My weekly horoscope: What will September 16 to 23 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all

The Virgo New Moon helps us gain new insights into complex situations.

And with Mercury (communication) turning direct, this is an opportunity to reflect on what makes us fulfilled and happy, and reset our lives so we can work better and play more.

This weekend is the perfect time to start new ventures that open our minds to people and experiences that enrich our lives.


(March 21 – April 20)

Sleeping is such a strange thing. With unerring regularity we lose awareness of our physicality (and what is happening in our lives) and drift into dream worlds. Shouldn’t we use that time a little more constructively? If only we could harness that energy and channel it into more constructive endeavors! Still, we need to do some activities even if they don’t feel productive. This weekend, in a similar way, you have ā€œthingsā€ to do because they need to be done. With the right attitude you can still have fun.

The New Moon brings powerful positive change! Visit for great news about your future

Oscar Cainer says the Virgo New Moon helps us gain new insights into complex situations


(April 21 – May 21)

Some words from Benjamin Franklin for you: ā€œthose who give up essential liberty to gain temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security.ā€ Somewhere in your world you have made a concession. You sacrificed something to gain a sense of security, and now you feel like you’re being held back. But you are more powerful than you think. You haven’t given up on your talents. You just put them away for safekeeping. The New Moon brings insight and the courage to act. You can take steps to follow a dream this weekend.

The New Moon suggests that good times are coming. For more information, visit


(22 May – 22 June)

Forget subtle signals and quiet whispers this weekend. The cosmos will not take such a risk with you. In the legacy of the New Moon, with your ruler, Mercury, turning direct, he radiates bright, clear advice in your direction. Are you unsure about a decision? You know what to do. Wondering what direction your life should take? Guidance is on the way. While your instincts are raised to fever pitch, pay close attention to the twists of your mind and the desires of your heart. Whatever path you decide to follow will be good.

Discover why this New Moon is so magical for you. Your week can be special! Visit


(June 23 – July 23)

We often talk about your intuition. You are good at listening to your inner voice, which is a gift. But there’s a difference between listening to it and doing whatever it suggests. Sometimes our brains override our instincts for a reason. If people only followed their feelings, we might not even have invented the wheel (let alone cell phones)! When we combine both of these qualities, we reach new heights of ingenuity and genius. This weekend, in the legacy of the New Moon, you can lay the foundation for success. Go carefully.

Your ruler, the New Moon, holds the key to the future you dream of. Visit for the information you need


(July 24 – August 23)

Just because we all have our favorite things to do doesn’t mean we always want to do them. Actually, there are times when we enjoy life more when we don’t expect to enjoy it. When we are very familiar with a situation, it brings a sense of comfort. But it rarely brings the thrill of something new. This weekend brings an opportunity that will take you out of your comfort zone. Good. When we find ourselves in positions we’ve never been in before, it’s possible to be pleasantly surprised. This can be wonderful.

Maximize New Moon Energy! For your latest predictions, visit:


(August 24 – September 23)

If you’re still trying to figure out why certain things turned out in an unexpected way, you can rest assured that there was a reason for it. In the legacy of the New Moon, in your sign, it will be much easier to see what this was. In the meantime, think about how determined you feel about a particular issue. And just imagine how happy you will be if you keep a promise you made to yourself earlier this year. The seed for a better future has been planted. Over the weekend you can water it, care for it and witness the first hopeful growth.

The New Moon brings positive change! Find out more! Visit


(September 24 – October 23)

You have high standards. You’re not one to cut corners. So why change now? You are known for your ability to weigh things carefully before making a decision. But you notice a rising level of impatienceā€¦ towards other people (and towards yourself). And this affects your self-confidence. Do not panic. It’s just a temporary situation. Blame it on the New Moon. And use his influence to address some of the issues you’re struggling with. You can effectively figure out some of them this weekend.

This New Moon can transform your world. For valuable keys for the week, visit:

My weekly horoscope: What will September 16 to 23 bring for MY zodiac sign?  Oscar Cainer tells all

My weekly horoscope: What will September 16 to 23 bring for MY zodiac sign? Oscar Cainer tells all


(October 24 – November 22)

Do you have the latest phone? Or are you wielding an embarrassing relic of yesteryear? Apparently these are the kinds of concerns we face today. The fashion world is also transient. The trends change from season to season – so quickly that I just stick to the same old jeans and t-shirts! With new ideas coming and going so quickly, it’s no wonder we feel exhausted. The question this weekend is how much energy do you want to invest in a new business? It’s fun now, but will it still tickle your fancy tomorrow?

Be ready for a special time! The New Moon brings exciting opportunities. Visit


(November 23 – December 21)

As an enthusiastic soul, you can be easily influenced. Because you can see both sides of an argument, other people sense your natural adaptability and sometimes go out of their way to win you over. Yet you are also strong in spirit. And when you’re passionate about something (or someone), your determination knows no bounds. The legacy of the New Moon casts a powerful light on your emotions. You are deeply affected by a certain person or situation. This will be a moving (but rewarding) weekend.

The New Moon emphasizes dynamic changes. Your week ahead has enormous potential. Visit


(December 22 – January 20)

Making a decision is one thing. Implementing it is another matter. Sometimes the difference can be so great that the mere thought of turning an idea into reality is enough to send us back to the drawing board. If you have doubts about the implementation of a plan, this is an ideal time to rethink it. The New Moon highlights an important issue that requires your attention. Instead of moving on (if there is a potential problem), focus your attention on it this weekend. You will feel much more confident in achieving the results you want.

Wonderful opportunities arise when the New Moon energizes your life. Visit


(January 21 – February 19)

It’s like being left in a creek (without a paddle). Or you’ve gone so far up the garden path that you’ve forgotten the way back. So you’ll be happy with the changes this weekend has to offer. As Mercury changes directions, you’ll see that even if you find yourself at an impossible angle, there is a way out. The cosmic equivalent of a rope ladder dangles within reach. When you climb it, you come to a place where everything you have experienced makes you happy. From this new perspective, you see a path that you want (and need) to follow.

This powerful New Moon can be life transforming. To create the change you want, visit


(February 20 – March 20)

Halos can ruin our hairstyles: they produce a gentle heat that doesn’t work with gels or waxes. And they’re also a pain if we’re in the habit of wearing a hat too: the glow of that orb looks a bit strange peeking out from under a cap. But that is not everything. Being an indisputable sign of an angelic personality, their aura attracts attention. There’s a good chance that you’ll be inundated with requests for your business (and requests for help) this weekend. Just be as kind as you can be. You have power and influence.

How will the New Moon change your life? There’s some inspiring news if you visit