I’m a psychologist – these 8 habits could be harming your relationship

A psychologist has revealed eight harmful behaviors that can damage your relationships.

Birmingham-based psychologist Dr Lalitaa Suglani, who offers courses on topics such as managing anxiety, overcoming fear and imposter syndrome, took to Instagram to share information on the subject in a recent after.

In the post, she outlined eight behaviors that can have a damaging effect on your relationships.

The list of eight behaviors included an extensive caption in which Dr. Lalitaa discussed relationships.

In the caption, the psychologist pointed out that “no relationship is perfect” – and that they require “effort on both sides.”

People need to work on their relationships to make them ‘great’, according to a psychologist, who has drawn up a list of behaviors that can have a negative effect on partnerships (stock image)

This effort, she continues, “looks different for each person based on past experiences and your love language.”

Dr. Lalitaa notes that relationships don’t have to be just romantic, adding that “we can also see relationships like those with family and friends.”

Dr.’s 8 Harmful Relationship Behaviors Lalitaa

1. Keeping silent about the things that hurt you.

2. Refusing to let go because you’re afraid of what might come next.

3. Avoid conflict and hope that things “just get better.”

4. Expecting people to read your mind and guess how you feel.

5. Being ‘too busy’ to make and spend time together.

6. Dishonoring your borders to keep the peace.”

7. Trying to get revenge in a place of anger.

8. Excusing unhealthy behavior because “I love them.”

The psychologist writes: ‘Relationships are a work in progress.

“In your relationship, as you go through experiences, your relationship will transition and evolve – after all, it takes two to tango.”

She explains that great relationships “aren’t great because there are no problems.”

Rather, she explains, they’re great because both parties care about their partner enough to make the relationship work.

According to Dr. Lalitaa, research shows that “good relationships are linked to health, happiness and longevity.”

This shows the importance of good relationships – and why it is therefore important to work on nurturing them.

Her list of eight things that can harm partnerships covers a range of behaviors – from being afraid to engage properly, to not articulating your own needs.

The first item on the list is staying silent about the things that hurt you.

The next thing is refusing to let go because you’re afraid of what might come next.

The third point the psychologist makes concerns conflict – or its avoidance.

She says it can be damaging to relationships when people avoid conflict and hope things will “just get better.”

Communication is the cornerstone of her next point, which states that communication can negatively impact relationships when people expect others to read their minds and guess how they feel.

The last behaviors on her list are being “too busy to hang out and spend time together,” violating your boundaries to keep the peace,” trying to “even get out of a place of anger,” and engaging in unhealthy behaviors. apologizing because ‘I love them’.

Dr. Lalitaa continues, “Remember that relationships work both ways. It’s not just about what your partner does for you, but also about what you bring to the table.

“It’s a deep effort to understand each other’s needs and show that you care about each other. We often feel valued and appreciated when our needs are attentively met. It shows that we feel cared for and appreciated.”