Russell Island house fire: Heartbroken mum is led from her five children’s funeral in tears and was unable to deliver the eulogy after they were killed alongside their hero dad

A heartbroken mother was led from the funeral of her five young boys who died in a house fire just seconds after services began on Tuesday.

Samantha Stephenson’s children Zackary, Harrison, Kyza, Koah and Nickolas and their father Wayne Godinet all died in the fire on Russell Island off Brisbane’s south coast last month.

Mr Godinet had re-entered the burning building in a desperate attempt to save the children, but they perished when the second floor collapsed.

Relatives revealed that the “hero” father died with his arms around the boys as he did everything he could to protect them from the flames.

Ms Stephenson fell to the ground outside of service at Eco Memorial Park in Stapylton Courier mail reported.

A traditional Maori ceremony took place at the service, attended by about 200 people.

The distraught mother should have delivered the eulogy along with her sister Christina, but was unable to do so.

Heartbroken mother Samantha Stephenson (pictured with one of her children in her arms) was led away from the funeral of her five young boys who died in a house fire just seconds after service began on Tuesday.

Her children Zackary, Harrison, Kyza, Koah and Nickolas and their father Wayne Godinet (all pictured) were killed in the fire on Russell Island off Brisbane's south coast last month.

Her children Zackary, Harrison, Kyza, Koah and Nickolas and their father Wayne Godinet (all pictured) were killed in the fire on Russell Island off Brisbane’s south coast last month.

Instead, Christina went it alone. “This room is filled with a sadness so deep there are no words to describe it,” she said.

“Everyone here today has been looking forward to seeing these five little boys grow into men…but along with their loving father, they were taken far too soon, leaving us to deal with this great loss.”

Christina said Samantha had already had Zack and Harry by the time she met Wayne, but that he had “embraced the boys.”

“He was their father,” she said.

“As the protector of his family, Wayne’s devotion knew no bounds.”

The boys’ aunt said Zach played football, basketball, and guitar, and wrote poetry, and that he “exuded kindness … and was protective of his younger brothers.”

She said Harry was a quiet child who loved going to the park with his friends and was fascinated by the moon and stars.

The twins had very different personalities, she said, with Kyza having “boundless energy and being so protective of Koah.”

She said Nicky was “the leader when it came to getting into mischief with his brothers, his cheeky grin betraying him every time.”

His mother called him her “partner in crime.”

Mr Godinet (pictured with his son) got trapped upstairs with the boys just before the second floor of the house on Russell Island collapsed

Mr Godinet (pictured with his son) got trapped upstairs with the boys just before the second floor of the house on Russell Island collapsed

Footballs and teddy bears (pictured) were among the items left behind at the tragic scene

Footballs and teddy bears (pictured) were among the items left behind at the tragic scene

Outraged residents came to lay flowers and pay tribute to the six victims of the fire

Outraged residents came to lay flowers and pay tribute to the six victims of the fire

Samantha Stephenson (pictured with one of her five sons) could only watch as her house burned down with her partner and children inside

Samantha Stephenson (pictured with one of her five sons) could only watch as her house burned down with her partner and children inside

The fatal fire devastated the Russell Island community.  Pictured is a shrine with tributes outside the house

The fatal fire devastated the Russell Island community. Pictured is a shrine with tributes outside the house

Mourners hugged after a ceremony honoring the victims of the Russell Island fire

Mourners hugged after a ceremony honoring the victims of the Russell Island fire

Christina said she knew Wayne watched over and loved his boys “and she will remain an endless presence in Sam’s life and you will watch over her too.”

Another sister, Angela, also gave a eulogy for her cousins ​​and brother-in-law.

“I don’t understand how this could happen to such innocent creatures that grew their wings too quickly,” she said.

“To all my boys, to all our boys. Nothing will ever fill this chasm of sorrow. I think I will miss you forever like the sun misses the moon and the stars when it rises again.”