Top 6 Tips For Getting Your Android App Approved

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Launching an Android app is exciting, but getting it approved for the Google Play Store can be tricky. Many developers need help overlooking crucial guidelines or missing critical steps in submission.

Our blog post provides six practical tips that can significantly boost your chances of getting your app greenlit without hiccups. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

Understanding App Rejection on Google Play Store

App rejection on the Google Play Store can be frustrating, but understanding the reasons behind it and common mistakes to avoid is crucial.

Reasons for app rejection

App developers often face rejection due to specific issues that contravene Google Play Store’s policies. Below are the common reasons:

  1. Poor user interface: Apps that offer a poor user experience due to bad design or functionality often get declined.
  2. Security risks: An app can be rejected if it poses any security threat, such as unauthorized access to user data.
  3. Broken links: Ensure all app-related links work correctly; otherwise, your app could be rejected.
  4. Inappropriate content: Apps should not contain adult content, promote violence, or anything that goes against community guidelines.
  5. Policy violations: If your app infringes on copyrights or fails to comply with privacy and legal requirements, it might be declined.
  6. Deceptive behavior: Your app may get rejected if it doesn’t accurately represent its functionality or misleads users in any way.
  7. Irrelevant keywords and meta tags: If not relevant to the content and functionality of the app, overuse of keywords and meta tags can lead to rejection.
  8. Undisclosed or hidden features: Concealing certain aspects of your app from users will cause mistrust and may result in disapproval by the Google Play Store.

Common mistakes to avoid

Getting your Android app approved can be a challenging process, but avoiding common mistakes is crucial to success. Here are some errors you should dodge:

  1. Making the user interface simple and easy to navigate.
  2. Introducing too many complex features that might need to be clarified for users.
  3. Neglecting to test your app thoroughly for bugs and performance issues.
  4. Failing to secure user data within your Android app which often raises security concerns.
  5. Leaving hidden or dormant features in your app that could raise doubts during the approval process.
  6. Not familiarizing yourself with Google’s Play Console dashboard can lead to misunderstandings about the entire approval process.
  7. Ignoring the guidelines provided by Google for publishing your app on its store.
  8. Neglecting instructions for app access and updating access information while preparing your Android App for review.
  9. Forgetting to set transparency about the features and functionalities of your Android app in the Release > Production > Countries/Regions section can cause problems.
  10. Failure to use innovation within set boundaries may result in an unappealing or redundant application.

Tip 1: Maintain a Good User Experience (UX)

Design your app with usability and functionality in mind, ensuring users can easily navigate and interact with your app. Test your app thoroughly to identify any issues or bugs that could impact the user experience.

Design for usability and functionality

Android app creators should make usability and functionality key priorities in their design process. This ensures the intended user can interact with the app comfortably, achieving desired objectives without inconveniences.

An effective way to do this is by adopting a user-centric design model that keeps features simple, intuitive, and efficient for ease of navigation. The goal should also be to minimize load times and errors within the application – this promotes smoother operations, resulting in an enhanced user experience.

Ensuring your application is functional across multiple device models is equally crucial, as it widens your potential market reach while giving users a seamless experience irrespective of their Android devices.

Ultimately, a well-designed, usable, and fully functional app significantly increases the chances of approval on the Google Play Store.

Test your app thoroughly

To increase the chances of getting your Android app approved, it is crucial to test it thoroughly. Here are some critical steps to follow:

  1. Conduct functional testing: Test all the features and functionalities of your app to ensure they work as intended. Make sure there are no bugs or glitches that could impact the user experience.
  2. Perform compatibility testing: Check if your app is compatible with different versions of Android devices. Test it on smartphones and tablets to ensure it runs smoothly on all platforms.
  3. Test for usability: Evaluate how easily users can navigate your app and perform different tasks. Make sure the interface is intuitive and user-friendly.
  4. Validate data input: Test any forms or input fields in your app to ensure they accept valid data and handle errors gracefully. Avoid crashing or freezing when users enter incorrect information.
  5. Check app performance: Verify that your app performs well under various conditions, such as low battery, poor network connectivity, or limited device resources. Ensure it doesn’t drain excessive battery or consume excessive memory.
  6. Test for edge cases: Identify potential scenarios where your app could encounter unexpected situations or errors. Validate how well it handles these edge cases and presents appropriate error messages or prompts.
  7. Conduct security testing: Assess the vulnerability of your app to hacking attempts, data breaches, or unauthorized access. Implement robust security measures to protect user data and prevent any potential threats.

Tip 2: Set up a Developer Account and Familiarize Yourself with the Google Play Console Dashboard

Create a developer account and learn how to navigate the Google Play Console dashboard for a smooth app approval process.

Creating a developer account

To get started with publishing your Android app on the Google Play Store, the first step is to create a developer account. This will allow you to access the necessary tools and resources to manage your app’s listing and updates.

By signing up for a developer account, you can access the Google Play Console dashboard to upload your app, configure its settings, track performance metrics, and respond to user reviews.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with this dashboard, as it will be essential throughout the app development and publishing process.

Navigating the Play Console dashboard

To navigate the Play Console dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your developer account on Google Play Console.
  2. Once logged in, you will be taken to the homepage of the Play Console dashboard.
  3. You will see a menu on the left-hand side with various options and features.
  4. Click on “Apps” to view a list of all your published apps or to create a new app listing.
  5. Under “Analytics,” you can access data and insights about your app’s performance, including downloads, ratings, and reviews.
  6. The “User Acquisition” section explains how users discover and install your app.
  7. In the “Release Management” tab, you can manage different versions of your app, including alpha and beta releases.
  8. To monitor app crashes and issues, go to the “Quality” section and click on “Pre-launch reports” or “App quality.”
  9. If you have implemented in-app purchases or advertisements, you can track their performance under the “Monetization” tab.
  10. Finally, use the “Settings” option to customize various aspects of your developer account.

Tip 3: Ensure App Security Best Practices

Ensure your app’s security by implementing secure communication and data storage, following permissions best practices, and regularly updating services and dependencies.

Secure communication and data storage

To ensure the security of your Android app, it’s crucial to prioritize secure communication and data storage. This means implementing encryption protocols to protect sensitive information transmitted between the app and server.

Additionally, make sure to store user data securely by using appropriate encryption methods or hashing algorithms. By taking these steps, you can safeguard sensitive user information from unauthorized access and protect your app from potential security vulnerabilities.

Remember, users place a high value on their privacy and trust apps that prioritize their data’s security.

Ensuring secure communication and data storage is crucial for protecting user information and also plays a role in getting your app approved on the Google Play Store. The review process includes evaluating an app’s security measures, so making this a priority increases your chances of approval.

Permissions best practices

To ensure your Android app gets approved, following best practices regarding permissions is crucial. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Clearly explain the purpose: When requesting permissions from users, clearly and concisely explain why your app needs access to certain features or data.
  2. Request only necessary permissions: Avoid asking for unnecessary permissions that aren’t directly related to the functionality of your app. This helps build trust with users and reduces the likelihood of rejection.
  3. Consider runtime permissions: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) introduced runtime permissions, which allow users to grant or deny permission requests while using the app. Implementing this feature can enhance user experience and increase the chances of approval.
  4. Handle permission denial gracefully: If a user denies a permission request, ensure your app handles it gracefully without crashing or compromising functionality.
  5. Regularly review and update permissions: As new versions of Android are released, review your app’s permission requirements and ensure they align with current best practices.

Keeping services and dependencies up to date

To ensure the smooth functioning of your Android app and increase its chances of getting approved, it is crucial to keep your services and dependencies up to date. This not only ensures that your app performs optimally but also helps in addressing any security vulnerabilities. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Regularly update your app’s services and dependencies to benefit from bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.
  • Stay informed about the latest versions available for the libraries and APIs you are using in your app.
  • Test your app thoroughly after updating the services and dependencies to ensure compatibility and functionality.
  • Keep track of deprecated or outdated components in your app and replace them with newer alternatives.

Tip 4: Prepare Your App for Review

Fill out the app questionnaire and extensively test for compatibility and functionality before submitting your Android app for review.

Fill out the app questionnaire

To increase your chances of getting your Android app approved, filling out the app questionnaire accurately is crucial. This questionnaire provides essential information about your app, including its category, target audience, and content rating.

You can ensure that your app is appropriately categorized and reaches the right users by providing detailed and precise answers. Include any special instructions for accessing your app during the review process.

Completing the app questionnaire thoroughly will help streamline the approval process and avoid unnecessary delays or rejections.

Remember, filling out the app questionnaire is just one step in getting your Android app approved. Be sure to test for compatibility and functionality before submitting it for review.

Test for compatibility and functionality

To ensure that your Android app is approved, thoroughly testing for compatibility and functionality is crucial. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth review process:

  1. Test your app on different devices and operating systems to ensure compatibility across various users.
  2. Check for any bugs or glitches that may affect the functionality of your app, including crashes or freezing.
  3. Verify that all features and functionalities are working as intended, and address any issues before submitting your app for review.
  4. Consider conducting usability testing with real users to get feedback on the user experience and make necessary improvements.
  5. Ensure all interactive elements, such as buttons and links, function properly and respond to user input.

Tip 5: Follow these Guidelines for Publishing Your App

Upload your encryption keys and set the app’s availability while being transparent and avoiding hidden functionalities.

Uploading keys and setting app availability

To successfully publish your Android app, you must understand how to upload keys and set app availability. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Generate signing keys for your app.
  2. Upload the signing critical files to the Google Play Console.
  3. Set up your app’s availability by selecting the countries or regions where it will be accessible.
  4. Specify any age restrictions or content warnings that may apply to your app.
  5. Provide accurate and detailed information about your app’s features, functionalities, and any in-app purchases.
  6. Ensure that you comply with any local laws or regulations regarding privacy, data protection, and content restrictions.

Being transparent and avoiding hidden functionalities

To increase the chances of getting your Android app approved, it is essential to be transparent and avoid hidden functionalities. When submitting your app for review, it’s essential to communicate its features and functionalities without any ambiguity.

Provide accurate descriptions and explanations of what users can expect from your app. Avoid hiding any functionality that could raise concerns during the approval process. You build trust with users and the Google Play Store reviewers by being upfront about your app’s capabilities.

Furthermore, make sure to follow guidelines regarding feature disclosure. For example, when setting up app availability in the Play Console dashboard, be clear about which countries or regions should have access to your app based on its features and functionalities.

This helps ensure a smooth publishing process and shows that you are committed to transparency and honesty as an app developer.

Tip 6: Learn from Past Mistakes and Innovate Within Boundaries

Research past app rejections to understand common mistakes and learn from them. Find innovative solutions within the guidelines to improve your app’s approval chances.

Researching past app rejections

Researching past app rejections can provide valuable insights and help you avoid similar mistakes. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Look for patterns: Analyze the reasons behind the rejection of other apps and identify common themes or issues that led to their rejection.
  2. Study developer guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the specific guidelines provided by the app store and understand the requirements for app approval.
  3. Learn from case studies: Read about real-life examples of app rejections and understand the lessons learned by other developers.
  4. Seek feedback from experts: Connect with experienced developers or join online communities to gain insights from those who have been through the app approval process.
  5. Stay up-to-date: Regularly research updates and changes to the app store’s policies or guidelines that may impact your app’s approval chances.

Finding innovative solutions within the guidelines

To get your Android app approved, finding innovative solutions within the guidelines set by the app store is crucial. Here are some key tips on how to do this:

  1. Research successful apps: Study other successful apps in your niche and understand what makes them unique and popular. Look for ways to incorporate similar features or functionalities into your app while maintaining originality.
  2. Think outside the box: Be bold and think creatively, and develop unique ideas that can set your app apart from others. Consider how you can improve user experience, solve a particular problem, or offer something new and valuable.
  3. Stay updated with industry trends: Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the mobile app industry can help you identify innovative solutions that align with current user expectations and preferences.
  4. Experiment and iterate: Continuously test and iterate on your app’s features, design, and functionalities based on user feedback. This iterative process allows you to refine your app and incorporate innovative solutions that address user needs more effectively.
  5. Collaborate with others: Engage with fellow developers, designers, or industry experts to brainstorm ideas and gather insights on innovative approaches for your app development.
  6. Attend conferences or webinars: Participating in conferences or webinars focused on mobile app development can expose you to new ideas, techniques, and strategies to inspire innovative solutions for your app.


Following these top 6 tips can increase the chances of getting your Android app approved on the Google Play Store. Maintaining a good user experience, familiarizing yourself with the developer account and Google Play Console dashboard, ensuring app security best practices, preparing your app for review, following publishing guidelines, and learning from past mistakes are all critical steps in the approval process.

By implementing these strategies and staying within the boundaries of app guidelines, you can create an Android app that stands out and meets the requirements for approval.


1. What are the top tips for getting my Android app approved?

To increase your chances of getting your Android app approved, ensure that it meets all the eligibility criteria, follows the guidelines provided by the Google Play Store, includes necessary permissions only, provides a smooth user experience, and undergoes thorough testing before submission.

2. Do I need coding knowledge to get my Android app approved?

While having coding knowledge can help develop an app, it is not mandatory to have coding knowledge specifically for getting your Android app approved. However, understanding basic programming concepts can aid in creating a well-designed and functional app.

3. Can I include advertisements in my Android app without affecting its approval process?

Yes, you can include advertisements in your Android app as long as they comply with Google’s Ad Policy and do not violate any other guidelines set by the Google Play Store. It is important to ensure that ads are relevant and displayed appropriately within your app.

4. How long does it take for an Android app to get reviewed and approved?

The review process for an Android app can vary but typically takes around seven days or less. However, during peak periods or if additional information is required from you by the review team, it may take longer.

5. Can I update my Android app after it has been approved?

You can update your Android app after it has been approved by submitting new versions through the Google Play Developer Console. It is recommended to thoroughly test any updates before submission to avoid issues and potential delays in approval.