We will subpoena the Biden family, says top Republican: Rep. James Comer warns that more of Hunter’s associates will be brought in to testify – and Joe could end up witnessing

We will subpoena the Biden family, says top Republican: Rep. James Comer warns that more of Hunter’s associates will be brought in to testify – and Joe could end up witnessing

  • “This would always end if the Bidens appeared before the committee. We’re going to subpoena the family,” said Comer, R-Ky
  • “We know this will end up in court when we subpoena the Bidens,” he added

Rep. James Comer said on Thursday his committee will subpoena members of the Biden family to testify about their business dealings — and he expects the case to culminate in a messy legal dispute.

“This would always end if the Bidens appeared before the committee. We’re going to subpoena the family,” Comer, R-Ky., said Thursday morning on Fox Business.

“We know this will end up in court when we subpoena the Bidens,” he added.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy has floated the idea of ​​launching an impeachment inquiry to give more weight to Congress’s subpoena power over the Biden investigations.

“This is a complicated case and we are being hindered every step of the way by the Justice Department, the FBI, the Secret Service, the IRS and the Biden family lawyers,” said Comer.

“This would always end if the Bidens appeared before the committee. We’re going to subpoena the family,” said Comer, R-Ky., on Fox Business Thursday morning

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“We know this will end up in court when we subpoena the Bidens,” he added

Earlier this week, McCarthy demanded that Biden hand over his bank records to prove he was not directly benefiting financially from Hunter trading in his name.

On Wednesday, Biden insisted he “never talked business” with Hunter or his associates after Devon Archer told the oversight committee that Joe had been present over speakerphone or in person while Hunter met with business partners about 20 times.

His response came hours after Republicans released new bank statements detailing payments from Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan to the Biden family and associates.

Archer claimed not to have ever heard Joe Biden talk about business, but said Hunter would use his father as a flex worker — and hearing the vice president’s voice on speed dial was enough to sell the “brand” to foreign executives.

“I can say for sure that at certain dinners or meetings he knew there were business associates,” Archer told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in an interview after his testimony last week.

“I don’t know if it was an organized call or not. But it was certainly powerful because, you know, when you’re sitting with a foreign businessman and you hear the vice president’s voice, that’s price enough,” Archer continued.

“Sometimes the call came in and the speaker went through,” said Archer, describing the conversations in detail. “You understand DC, don’t you? So the ability to have that access in that conversation — it’s not in a scheduled conference call and that’s part of your family. That’s like the pinnacle of power in DC’

He had told the Conversations Committee, “If his father calls him during dinner and he answers, there’s a conversation. And it, you know, the conversation is generally about the weather and, you know, what it’s like in Norway or Paris or wherever he is.’

Comer claims to have found records of more than $20 million in payments to the Biden family and their associates from foreign affairs leaders around the time Joe was vice president.

Weeks ago, Hunter Biden’s plea deal for tax and gun crimes exploded when a judge informed him that he would not be protected from future charges, particularly reporting a FARA violation, or failing to register as a foreign agent.