I was left mortified after another holidaymaker at my resort kept asking if I was pregnant – I had just been enjoying the all-inclusive buffet

A holidaymaker was mortified after a fellow hotel guest insisted she must be pregnant after her stomach was bloated from the all-inclusive buffet.

Lauren Saddington, a TikToker and podcaster from Burnley, Lancashire, has been on holiday in Izdeniz, Turkey.

In a video the 26-year-old shared with her followers, she revealed that while she didn’t enjoy the breakfast options, the lunch and dinner options were delicious.

As a result, Lauren said she feasted on the tasty food during these two meals and enjoyed three plates.

This, she says in her video, has left her feeling bloated, as is often the case when eating buffets.

Lauren Saddington (pictured) has opened up about an awkward conversation she had with a fellow holidaymaker in Turkey

According to the 26-year-old podcaster and TikTok creator, she was asked if she was pregnant but was just a little bloated from eating at the all-inclusive buffet

According to the 26-year-old podcaster and TikTok creator, she was asked if she was pregnant but was just a little bloated from eating at the all-inclusive buffet

Lauren (pictured) has said she likes to promote body positivity and would never ask anyone if she was pregnant

Lauren (pictured) has said she likes to promote body positivity and would never ask anyone if she was pregnant

While this is to be expected on a vacation, one interaction Lauren had with a fellow vacationer was less mundane.

According to podcast host Lauren, she was approached one morning during breakfast by another woman who was staying at the resort.

Initially, the influencer thought the guest would say she recognized her from her TikTok channel.

But instead, Lauren was shocked by what the guest had to say.

Describing the interaction in her video, Lauren says, “She’s like “hasn’t your belly grown, it’s really big”.

“I stood there and said ‘Oh, I don’t know how to handle this.’

“And she’s like, ‘Well, I just thought you were really pretty the first week I saw you, and now your belly is huge.'”

And that did not end the conversation, the woman continued to speak.

The glamorous 26-year-old seemed shocked by the conversation and was surprised that someone would approach a stranger with such questions

The glamorous 26-year-old seemed shocked by the conversation and was surprised that someone would approach a stranger with such questions

Lauren said eating three plates of food at lunch and dinner left her feeling bloated

Most people would probably agree that they tend to eat more when they are on vacation

As Lauren (pictured) noted, she was just enjoying her vacation and enjoying the all-inclusive buffet

The TikTok creator and podcaster looked classy as she posed for snaps during Turkey's sun-soaked two-week break

The TikTok creator and podcaster looked classy as she posed for snaps during Turkey’s sun-soaked two-week break

The 26-year-old took to social media to make a video (photo) about the situation

Lauren showed a range of emotions as she spoke about the conversation with the stranger

Lauren made a video (photo) about the situation, which clearly shows the emotions she experienced as a result of the exchange

Fans of the TikTok creator (pictured) said she was sorry she went through the awkward situation

Fans of the TikTok creator (pictured) said she was sorry she went through the awkward situation

According to de Lauren, the woman then said, “You must be pregnant?”

Lauren wasn’t sure what to make of the situation.

She says she told the woman she was just enjoying her food at the all-inclusive resort.

And then, after telling the fellow vacationer she wasn’t pregnant, Lauren claimed she gasped in shock.

The 26-year-old continues in her video: “There was sheer horror on my face because I didn’t know what she was doing here.”

Lauren said she hoped the woman felt hurt about the conversation, as she herself would feel hurt if she made such assumptions about a stranger

Lauren said she hoped the woman felt hurt about the conversation, as she herself would feel hurt if she made such assumptions about a stranger

According to Lauren, the whole situation was a 'terrible experience'

Lauren had been told by the fellow hotel guest that she looked prettier at the start of the holiday

AMAZING EXPERIENCE: In her own words, Lauren had a ‘terrible’ time as she was questioned by the fellow hotel guest about her changing appearance over the holidays

The stylish TikTokker says she would never ask anyone if they are pregnant just because they have a belly

The stylish TikTokker says she would never ask anyone if they are pregnant just because they have a belly

Finally, the other guest revealed that she felt “mortified” about making — and speaking out — her assumption that Lauren was pregnant.

The TikTokker said, “You know what, I hope you’re mortified because I would never ask anyone if they’re pregnant if I saw a huge bump on their stomach.”

After sharing this experience on social media, Lauren’s fans were shocked to hear about the conversation, with some expressing anger.

Lauren shared her experience on social media and her fans were outraged.

One fan commented, “Wow, this is shocking.

“I’m so sorry you have to deal with that, that’s just awful, you’re beautiful.”

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1692457160 106 I was left mortified after another holidaymaker at my resort

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Fans of Lauren took to the comment section of her video to share their own thoughts, with some expressing anger at the stranger's comments

Fans of Lauren took to the comment section of her video to share their own thoughts, with some expressing anger at the stranger’s comments

Jacqueline Cooper said, ‘Why would she say that?

“That’s so wrong.”

“What the hell is going on with people oh my god,” enraged fan, Emily.

Nicole Stevens said, “I think she must have been incredibly insecure and saw an opportunity to put another woman down.

“I’m so sorry, you’re beautiful, with or without bloating.”