Uri Geller reveals date aliens will return to earth to prevent nuclear war

Mystic and spoon bender Uri Geller believes an encounter with aliens opened up his psychic powers to send him on a mission and share the message that aliens come in peace.

And he predicts that in just five years his visitors from another world, who have accompanied him ever since, will return to stop a nuclear war.

He told Femail that he only now feels safe to confirm the truth of his own childhood encounter, 71 years ago, which he kept shrouded in mystery to protect his image from attack.

Israeli-born Uri speaks out in the face of a growing number of stories about extraterrestrial life.

Mystic and spoon bender Uri Geller believes an encounter with aliens opened up his psychic powers to send him on a mission and share the message that aliens come in peace. In the photo 2010

In June, a Pentagon report on 144 alleged sightings of an unidentified aerial phenomenon failed to rule out evidence of extraterrestrial life.

And just last week, Professor Avi Loeb, a physicist who hunts aliens, said early analyzes of metal fragments recovered from the Pacific this summer by his team indicate they came from interstellar space and may have been part of an alien craft. .

“My encounter with aliens in an Arabian garden led to my psychic powers developing,” he said.

“Later I saw alien bodies in a US NASA facility, but was told to withhold that information and I couldn’t talk about it.”

But with “all the increasing messages,” Uri says he knows he “can’t hide it anymore.”

The Spoon Bender believes the idyllic, scenic spot where he played as a child – and experienced the formative encounter – provided the perfect ‘mysterious’ setting.

‘There was no sound except the birds and the wind in the trees. I found peace there,” he explained.

‘There were beautiful old trees and a high, rusty iron fence, patched up with wood in places. And a small pond near an old house. The garden had gone wild. Some parts were dark, for the trees blocked the light in strange, mysterious places.

Uri believes his encounter has given him psychic powers, including the ability to read his mother's mind.  Pictured with his mother as a child

Uri believes his encounter has given him psychic powers, including the ability to read his mother’s mind. Pictured with his mother as a child

The Spoon Bender believes the idyllic, scenic spot where he played as a child – and experienced the formative encounter – provided the perfect 'mysterious' setting.  The photo shows a painting of the meeting

The Spoon Bender believes the idyllic, scenic spot where he played as a child – and experienced the formative encounter – provided the perfect ‘mysterious’ setting. The photo shows a painting of the meeting

‘There I felt a total connection with the universe, in the darkness of the deep, deep blue with billions of stars of the Milky Way. I would see myself going through that universe. I heard strange sounds and saw beautiful colors.’

One day, while Uri was exploring the area, something ‘strange’ happened.

It was late afternoon, but still light. I played all alone. Suddenly there was a very loud, high-pitched ringing in my ears,” he continued.

‘All other noises stopped. It was strange, as if time had suddenly stopped. The trees did not move in the wind. Something made me look at the sky. There was a silvery mass or orb. And I remember thinking, ‘What happened to the sun?’

Uri revealed that a bright white light, resembling a laser beam, shot toward him and hit him backwards.

“There was a sharp pain in my forehead and then I lost consciousness,” he said.

β€œI don’t know how long I lay there, but when I woke up I ran home and told my mother, who was angry and worried. But deep down I knew something important had happened.”

He had returned to the garden many times after that, hoping to see the brilliant, silvery mass of light, but it never appeared again.  Pictured with his mother when he was older

He had returned to the garden many times after that, hoping to see the brilliant, silvery mass of light, but it never appeared again. Pictured with his mother when he was older

Soon after, Uri began developing psychic powers, including the ability to read his mother’s mind and bend spoons.

He had returned to the garden many times after that, hoping to see the brilliant, silvery mass of light, but it never appeared again.

Years later, his story was verified by an Israeli soldier who witnessed Uri’s encounter.

β€œA retired Israeli Air Force officer contacted me after seeing a documentary about me. To my surprise, he said he had heard me talk about my experience in the Arabian garden and he said he knew it was true because he had witnessed it,’ the mystic explained.

He went on to explain that he was walking towards his parents’ apartment on Rothschild Boulevard when he passed the Arabian Garden on his right.

He glanced into the garden and saw a little boy with black hair and a white shirt with a huge orb of glittering light around him. He saw the boy run away from the light to an apartment building across the road, as the extraordinary light followed the boy.

“As he entered the doorway of the apartment, the light on the facade of the building exploded, leaving a dark residue on the wall.”

He “still thinks about that experience often,” but “in light of everything that’s going on, it feels like he can now confidently classify it as an alien encounter.”

He also explained that knowing that aliens are about to return was a strong inner psychic feeling.

“The prophecy is one that could have been imparted to me through extraterrestrial contact,” Uri added.

Uri believes he can bend spoons thanks to an alien counter in Tel Aviv when he was a kid

Uri believes he can bend spoons thanks to an alien counter in Tel Aviv when he was a kid

Years later, his story was verified by an Israeli soldier who witnessed Uri's meeting.  Uri depicted as a child

Years later, his story was verified by an Israeli soldier who witnessed Uri’s encounter. Uri depicted as a child

“I believe they will return to stop nuclear weapons and the negative things that come with the arms race.”

“I’ve known about the existence of aliens for years, as have many world leaders, but they believed the public wasn’t ready,” he warned.

“The US knows much more than it lets on.”

Uri said he believes the US is hiding alien technology because it wants to weaponize more advanced knowledge to be superior to Russia and China.

“It’s getting harder and harder to suppress this information and now that it’s coming out I’m free to talk about my own experiences,” he added.

‘Since the meeting I feel guided by a higher force. I wake up every morning and when I open my eyes I am thankful that I am connected to something outside of myself.

‘Guidance takes different forms. It’s invisible, but there. It is as if we are all connected by an invisible spiritual thread that allows us to send and receive information from them.

“Sometimes I’m just led to hold on to my belief systemβ€”to know they exist.”

Uri Creates The Uri Geller Oracle To Help Humans Connect With Aliens, Will Be Published October 2024 By Watkins Publishing