Pet dog shot by mistake in New Zealand: Worker who killed family’s beloved pet Sarge with a bolt gun in horror mix-up is forced to quit his role as an animal controller

An animal control officer who accidentally killed an innocent dog has resigned and says he will live with regrets for the rest of his life.

Sarge, a beloved pet, was shot in the head with a bolt pistol by Gisborne council staff on the street of New Zealand’s North Island on September 22.

The officer who killed the animal released a statement accepting full responsibility for what happened.

He sincerely apologized to the family and community affected by the tragedy and confirmed that he will cooperate with an investigation into what happened.

Seven hours after Sergeant was found on the street, his owners, Logan and Piri, were told he had been euthanized by an officer.

The animal control officer who accidentally killed Sarge (pictured), a beloved family dog, has resigned effective immediately

Sarge was found wandering the streets while his owners, Logan and Piri, were at work, so he was taken to the shelter only to be accidentally euthanized (photo, Sarge and Logan)

Sarge was found wandering the streets while his owners, Logan and Piri, were at work, so he was taken to the shelter only to be accidentally euthanized (photo, Sarge and Logan)

“It is with sadness and remorse that I acknowledge my actions that led to the untimely death of a beloved family dog. A mistake I will regret forever,” the statement said.

“To the whānau who has lost their beloved pet, words will never be enough to express how sorry I am for your pain. A pet is more than just an animal; it is a family member, a companion and a source of endless joy.

‘I can’t imagine the emptiness and sadness you must experience. Please accept my sincere and unconditional apology.”

Whānau is the traditional Māori language word for family.

The officer also apologized to the local Tairāwhiti community for the distress he had caused them.

“I understand that trust is a big part of the job, and I deeply regret that this trust has been broken. “The safety of people’s pets, the animals we encounter and the well-being of the community have always been and always will be of paramount importance,” he said.

“This mistake was mine and mine alone. Gisborne District Council has processes in place which unfortunately I have not followed.

“I want everyone to understand that one individual’s mistake should not be a reflection on the entire Council and its staff who work hard for the community. No one else should be blamed for my mistake.”

Gisborne District Council has announced it will investigate the incident in a bid to regain the trust of their community.

Kate Wallingford, director of Owl Investigations, has been appointed to lead the investigation by the Council CEO Nedine Thatcher Swann.

“We sincerely and deeply regret the harm caused to Sgt’s whānau and acknowledge the enormous outpouring of anger and sadness from the community,” Ms Swann wrote.

“We have let the community down and we must work hard to regain trust in us. This should not have happened and we sincerely apologize.”

Sarge was chipped and tagged, but when animal control officers tried to return him, his owners were at work, so they took him to the shelter.

Council guidelines state that an escaped animal should not be left on the same property where the animal escaped if no one is there to view it.

Sarge was reportedly returned in a garbage bag to Logan and Piri, who did not know he had been shot until they took him away to bury him.

Sarge was reportedly returned in a garbage bag to Logan and Piri, who did not know he had been shot until they took him away to bury him.

Neighbors claimed they tried to stop animal control officers from taking Sarge while Logan and Piri were at work.

By the time the couple was called to pick him up, Sergeant had already been put down.

A whānau spokesperson said that they had no chance of saving their dog.

“His family had no opportunity to talk to anyone before he was killed.

“We were notified of this terrible ‘mistake’ late Friday afternoon, just seven hours after he was taken.”

Family friend Kara Hull said the way the council handled the situation was cruel.

“Imagine accidentally killing a person and then just making a media statement,” she said individual.

She said the dog was later delivered to its owners in “a garbage bag.”

It was only when the couple opened the bag to bury the dog under his favorite plum tree that they discovered he had been killed with a bolt pistol.

“He actually had a gunshot wound to the head. Not just what happened, but to see him like that was so painful – to think he died like that is beyond horrible,” Mrs Hull said.

Sarge was buried on Saturday.

The SPCA’s policy states: ‘In most situations, the best method of euthanasia for dogs is a veterinarian’s use of lethal injection whenever possible (and sedation if necessary to reduce the stress of handling prior to euthanasia) .’

The guilty officer immediately handed in their resignation and said they would accept the consequences of their mistake.

“Given the seriousness of my failure, I have decided to resign from my position at Gisborne District Council. “I believe in taking responsibility for my actions,” the statement continued.

“I will fully cooperate with the independent investigation process. Finally, from the bottom of my heart, I ask for your forgiveness. And while the pain may not go away, I hope with time healing will begin.”

The council (statement in photo) said it 'apologises unreservedly' for 'this serious error' and that the officer involved is 'deeply remorseful and shocked'.

The council (statement in photo) said it ‘apologises unreservedly’ for ‘this serious error’ and that the officer involved is ‘deeply remorseful and shocked’.