How to Wake Up Earlier? 9 Ultimate Tips to Become a Morning Person

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Becoming a morning person is the ultimate key to a productive day. Having the chance to do your morning routine peacefully, encompassing daily exercise, a nourishing breakfast, and a tidy home before embarking on your activities can help to improve your overall well-being and increase your happiness level.

However, being a morning person might seem like an arduous journey for many. It won’t be as easy, especially if you often do things that unknowingly jeopardize your sleep time routine.

But fret not, for this transformation is within your grasp if you apply proper and effortless strategies. Check out the following below and you can be a morning person with ease!

1.  Sleep Early

The first and foremost thing you have to do to be a morning person is by clocking out early. Avoid sleeping late at night, and try to ensure you have proper rest time. The normal sleep time needed by adults is around 7-8 hours. After getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep, your body will automatically feel refreshed and ready to tackle anything you want to do immediately.

2.  Set an Alarm

Indeed getting up early is not easy, but all you need to do is find out what can help to get you up in the morning. The invention of the alarm serves as a lifeline for those grappling with morning lethargy. Configure your alarm to align with your desired awakening hour. As morning arrives, the alarms will chime and help awaken you from slumber. 

However, it’s apparent that solely relying on the alarm might not prove entirely effective. As you may unconsciously snooze your alarm and turn it off without realizing it. To avoid this, try to discipline yourself and eschew the snooze button!

When your alarm is blaring, swiftly arise and embark on your morning rituals; be it engaging in exercise, tidying your bed, or cooking a nourishing breakfast. Succumbing to the allure of the snooze button will risk you oversleeping!

3.  Plan Your Day

Creating clear and organized daily planning even if it seems simple, helps you understand what to do. Indeed waking up early might seem easy, but it can be hard without a good plan.

You can start by deciding what time you want to wake up in the morning and try to wake up as early as you can. Then, you can proceed by making a list of things you want to do after. This could include exercising, cleaning up, or doing something you enjoy. If you want to relax, add a fun and light activity to your morning routine such as reading a magazine or any of your favorite books. This will help you get excited to start your day and make it easier to wake up early.

4.  Stay Consistent

Starting to wake up early might be tough at first, but don’t give up. The key is to stay determined and stick to a routine. Remember, this is a gradual process, not something that happens quickly. As time goes on, your body will get used to the new routine, and you won’t need alarms as much.

5.  Adjust the Lights

If you’re having trouble sleeping and waking up early, it might be because of your sleep schedule. You can try changing your room’s lighting to help make it easier to fall asleep. Research shows that dimming or turning off lights can help make you feel sleepy.

6.  Exercise Immediately After Wake Up

Another way you can do to be a morning person is to immediately get out of bed upon waking up to exercise. Ignore your sleepiness and make time to work out before doing any other activity. Get up early and make time to do light exercises like jogging while inhaling the fresh morning air. This definitely can do wonders for your health and overall well-being if you do it regularly!

7.  Let Morning Light Illuminate Your Room

If your room has direct access to the sun, you should open the window immediately after waking up and let the morning sunshine enter your room.

Our body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and increase growth, and immunity. One ultimate source of vitamin D is from the morning sun – and doing this tip is one of the best ways to get the crucial sunlight to your room. With sunlight illuminating your room, it will also help refrain you from continuing to sleep.

8.  Turn Off Electronic Equipment

Many of us habitually check our smartphones before sleeping, engaging with social media platforms like Instagram, watching YouTube videos, or even playing video games. These activities can hinder our ability to sleep and consequently make waking up in the morning more challenging.

To counter this, you should eliminate all electronic devices that contribute to late-night activities. Dim the lights, switch your phone to silent mode, and take any steps necessary to reduce the temptation of accessing your favorite gadgets.

9.  Create Comfortable Room

Another crucial aspect to do is to create a comfortable sleeping ambiance. The state of your bed plays a vital role in your sleep quality and desire to rest. A messy or neglected bed can deter you from lying down, whereas a tidy and inviting bed can entice you to sleep.

Everyone has their idea of what makes a comfortable bed, so you should design your room in a way that suits your preferences and encourages better sleep. Ensure your room’s temperature and lighting are adjusted to facilitate a quicker transition into a restful state. And purchase a couple of things that can help elevate your room.

For example, comfortable and high-quality bed linen, a warm comforter, a soft bedside lamp, or even a reed diffuser fill the room with a calming scent. You can easily transform your sleep routine by discovering the perfect bedroom essentials!

These are some of the ultimate things you should follow to get the best restful sleep and be a morning person. It may need extra work to do at first, but you’ll get used to it over time!