The tragic life of little Lena: Girl, ten, raped and murdered in German care home had been removed from her family after abuse, then bullied by boy who would eventually go on to kill her after she was raped ‘by burglar’

The 10-year-old girl who was raped and murdered in a German children’s home was taken from her family amid allegations of abuse – only to be bullied by the 11-year-old boy who would eventually strangle her. death has arisen.

The victim, identified only as Lena, was bullied and teased so much by her would-be killer that she often spent her time crying.

The abuse reached its peak in April when Lena was found half-naked and unconscious at the child and youth care facility in Wunsiedel, in the German region of Bavaria, with police suspecting the 11-year-old had killed her.

And tragically, shortly before she was killed, a 25-year-old German man, identified only as Daniel T, was revealed to have raped the 10-year-old when he came across her trying to steal from the children. At home.

But it has now been revealed that Lena had a tragic childhood, with her parents divorcing when she was just five years old, according to family friends.

Lena, who loved swimming and horse riding, lived with her mother and new partner in East Germany, but was taken away from her family to live in the children’s home when allegations of abuse at the home emerged, reports Image.

Her father had fought for custody of Lena so she could live with him, but the court refused and placed her in the care of the children’s home in Wunsiedel last October.

But it was in this care home that the tragic Lena was constantly bullied by the 11-year-old boy and his friends.

Lena, who was raped and murdered in a German children’s home, was taken from her family over allegations of abuse – only to be bullied by the 11-year-old boy who would eventually strangle her. arose (file photo of the children’s home)

Daniel T, 25, accused of raping the girl, 10

Ulrike Scharf (right), Minister of Family Affairs, leaves the Center for Child and Youth Care in April to lay flowers for the facility

Daniel T, 25, accused of raping the girl, 10, is pictured at left. Ulrike Scharf (right), Minister of Family Affairs, leaves the Center for Child and Youth Care in April to lay flowers for the facility

“Lena was bullied by many people, even very often. And precisely because she was a bit fatter, I always thought that was very mean of the others. That’s why Lena cried a lot,” said a nine-year-old boy who was also bullied by the eleven-year-old Image.

After months of bullying, the 11-year-old boy allegedly strangled the little girl on April 4 after they got into a fight.

German police have also revealed that Daniel T, 25, who is said to be a garbage man, allegedly entered the welfare facility through an open bathroom window the night the victim was killed.

Daniel T, who lives locally, was reportedly trying to steal from the children’s home when he came across the 11-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl. The police suspect that the burglar sexually assaulted the victim before he left the institution, the police report Onetz.

That same night, prosecutors said the 11-year-old boy, who was the girl’s roommate, got into a fight with the victim and killed her. They don’t believe Daniel T was involved in the murder.

The boy has not yet reached the age at which he can be held criminally liable, namely 14 years old, and has therefore been held in a secure facility since April.

Tragically, Lena’s father, who has not been named, had planned to take his daughter on a short vacation on Thursday – two days after she was killed.

“Her father hoped to take Lena home soon,” said Sandra B, 33, who is friends with Lena’s father. Image.

“Lena was cheerful and a math pro. She could play the piano and loved swimming, cycling, skating and horse riding,” added Sandra B.

Lena’s friend, a nine-year-old boy who had lived in the children’s home, said: ‘Lena was my friend. I liked her a lot, she was nice and sweet. She also didn’t scream as loud as others. And she did very well in school, not like me.’

The boy, who remains anonymous, said Lena was bullied by the 11-year-old boy who would eventually kill her. The nine-year-old also revealed that he was also targeted by the killer and attacked with a baseball bat before his parents took him home.

“One time the caretaker was cleaning the roof and huge lumps of mud fell down. The 11-year-old boy, who had such dark curls, then took it and threw it at me.

“When I told him to stop, I usually say to the teachers, He ran to a bush and pulled out a hidden baseball bat. Then he hit me hard in the back. It hurt so bad for days.’

The nine-year-old victim claims that when he told staff they told him it was ‘his own fault’.

He also claimed that the 11-year-old boy in the children’s home often watched violent films. “He then said he watches movies about people being killed without seeing any blood,” the little boy said.

A police patrol car blocks the way to the child and youth care center in Wunsiedel in April

A police patrol car blocks the way to the child and youth care center in Wunsiedel in April

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At the time Lena was allegedly strangled, she and The 11-year-old boy was one of the few children left in the home at the time of the murder because most of the other youths living there were on a skiing holiday, reports Image. Sandra said Lena hadn’t gone on a ski trip because she was “afraid” of the slopes.

Shortly before she was killed, Lena was allegedly raped by Daniel T and last month prosecutors filed charges against the 25-year-old for rape, burglary and arson.

He is suspected of committing five burglaries between 2022 and 2023 and stealing construction equipment worth £13,700 (16,000 euros) from containers, which he set on fire in an attempt to remove evidence.

At the time of the girl’s murder, the child and youth care center in the small town of Wunsiedel, home to about 90 children and teenagers, said it was “deeply shocked” by her death.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the parents, the family, our children and our colleagues,” the statement read.

Shortly after the little girl’s murder, Sandra said: “I am stunned, speechless. I’m out of words. I can’t understand why it happened like this.

“And that (it happened) in a house where there would have been supervision, where as a parent you think everything is fine.”

On the website, the institute describes itself as supporting ‘young people and their families who need help with their education’.

Lena’s brutal murder came just a month after the murder of 12-year-old Luise Frisch, who was found dead in March in the western town of Freudenberg after suffering multiple stab wounds.

Her killers, named Luisa Halberstadt, 13, and Anna-Marie Hoffman, 12, stabbed their victim 32 times with a nail file before pushing her off a steep embankment into a nearby forest.

The classmates also put a plastic bag over Luise’s head before one told the other to ‘hit her with a rock or she’d be next to her’.

The pair confessed to the crime, but will avoid punishment because they are too young to bear criminal responsibility in Germany.

Police fear Luise was alive before she was thrown off the embankment and died of her injuries and the sub-zero conditions that hit the area in early March.