Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – September 5, 2023

TThe planet of love, Venus, is moving forward again. That is good news. But when Venus changed direction, Jupiter (lucky) began a retrograde journey that lasts until December 31.

Does this mean we have to wait until 2024 to have better luck in love? No!

It’s an opportunity to realign our inner compasses and get in touch with what really matters. That can do wonders for our relationships.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

We can all self-sabotage when we get into situations that we feel we didn’t deserve and aren’t ready for. And we can sweep things under the carpet because we feel ashamed (or guilty). On a subconscious level, we all have a self-destruct button. And we use it to deny ourselves what other people accept and enjoy. This is never a logical response: we are not always aware that we are doing it. Think long and hard today before making a move you can’t undo. You deserve way more than you allow yourself to get.

For news about this exciting month, please visit: www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

If you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, what do you do? Waiting is probably the best option. Stay where you are. Don’t change anything. Soon the situation will change and you will realize that somehow you are in the right place. And through that realization you can see that now is the right time. Now that your ruler is changing direction, this policy is worth following. A frustrating aspect of your world is shifting into high gear. You are closer to making a change than you think.

The cosmic events of September could change your life! Find out how! Visit www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

Oscar Cainer, pictured, says there is an opportunity to realign our inner compasses and get in touch with what really matters

GEMINI (May 22 – June 22)

It’s easy to talk about superficial things. TV. Movies. Celebrities. The news headlines. Our opinion is easy to express. But when it comes to the things that really matter, we struggle. Our deepest feelings are difficult to communicate. We hide our worries and fears. Before we get to the point where we can share them, we need to be honest with ourselves. Next, we must be willing to talk and listen. Clarity is essential these days. When you discover that, you can start a conversation that leads to mutual understanding and support.

September is choc-a-bloc with heavenly action! For your latest predictions visit: www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

CANCER (June 23 – July 23)

Why do we find it so hard not to compare ourselves to other people? While the Joneses try to keep up with the Smiths, the Smiths keep an eye on the Browns and figure out ways to get what they’ve got. The problem is that few things in life are actually as good as they seem. And as long as our basic needs are met, anything extra is a matter of style and image. There is more to life than competing with each other. Be aware of the choices that come your way today. Base your decisions on common sense (not vanity)!

It’s September! For uplifting news about the opportunities that await you, visit: www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

LION (July 24 – August 23)

It’s just as easy to get out of trouble as it is to get into it! We tend to think that problems arise in the blink of an eye; that they spring from a single moment. But even if the seeds are sown in such a way, they still need to be looked after. Consciously (or not) we invest our energy and time in the mess we create… and that makes them even messier. In most cases, the exact same amount of time and energy fixes the mess. Even if you feel overwhelmed by a problematic situation, you have the ability to resolve it.

Welcome to September! Visit www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope for inspiring predictions to guide you through the month

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)

When you’re in the mood, you love (and are good at) sudokus and crossword puzzles. But if you’re not in the right frame of mind, you can ponder a puzzle for ages without making much progress. Anyone can throw away their pen in desperation, convinced that they cannot solve a dilemma. But sometimes when we take a break, make ourselves a cup of tea and focus on something else, it’s surprisingly easy to solve when we come back to the challenge. Try applying that approach in a difficult situation today. You can sort it out once and for all.

September offers great potential for positive change. Find out more! Visit www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

Sometimes bridges have to be burned before we can build new ways forward. Any builder will tell you that the first stage of an extension is to destroy walls and cover the house with a layer of dust. But something better comes out of that mess. As Venus moves further, you’ll feel more comfortable with recent changes. You begin to appreciate the work you’ve done. In the days to come, as the dust settles, you will feel more at ease. From this new space you can take advantage of the good things coming your way.

Welcome to September! For inspiring predictions visit: www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

Recently we talked about natural justice, and the fact that if it existed there would be no need for a justice system. The cosmos would arrange it so that innocent people hovered above the ground, while guilty people had no leg to stand on. Yet the celestial forces work in subtle ways. They take their time. Good deeds are not always immediately rewarded (and bad deeds are not always immediately punished). Just because Venus is moving forward doesn’t mean you’ll be immediately rewarded for recent acts of kindness. But rewards are coming.

Make September a month to remember! Visit www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)

People often say that nothing is ever really ‘new’ – that we’ve seen it all before. But what do they know? Isn’t planet Earth filled with newness? Doesn’t every second offer us new opportunities, contexts and possibilities? Something may happen when you come to the end of this prophecy that may change the course of your life. Now that your ruler, Jupiter, retraces his steps, your imagination works in a different way. Your ideas are rejuvenated. Keep looking for new opportunities. They are waiting to be discovered.

Make the most of September’s opportunities! Visit www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

The planet of love, Venus, is moving forward again.  That is good news.  But when Venus changed direction, Jupiter (lucky) began a retrograde journey that lasts until December 31.  stock image used

The planet of love, Venus, is moving forward again. That is good news. But when Venus changed direction, Jupiter (lucky) began a retrograde journey that lasts until December 31. stock image used

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)

It’s good to have structure and order. We make lists of priorities and timelines to make sure we get things done the right way. But meaningful success is more than ticking off a list of achievements. And Capricorns (who understand the value of a pragmatic approach) intuitively know that trying to control the universe never brings true happiness. But sometimes you forget. Be like a surfer today. Respond to the waves of serendipity by going with the flow. You may get wet. But it will pay off a lot.

September is going to be great! For inspiring insight to guide you, visit: www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

When we really love someone, we talk about loving them with “our heart and soul.” So are hearts and souls inextricably linked? When our heart falls in love, does our soul automatically follow suit? And if our heart is wounded, does our soul suffer? Our heart is flesh and blood, while our soul is ethereal. So if souls are eternal, are they surely wise enough not to react to the ups and downs of daily mortal life? If you focus on feeding your inner spirit today, the affairs of the heart will take care of themselves.

For uplifting news for September, check your predictions at www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

It may sound sensible for us to tell people to ‘wake up to reality’. But the reality is that reality is elusive. We are constantly dealing with all kinds of different requirements and roles. We juggle different realities, and our perceptions of what’s going on (and what we need to deal with) never quite match anyone else’s. Your current idea is very different from that of a key person in your world. The reality you both have to face is that you see things differently. Respecting that difference is key to understanding and cooperation.

You are going to enjoy September. Find out why! Visit www.cainer.com/daily-horoscope