Russian tourist vanishes after diving down 400ft with her husband while exploring underwater caves in Egypt

Russian tourist disappears after diving 400 feet with husband while exploring underwater caves in Egypt

  • Kristina Osipova, 44, failed to surface after diving below the permitted depth
  • The man passed out after aborting the dive because he felt uncomfortable

A Russian tourist has disappeared in Egypt after diving ‘too deep’ to 120 meters with her husband while exploring underwater caves.

Kristina Osipova, 44, failed to surface after diving below internationally permitted depths with her husband Yuri Osipov, 41.

Mr Osipov surfaced unconscious after aborting his dive due to discomfort, but his wife continued to go deeper as they explored spectacular underwater caves, according to reports.

A search is underway for Ms. Osipova, who has four children between the ages of five and 24. The search continues for a fourth day after she was lost on a ten-day cruise in the Red Sea.

The diplomat of the Russian Consulate General Alexei Zhilyaev said: “After the husband’s ascent, the computer indicated a maximum depth of 122 meters (400 feet). This is the depth they were at and both lost consciousness.

Kristina Osipova (left), 44, failed to surface after diving below internationally permitted depths with husband Yuri Osipov (right), 41

But according to reports, his wife went deeper and deeper as they explored spectacular underwater caves

Mr Osipov surfaced unconscious after aborting his dive due to discomfort, but his wife continued to go deeper as they explored spectacular underwater caves, according to reports

A search is underway for Ms. Osipova, who has four children between the ages of five and 24.  The search continues for a fourth day after she was lost on a ten-day cruise in the Red Sea.

A search is underway for Ms. Osipova, who has four children between the ages of five and 24. The search continues for a fourth day after she was lost on a ten-day cruise in the Red Sea.

“When her husband surfaced and regained consciousness, his wife was not there.”

The search area has been expanded, but there is little hope of finding her alive, rescuers say.

Her panicked husband participated in the house searches.

The rescue ship’s commander, Mustafa Nabil, told REN TV that her body may not be found if it is swept away by a strong undertow.

They were diving with a tourist group of nine to caves at a depth of 35 meters off Giftun Island, south of the resort of Hurghada.

Reportedly, the couple then dived deeper “without any special equipment.”

The search area has been expanded, but there is little hope of finding her alive, rescuers say.  Her panicked husband participated in the house searches

The search area has been expanded, but there is little hope of finding her alive, rescuers say. Her panicked husband participated in the house searches

The rescue ship's commander, Mustafa Nabil, told REN TV that the body of Ms. Osipova (left) may not be found if it is swept away by a strong undertow.

The rescue ship’s commander, Mustafa Nabil, told REN TV that the body of Ms. Osipova (left) may not be found if it is swept away by a strong undertow.

“Her husband said he was starting to lose consciousness, which we call nitrogen narcosis, which makes divers feel drunk while diving,” Nabil said.

But the man managed to swim out and the woman remained in the water.

“We are still looking for the missing person. We have also informed all vessels in the area that if anyone sees the body of a missing diver on the surface, the police should be contacted.”

A record-breaking diver descended to the depths where they had been, but saw no sign of her.

At least four boats are involved in the search.

The couple, from St. Petersburg, are said to be experienced divers.

The underwater caves – formed by coral-covered rocks – are popular on Giftun Island.