Personal trainer, 24, gets 3kg weight plate stuck on his penis after bizarre attempt to make his manhood bigger went horribly wrong

  • He assumed he could “transform” his masculinity in the same way he could “transform” his biceps

A PT was left with a weight plate on his penis and in excruciating pain after a bizarre attempt to enlarge his member went horribly wrong.

The 24-year-old from India assumed he could ‘transform’ his masculinity in the same way he could ‘transform’ his biceps and quads.

As part of his DIY method, he inserted his flaccid penis through the hole of the metal plate that weighed about 3kg.

The man, who was not identified by doctors who shared his unusual case, began stimulating himself and tried to lift him with his erect penis.

The 24-year-old, from India, assumed he could ‘transform’ his masculinity in the same way he could ‘transform’ his biceps and quads

He “ignored” the “mild” pain and swelling he felt shortly after his attempt began.

Instead of quitting, he continued “excitedly,” according to a report published by medics in the journal Urology Case Reports.

They wrote: ‘After a while, as the intensity of the pain and swelling in the penis increased, he tried to remove the weight plate, but could not.

‘He panicked and decided to go to the doctor.’

The man, who went to hospital two hours after placing the weight on his penis, was accompanied by unnamed family members.

Urologists described his penis as ‘locked up’ and shared gruesome photos showing it swollen.

Attempts to slide the plate off with an analgesic gel were unsuccessful, as were medications and initial surgical attempts to reduce the swelling.

Surgeons were eventually able to slide the plate off by trying a different method to relieve his swelling.

He was fired the next day.

Penile incarceration, also called strangulation, is a medical emergency.

It usually occurs in patients with mental disorders or who are trying to become sexually aroused.

People have used various methods such as tape, plastic bottles, rings and key chains to perform the act.

Doctors must urgently release the penis from the constricting object to preserve blood vessels and body tissue.

In the most serious cases, penile amputation is necessary.


Penile strangulation is a rare but often dangerous medical emergency that occurs when an object or body part blocks blood flow to the penis.

In the worst cases, the lack of blood flow can lead to gangrene and tissue death: penile necrosis.

Medics have devised a rating system to indicate the severity of the strangulation:

Grade 1: Edema of distal penis.

Grade 2: Injury to the skin and stricture of the corpus spongiosum, but no evidence of urethral injury. Distal penile edema with reduced penile sensation.

Grade 3: Injury to the skin and urethra, but not a urethral fistula. Loss of distal penile sensations.

Grade 4: complete division of the corpus spongiosum, leading to urethral fistula and stricture of the corpora cavernosa, with loss of distal penile sensation.

Level 5: gangrene, necrosis or complete amputation of the distal penis.

Early surgical intervention is necessary once