Horrific animal cruelty videos of man biting head off bird and kittens being tortured in Yarram Vic


WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT: Horrible animal cruelty videos of a man biting the head of a small bird and kittens being tortured surface in a small country town

  • Barbaric incidents filmed on mobile phones and then shared on social media
  • One clip features a man laughing as he kicks a helpless, dying kangaroo
  • WARNING GRAPHICS CONTENT: Story contains confrontational images and details
  • Do you know more? Email tips@dailymail.com







Police and two animal protection agencies are investigating a series of horrific animal cruelty incidents involving birds, kittens and a kangaroo.

The barbaric incidents were filmed on mobile phones and reportedly shared on social media, leading to police questioning an 18-year-old and suspending his gun license.

One video shows a man biting the head of a small bird and then spitting it out, while laughter is heard in the background of the clip reportedly shot in the small rural town of Yarram, Victoria.

There is also another video of a man biting a bird’s head, while another clip shows a bleeding cat being held by the neck while its head is slammed against a wall.

A gruesome video allegedly shared on social media shows a man biting a bird's head

A gruesome video allegedly shared on social media shows a man biting a bird’s head

Another video shows a man throwing six kittens – who are still alive if he throws them – on the floor.

The man then said “Six dead damn cats.”

Yet another video circulating on social media shows a kangaroo bleeding profusely and appearing to be having trouble breathing.

The man who allegedly filmed this video is heard laughing as he kicks the helpless, dying creature.

It is not known whether the same person filmed all the videos and posted them on social media.

“Yarram officers questioned an 18-year-old man from the Gippsland area about aggravated cruelty to animals and suspended the man’s Victorian firearms license,” a police spokeswoman told the Daily Mail Australia.

The Victorian branch of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Conservation Regulator are also investigating the incidents.

“All native wildlife, including kangaroos, are protected under the Wildlife Act 1975 and any cruelty towards them is illegal and completely unacceptable,” a Conservation Regulator spokesman said.

A barbaric video allegedly shared online shows a cat being knocked off a wall with its head

A barbaric video allegedly shared online shows a cat being knocked off a wall with its head

A barbaric video allegedly shared online shows a cat being knocked off a wall with its head

“(It) takes all allegations of animal cruelty seriously and our authorized officers are working with Victoria Police to investigate this incident.

“We rely on community information to solve wildlife crimes,” they said.

Police said it was “under investigation into the alleged animal cruelty and firearms violations.”

A bird is depicted in an animal cruelty video filmed in a small rural Victorian town

A bird is depicted in an animal cruelty video filmed in a small rural Victorian town

A bird is depicted in an animal cruelty video filmed in a small rural Victorian town

The maximum penalty for illegally hunting, capturing or destroying protected wildlife is $9,246 and/or six months in prison.

Further penalties of up to $45,480 under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 and/or 12 months in prison may also apply.

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Yarram Police on 03 5182 5033.

A kangaroo is filmed bleeding profusely and appears to be having trouble breathing.  The person who filmed the helpless creature also kicked it

A kangaroo is filmed bleeding profusely and appears to be having trouble breathing.  The person who filmed the helpless creature also kicked it

A kangaroo is filmed bleeding profusely and appears to be having trouble breathing. The person who filmed the helpless creature also kicked it