approaches, slowly open your eyes adding a soft smile to your face.

This technique relaxes your facial muscles, resulting in a more authentic smile.

This method can be especially useful in group photos, where there may be various distractions. By briefly closing your eyes, you can momentarily block out the chaos and regain your focus.

Grit your teeth

Clenching your teeth before smiling in photos is a technique some people use to create the appearance of a more structured or defined jawline.

This can be especially useful for individuals who want to accentuate their jawline or give the impression of a more chiseled facial structure in photos.

Around 30 per cent of Brits clench their teeth in photos to try to look more confident, according to research from Invisalign.

When you clench your teeth, it can cause the muscles in your jaw and neck to tense, which can temporarily define your jawline and make it look more prominent.

However, clenching your teeth too much can look unnatural, so clench your teeth only slightly.

Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth

Instead of relying solely on your teeth for a smile, let your face and neck muscles do the work.

Pressing the tongue lightly against the roof of the mouth causes a subtle tightening of the facial and neck muscles, creating a more natural-looking smile.

Practice makes perfect

Smiling in front of the mirror will allow you to move naturally and try different angles and poses that work for you – although taking self-portraits can be more effective as you can also see how you’re being recorded on camera.

Some people look better when they smile with teeth, while others find it more flattering to smile without teeth. Practice both to see what works best for you.

Keep your chin up

Allowing your chin to point down can often result in visible wrinkles in the neck area - a cause of concern for almost 60 per cent of British adults.  A chin lift will prevent this - pictured: Khloe Kardashian

Allowing your chin to point down can often result in visible wrinkles in the neck area – a cause of concern for almost 60 per cent of British adults. A chin lift will prevent this – pictured: Khloe Kardashian

Allowing your chin to point down can often result in visible wrinkles in the neck area – a cause of concern for almost 60 per cent of British adults.

To achieve a flatter and more youthful look, try to create as much separation as possible between the chin and neck.

By elongating your neck and gently pulling your chin forward, you can create a more defined and elegant jawline, which contributes to a more confident look in photos.

Be yourself

Although it may seem cliché, the universal trick to achieving the perfect smile in the photo is to simply be yourself. Forcing a smile rarely looks good.

The best smile is one that you can comfortably maintain for a long period, even up to an hour if necessary.

So the next time you have your picture taken, relax your facial muscles, smile with your eyes and don’t be afraid to show your teeth (or not, depending on what feels natural to you).

When you are yourself, your true beauty will shine through, resulting in the most attractive smiles in your photos.

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