Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are silent on Hamas terror attack against Israel

In the nearly 48 hours since the militant Palestinian terrorist group Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel, former Democratic presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have not uttered a word.

By Sunday evening, no social media account linked to either man, including presidential library and foundation accounts, had commented on the attack that left 700 Israelis (and reportedly four Americans) dead and thousands missing and wounded.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did release a statement Sunday evening offering her prayers to “all those affected by the horrific attacks by Hamas in Israel.”

The Obama administration has had a notoriously rocky relationship with the US’s closest ally. President Obama himself and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were not close, and there was tension over brokering the Iran nuclear deal — a passion project of Obama’s team.

Bill Clinton had a positive relationship with Israel and oversaw the signing of the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan – a formerly hostile neighbor.

Statements from the two most recent Republican presidents – George W. Bush and Donald Trump – were issued this weekend.

Barack Obama has overseen a period of relative tension with Israel

Bill Clinton oversaw the mediation of the Israel-Jordan peace treaty

Neither former president said a word about the brutal attack carried out by Hamas terrorists over the weekend

Trump, whose administration oversaw the signing of the Abraham Accords – bilateral agreements on Arab-Israeli normalization signed by Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates – called the attacks a “disgrace” and urged Israel to defending himself with ‘overwhelming force’.

In a Truth Social post on Saturday, Trump wrote: ‘These Hamas attacks are a disgrace and Israel has every right to defend itself with overwhelming force. Unfortunately, American taxpayer dollars have helped fund these attacks, which many reports have come from the Biden administration.’

“We brought so much peace to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords, only to see Biden grind it away at a much faster pace than anyone thought possible. Here we go again.’

He later said that, like the war between Russia and Ukraine, the current conflict between Israel and the Palestinians would not have happened if he had been the president.

The George W. Bush Presidential Center also issued a statement following the attack that condemned Hamas’ brutal attack in no uncertain terms.

“We call on the United States and our allies to stand unequivocally with Israel, its government and people, and support Israel’s right to defend itself against these threats,” the statement said.

“Attacks on free and democratic states everywhere are attacks on all of us, whether in Israel, Ukraine, or elsewhere.”

The Carter Center, which issued a statement on behalf of the fifth and last living former president, Jimmy Carter, 99, said: ‘Our hearts are heavy with sadness at the tragic loss of innocent life on all sides of the conflict. We call on all parties to prioritize the protection and well-being of civilians by refraining from actions targeting residential areas.’

US President Barack Obama laughs during an official state dinner at the presidential residence in Jerusalem in 2013 -

US President Barack Obama laughs during an official state dinner at the presidential residence in Jerusalem in 2013 –

Former US President Bill Clinton touches the flag-draped casket of former Israeli President Shimon Peres after eulogizing him during his burial ceremony at Mount Herzl Cemetery in Jerusalem, Israel in 2016

Former US President Bill Clinton touches the flag-draped casket of former Israeli President Shimon Peres after eulogizing him during his burial ceremony at Mount Herzl Cemetery in Jerusalem, Israel in 2016

‘The Carter Center recognizes the deep historical and religious significance this region holds for all parties involved. The fundamental human rights of all residents of the region must be protected, land claims and security concerns addressed, and the sanctity of Muslim and Christian holy sites preserved. In addition, it is crucial to recognize the complex dynamics of this situation, including the ongoing occupation.’

‘The urgency for a robust and renewed peace process has never been greater. There is no military solution to the crisis – only a political one. We implore the international community to live up to its responsibilities and revive a credible process that brings peace and security to both Israelis and Palestinians, while protecting the lives of all civilians.’

Hamas’s surprise attack on Saturday morning came just one day after the 50th anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War, which saw Israel battle existential threats from hostile neighbors led by Egypt and Syria.

Israeli soldiers and civilians battled Hamas militants in the streets of southern Israel following a barrage of 2,000 rockets fired across the border by the Palestinian terrorists, in addition to a brutal ground attack.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately declared a state of war and has since vowed “mighty revenge” on Israel’s attackers that will end in victory for his country.

Israel’s military has begun bombing key Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip and has issued warnings to civilians in certain regions to leave before a wave of retaliatory attacks begins.

An elderly Israeli woman was taken hostage

A young woman is seen being kidnapped on a motorbike

After the attacks on Saturday morning, Hamas took dozens of Israeli civilians hostage

Fire and smoke rise above buildings in Gaza City during an Israeli airstrike on October 8, 2023. Israel, reeling from the deadliest attack on its territory in half a century, formally declared war on Hamas on Sunday as the Israeli death toll passed 700 rose.  the Palestinian militant group launched a massive surprise attack from Gaza

Fire and smoke rise above buildings in Gaza City during an Israeli airstrike on October 8, 2023. Israel, reeling from the deadliest attack on its territory in half a century, formally declared war on Hamas on Sunday as the Israeli death toll passed 700 rose. the Palestinian militant group launched a massive surprise attack from Gaza

Israelis walk past a blown-up police station in Sderot that was destroyed during a battle with Hamas militants who overtook the building

Israelis walk past a blown-up police station in Sderot that was destroyed during a battle with Hamas militants who overtook the building

Israeli soldier directs armored vehicles on their way to the southern border with the Gaza Strip on October 8, 2023 in Sderot, Israel.  The nation is preparing a full-scale counteroffensive against the terrorist organization

Israeli soldier directs armored vehicles on their way to the southern border with the Gaza Strip on October 8, 2023 in Sderot, Israel. The nation is preparing a full-scale counteroffensive against the terrorist organization

Israel has no choice but to meet violence with violence.  The Middle East's only democracy has every right to defend itself (Photo: Gaza on Sunday)

Israel has no choice but to meet violence with violence. The Middle East’s only democracy has every right to defend itself (Photo: Gaza on Sunday)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a dire warning to Hamas militants on Saturday night: ‘I say to Hamas, you are responsible for the well-being of prisoners, Israel will settle the score with anyone who harms them.’

He vowed to defeat the group but said the war would ‘take time’, continuing: ‘What happened today has never been seen in Israel, we will take mighty revenge for this black day.’

He vowed to reduce Gaza to ‘rubble’ and told innocent Palestinians to leave immediately. Hamas, he said, will “pay a price it has never known.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also confirmed on Sunday that several Americans – believed to be four – were believed to have died during the attack on Israel, and several others may have been taken hostage by Hamas terrorists.