DAVID MARCUS: A catastrophic Washington Post poll so awful for Biden that editors buried it. But don’t they and the Deluded Dems realize that every day Joe clings on, Don inches closer to the White House?

The writing on the wall for Sleepy Joe Biden.

Even the Washington Post knows his re-election chances are dwindling like Hindenburg’s, even if they don’t like to admit it.

This weekend, a poll from the newspaper Lefty DC showed that Donald Trump is absolutely beating the current commander-in-chief by 10 points, 52 percent to 42 percent among registered voters, should they face each other in 2024.

The question is no longer whether Trump can win, but to what extent.

The Post — perhaps wishing they had never commissioned the poll in the first place — tried to bury the results beneath the fold, under a generic headline that made no mention of Trump’s large lead, even going so far as to publish their own study was laughably written off as an ‘outlier’.

Presumably the editors went into a desperate tailspin in an attempt to downplay the disaster poll, deciding that simply looking the other way will solve the myriad of problems Biden faces.

Just a few weeks ago, a much-discussed Wall Street Journal poll put the two old men neck-and-neck at 46 percent. Now Joe is behind by double digits: how far will he fall in a month, in a year?

The writing on the wall for Sleepy Joe Biden. This weekend, the Washington Post showed that Donald Trump is absolutely beating the current commander-in-chief by 10 points, 52 to 42 percent among registered voters, should they face each other in 2024. But the paper tried to bury the results under the fold, going so far as to write off its own study as an “outlier.”

Just a few weeks ago, a much-discussed Wall Street Journal poll put the two old men neck-and-neck at 46 percent.  Now Joe is behind by double digits: how far will he fall in a month, in a year?

Just a few weeks ago, a much-discussed Wall Street Journal poll put the two old men neck-and-neck at 46 percent. Now Joe is behind by double digits: how far will he fall in a month, in a year?

And it’s not just the would-be voters who would choose in a general election. Pick an issue, any issue, and Americans now say clearly and loudly that Biden is it ready for.

The economy, aid to Ukraine, immigration, support among young voters – you name it, Biden is failing.

A stunning 75 percent of Americans in the Post poll said so-called Bidenomics was “not that good” or “bad.” 87 percent say the same about gas and energy prices, while 91 percent despair about rising food costs.

On the southern border crisis, only 23 percent approve of the president’s handling of the issue.

On foreign policy, a paltry 31 percent think Biden is providing the right amount of military aid to Ukraine. 41 percent think he is doing too much – compared to 33 percent in February.

Meanwhile, Biden is losing men faster than Taylor Swift, as Trump’s approval lead among gentleman voters ballooned from 16 points in May to a whopping 32 points.

And – who would have thought that day would come? – Trump is also now up by as much as 20 points among those under 35, a demographic Biden won comfortably in 2020.

Trump has also seen his approval rating for the way he’s handled his job as president rise 10 points since leaving office in 2021.

Do you get the photo here?

It’s a tsunami of awfulness that seems increasingly insurmountable for our octogenarian leader as he stumbles and mumbles from one blunder to another.

On the eve of the Post poll, Biden awkwardly called rapper LL Cool J “boy” during a speech to the Congressional Black Caucus.

On Wednesday, at the UN General Assembly in New York, Joe almost fell on stage when he bumped into a two-metre-high Brazilian flag.

At a fundraiser later that evening, he repeated the same story twice within minutes.

Everything in one week.

1695674659 455 DAVID MARCUS A catastrophic Washington Post poll so awful for

But as Biden heads toward a humiliating election defeat, Donald Trump is only going further and now holds a 60-to-15 point lead over his closest Republican candidate rival, the beleaguered Ron DeSantis.

So we have to ask ourselves: Isn’t it time for the misguided Democrats to wake up?

The whole and, let’s face it, only The argument to be made for Biden’s repeat was that only he can beat Trump. That voters would admit that even an obviously senile sleepwalker is better than the Big Bad Orange Man.

That ship has sailed. In fact, it’s already halfway across the ocean. And with every day that Biden clings, Trump gets closer and closer to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, seemingly only amplified by the 91 criminal charges against him.

Yet Democrats and their left-wing cheerleaders, including the Post chief, cannot let go of the Joe 2024 dream. Or should we say nightmare?

Biden’s crazy 2024 campaign is the perfect metaphor for his administration’s crazy policies, which stubbornly refuse to budge even when large swaths of your own voter base demand it.

But make no mistake: While viable Democratic alternatives, like California’s slippery Governor Gavin Newsom, laugh off potential bids, MAGA supporters are giggling with joy.

It’s over for Joe; he should do his party and his country a favor by resigning now. If he doesn’t want to go quietly, he has to be pushed.