Army helicopter crashes in Queensland: MRH-90 Taipan’s black box is pulled out of the sea after a helicopter crashed into the sea during the Whitsundays

Army helicopter crashes in Queensland: MRH-90 Taipan’s black box is pulled out of the sea after a helicopter crashed into the sea during the Whitsundays

  • A military helicopter went missing last month
  • The helicopter’s black box has been recovered
  • The four crew members are still missing

The black box of a crashed army helicopter has been recovered weeks after the military helicopter crashed off the coast of Queensland, killing four people.

The MRH-90 Taipan crashed near Hamilton Island while participating in a joint military exercise between Australia and the US on 28 July.

The black box was recovered on Tuesday and released to the Defense Forces to assist in the investigation of the crash.

Captain Daniel Lyon, Lieutenant Maxwell Nugent, Petty Officer Class Two Joseph Laycock and Corporal Alexander Naggs, all of the 6th Aviation Richmond Unit based at Holsworthy Army barracks in Sydney, were killed.

The search for their bodies continues, however, a remote-controlled vehicle discovered unidentified human remains 40 meters underwater among the debris of the cockpit at the crash site last Thursday.

Australian Defense Force chief of joint operations Lieutenant General Greg Bilton warned that definitive identification was unlikely to be possible until more of the wreckage was located.

Troop Commander Captain Dan Lyon (pictured) was one of the members of the MRH-90 Taipan crew

“The debris field corresponds to a catastrophic, high-impact event,” he said.

“Unfortunately, I can confirm that unidentified human remains have also been observed at this location by the remotely operated underwater vehicle.

“Due to the nature of the debris field, positive identification of the remains is unlikely until we recover more of the wreckage.”

The military provides ongoing support to the families of the victims.

Lieutenant Bilton added that the tragedy has had a “significant impact” on their unit.

“I am confident that their commanders are working hard to meet the challenges they face in losing their mates,” he said.

“We’re just making sure we’re providing the kind of psychological support and support for their well-being that’s needed.”

Corporal Alex Naggs, Lieutenant Maxwell Nugent and Petty Officer Joseph Laycock (pictured left to right)

Corporal Alex Naggs, Lieutenant Maxwell Nugent and Petty Officer Joseph Laycock (pictured left to right)

On July 28, the MRH-90 Taipan helicopter crashed into the ocean at about 10:30 pm during a two-helicopter operation.

Witnesses reported a “big flash, a big bang and a little fire on top of the helicopter” before the plane hit the water.

It was part of Exercise Talisman Sabre, a large-scale training operation involving several allies, including the United States.

The entire Taipan fleet was grounded as the investigation into the crash continues.

The troubled aircraft has gained a reputation for being ‘unreliable’ in recent years due to a series of incidents – including a crash in waters off the south coast of NSW in March.

More to come.