Trump and Biden are locked in a dead heat for president in 2024, new poll shows – as ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos says it’s ‘shocking’ because of all Donald’s ‘baggage’

Trump and Biden are locked in a dead heat for president in 2024, new polls show — as ABC News host George Stephanopoulos says it’s ‘shocking’ because of all of Donald’s ‘baggage’

Donald Trump and Joe Biden are in a dead heat for 2024, a new poll has found — with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos calling it “shocking.”

Both the president and his predecessor were supported by 46 percent of respondents Survey from the Wall Street Journalpublished Sunday.

Voters were asked which of the two they would choose, in a hypothetical rerun of the 2020 election. The same poll gave Trump a resounding lead over the Republican challengers.

Trump was the first choice of 59 percent of respondents, while Ron DeSantis was a distant second choice at 13 percent.

Nikki Haley, who was widely believed to have performed well in the first primary debate on August 23, narrowly trailed DeSantis, with 8 percent of the vote.

Vivek Ramaswamy, a political newcomer who emerged on August 23 and catapulted himself to the forefront of the discussion, came fourth with 5 percent.

Stephanopoulos, host of ABC’s This Week, said it was remarkable that the 91 criminal charges against Trump failed to diminish his political opportunities.

George Stephanopoulos, host of ABC’s This Week, said it was ‘quite shocking’ that Trump was ahead in the polls

Donald Trump has used his Georgia mugshot to raise money

Donald Trump has used his Georgia mugshot to raise money

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“It’s kind of shocking, in a way, that despite all the baggage Donald Trump carries, he’s currently tied to Joe Biden,” said Stephanopoulos, who served as Bill Clinton’s director of communications and then senior adviser.

With each passing month, with each new indictment, Donald Trump seems to be consolidating his control over the Republican Party.

“Republicans would vote almost unanimously on that podium a few days ago for a convicted felon,” Stephanopoulos said in an excerpt on Mediaite.

He asked right-wing Reihan Salam, a contributing writer for The Atlantic, “Did you ever think you’d see the day?”

Trump, 77, is seen following his arraignment in Atlanta, Georgia on Aug. 24

Trump, 77, is seen following his arraignment in Atlanta, Georgia on Aug. 24

Salam said Republicans across the board supported Trump, stressing that the 77-year-old made arguments that resonated with a variety of people.

“The truth is that we are in a very polarized moment,” Salam said. “And if you look at the Republican Party, it’s remarkably united.

“If you look at the most conservative voters and the party, they disproportionately support the former president. If you look at the more moderate electorate, female Republican primaries, he really has a lock on both wings of the party, so to speak.

“And that’s something every rival should appreciate and respect.”

Donna Brazile, former chair of the Democratic National Committee, said the new poll was “something that could keep me up at night.”

She said Democrats weren’t doing enough to reach young voters uninspired by Biden’s candidacy, and urged the party to work on selling the president’s accomplishments.

She described the Trump campaign as “a movement” and compared it to the momentum behind Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, and said Democrats should not underestimate the power of Trump’s message.