Astonished cops pull over driver cruising on a highway in Nebraska with a massive Watusi bull called Howdy Doody riding shotgun

Puzzled cops stop a driver driving on a Nebraska highway with a huge Watusi bull named Howdy Doody, riding a shotgun

  • Lee Meyer took his Ankole-Watusi bull for a ride in his specially modified car
  • Officers kept the two aside after reports of a cow in the passenger seat

Police stopped a driver traveling on the highway with an unusual passenger: a huge Watusi bull named Howdy Doody.

The officers had been tipped off about the bizarre duo driving in Nebraska by other drivers who said they saw a cow in the passenger seat on August 30.

This turned out to be a huge Ankole-Watusi bull and the owner, Lee Meyer, of Neligh, had half the roof, windows and windshield cut off the former police car to fit his companion.

He had affixed a sign to the side of the car that read, Nebraska’s Big Rodeo Parade – Best Entry.

The car also featured a miniature version of Howdy Doody’s big horns on the hood of the car.

The officers had been tipped off about the bizarre duo driving in Nebraska by other drivers who said they saw a cow in the passenger seat on August 30.

This turned out to be a huge Ankole-Watusi bull and the owner, Lee Meyer, of Neligh, had half the roof, windows and windshield cut off the former police car to fit his companion.

This turned out to be a huge Ankole-Watusi bull and the owner, Lee Meyer, of Neligh, had half the roof, windows and windshield cut off the former police car to fit his companion.

Unfortunately, Howdy Doody seemed to have gotten a little nervous during the car ride on the freeway, when a stream of his poop spilled over the rear windows as the police pulled over the car.

Unfortunately, Howdy Doody seemed to have gotten a little nervous during the car ride on the freeway, when a stream of his poop spilled over the rear windows as the police pulled over the car.

Unfortunately, Howdy Doody seemed to have gotten a little nervous during the car ride on the freeway, when a stream of his poop spilled over the rear windows as the police pulled over the car.

Captain Chad Reiman of the Norfolk Police Department explained: “The officers received a call about a car entering town containing a cow.

“They thought it would be a calf, something small or something that would actually fit in the vehicle.

“As a result, the officers conducted a traffic check and addressed some traffic violations that occurred in that particular situation.”

Meyer would be a regular with Howdy Doody at local cattle shows and parades.

Captain Reiman added, “The officer wrote him some warnings.

“There were a number of identifiable problems with that situation. The cop decided to write him a warning and ask him to take the animal home and leave town.”

Meyer and Howdy Doody were then released to return to Neligh. No one was hurt by the unusual passenger in Meyer’s car.

Captain Chad Reiman of the Norfolk Police Department explained,

Captain Chad Reiman of the Norfolk Police Department explained, “The officers got a call about a car coming into town that had a cow in it” (pictured right: Howdy Doody’s owner Lee Meyer)

He had affixed a sign to the side of the car that read, Nebraska's Big Rodeo Parade - Best Entry.  The car also had some smaller horns mounted on the hood of the car

He had affixed a sign to the side of the car that read, Nebraska’s Big Rodeo Parade – Best Entry. The car also had some smaller horns mounted on the hood of the car