TALKING POINTS: What should you do if you don’t like your engagement ring? We want to know what YOU think

  • What would you do if you didn’t like the ring your partner chose? Should you give it time or bite the bullet and tell it right away?
  • We want to know what YOU think

Picture the scene: you recently got engaged to your partner. The proposal was everything you could ever wish for, from the setting to the heartfelt words. Now you can’t wait to start planning the wedding of your dreams.

Everything is perfect, except for one rather tricky thing: you don’t like your engagement ring.

Do you grin and bear it, hoping you’ll learn to love this most sentimental gem? Or do you risk offending your partner by exchanging or even significantly changing the ring that he or she has painstakingly selected for you?

It’s a debate that Meghan Markle reignited this summer when, after being spotted without her huge starlet on several outings, a source revealed that she had in fact “fixed it” again, having made a previous major change to her in 2019. made the setting.

This led readers to wonder if she was less enthusiastic about the design of the original ring than originally thought and if these changes were actually an opportunity to completely change the style.

While some asked, ‘Who changes their engagement ring? It must be special?’ others felt she had “every right to make it her own.”

Whatever the Duchess’ reason for changing her ring, engagement ring etiquette is a hotly debated topic and we want to know how YOU would handle this delicate situation.