Republicans launch investigation into Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s taxpayer-funded EV road trip where COPS were called

Republicans launch investigation into Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s taxpayer-funded EV road trip, calling COPS

  • House Oversight Republicans called Jennifer Granholm’s trip a ‘publicity stunt’
  • Georgia police were called in August when a deputy blocked a charging station
  • They parked a petrol car in the road to save space for her electric car

House Oversight Republicans are launching an investigation into Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s taxpayer-funded electric car trip, in which an employee blocked the charging station with a gasoline car and prompted a call to police.

“Your fleet of electric vehicles could not complete the journey without the support of the fossil fuel industry that you and the Biden administration intend to vilify and destroy,” a new letter, led by Chairman James Comer and subcommittee chairman Energy, Rep. Pat Fallon , reading, requesting documents related to the trip.

The new investigation comes as the Oversight Committee continues its investigation into the Biden family businesses’ dealings.

House Oversight Republicans launch investigation into Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s cross-country drive in an electric vehicle, during which a member of her staff blocked a charging station and called police

In August, Granholm and her staff embarked on a four-day road trip from North Carolina to Tennessee to promote the Biden administration’s green agenda in a fleet of electric and gas-powered cars.

One problem they faced was the lack of charging stations across the country for electric vehicles to be a reliable transportation choice.

An Energy Department employee reportedly locked down a working EV charging station with his gas-powered car, hoping to save it for Granholm in her EV vehicle, who would soon be approaching as they tried to keep a tight schedule.

The family felt like they were “excluded” on a sweltering day in Georgia with a baby in the car, so they decided to get the authorities involved.

The incident occurred when Granholm staff attempted to use a gasoline vehicle to shut down an EV charging station from the secretary's approaching vehicle (stock image)

The incident occurred when Granholm staff attempted to use a gasoline vehicle to shut down an EV charging station from the secretary’s approaching vehicle (stock image)

Asked about the incident during a hearing in the House of Representatives, Granholm said: “It was poor judgment on the part of the team.”

“This taxpayer-funded publicity stunt illustrates once again how out of touch the Biden administration is with the consequences of the policies it has unleashed on everyday Americans,” the letter said.

The committee has requested all documents and correspondence relating to the trip, as well as the names of the drivers of all vehicles on the trip. They also requested a ‘staff level briefing’ on the trip with a deadline of October 3.

“The combination of anti-energy policies and China’s consolidation of crucial minerals needed for electric cars has left U.S. domestic energy producers scrambling for answers, just as you and those around you were looking for chargers,” the letter said.

They also accused Granholm of excluding Tesla from her road trip due to political motives.

The investigation comes at a time when auto manufacturing is back in the spotlight: the United Auto Workers (UAW) launched a strike last week against the ‘Big Three’ automakers: Ford, General Motors and Stelantis. The union is demanding higher wages, a four-day working week, more union representation and better pension benefits.

Republicans have been quick to blame the Biden administration’s embrace of electric vehicles for causing fear among auto workers — noting that many of the battery parts are currently made in China.

Biden has supported the UAW strike and will join workers on the picket line in Michigan this week.