Outrageous moment entitled NYC subway passenger brings full size MOTORBIKE onto train – then gets angry at customers who complain they can’t get past him

In yet another bizarre and scandalous moment on the New York City subway, a passenger brought a large motorcycle onto the train and then played the victim when other passengers complained that it was blocking the aisle.

Inside the crowded train car, the unknown man was confronted by a passenger who had apparently asked to move around him, footage from the incident shows.

‘I’m not moving. I’m not going to move,” said the entitled bike owner.

‘I am standing here. There’s no goddamn room,” he added, without mentioning that it was his bike that completely blocked the people behind him from accessing the aisle.

The bicycle was positioned so as to block passengers’ ability to move up and down the train car and reach the exit doors at their stops.

“Why don’t you tell him to tell them to go there,” the man said, pointing to people on the other side of the car, who he said shuffled around so passengers could get in and out through a door. he did not block.

The man defended the space he occupied with his large motorcycle in a crowded train car. He told others to use other doors to get off the train as he had no intention of moving

It’s not exactly clear who the man is speaking to, though he’s surrounded by commuters and a woman is visibly trying to push her way around the motorcycle.

Online users generally seemed to agree that the man’s actions had been selfish and inappropriate behavior by bringing his large motorcycle onto the subway.

“People are now rude, inconsiderate and just selfish. It’s all about them,” Eric Priestley wrote in the comments section of the video posted to Twitter.

“No respect or consideration for anyone else,” another wrote.

“Justice is great these days,” wrote a third person.

The MTA allows bicycles on the New York City subway and recently updated the rules to include disabled e-bikes in that category as well.

There are size and weight limits that apply to electric bikes that are now allowed on trains, and the rule doesn’t apply to motorized bikes, which this guy seemed to have.

Online commentators generally agreed that the man was unreasonable and entitled, and probably shouldn't have brought a large motorcycle onto the New York subway in the first place.

Online commentators generally agreed that the man was unreasonable and entitled, and probably shouldn’t have brought a large motorcycle onto the New York subway in the first place.

The latest scene on the New York City subway comes days after things turned violent on another train car when an angry passenger threw his elbows at a passenger who had fallen asleep on him.

The wild footage shows an angry man berating another male passenger for falling asleep on his shoulder.

“You’re sleeping and I’m not your fucking pillow, damn it,” the man yelled in Spanish.

He continued to lose patience with the person and told him he’d better switch seats so he could sit next to another rider on the bench opposite theirs, who had also been dozing.

“I’m not your damn pillow. If you want to sleep, sleep next to him, because you both sleep,” he said, pointing to the man across from them.

A passenger (center) elbows another man (left) shortly after cursing him for falling asleep on his shoulder on a New York City subway

A passenger (center) elbows another man (left) shortly after cursing him for falling asleep on his shoulder on a New York City subway

A subway passenger (right) punches another passenger (left) after defending a customer who was elbowed in the face by the man he got into a fight with

A subway passenger (right) punches another passenger (left) after defending a customer who was elbowed in the face by the man he got into a fight with

The man continued to warn the passenger next to him that he was not his “f****** pillow.”

‘Do you understand? Do you understand? I’m not your damn pillow,” he yelled.

The drowsy passenger made a comment about the irate man’s mother, which made him so angry that he elbowed the passenger three times in the face – while other customers sitting around them quickly got up and ran into the subway.

‘What are you going to do now?’ said the assailant, staring at him for a moment before the man on the bench across the street who had been yelled at earlier got up and punched him in the face.

The men traded punches and held each other for nearly 30 seconds, only stopping when the train arrived at a station.

An NYPD spokesperson told DailyMail.com that they are “aware of the video and are investigating the circumstances of the incident.”