Mitch McConnell, 81, is HUMED as he is drowned out by chants of “retirement” and jeered mercilessly for five minutes during a speech to his own constituents in Kentucky

Mitch McConnell was publicly humiliated on Saturday while attempting to make a speech, drowned out by merciless jeers and screams for him to retire.

The 81-year-old Senate Minority Leader had spoken at the Fancy Farm picnic, one of Kentucky’s most important political events.

McConnell had attended the picnic amid recent questions about his health and political future after he froze in mid-sentence during a press conference last month.

On Saturday, that sentiment was continued by a large number of people in the audience jeering and jeering at the Kentucky native.

In video footage of his speech, McConnell is completely unintelligible as shouts of “RETIRE” echo across the room, which then devolve into jeers.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell speaks at the annual St. Jerome Fancy Farm Picnic in Fancy Farm, Kentucky, on Saturday, August 5

McConnell does his best to continue the incessant jeering and following CNN later said to the crowd, “This is my 28th Fancy Farm and I want to assure you it won’t be my last.”

“The people of this state have chosen me seven times to do this job, and I want you to know how grateful I am.”

On Truth Social, former President Trump also shared footage of his speech saying, “I AGREE!”

McConnell froze for 20 seconds as he spoke at his leadership briefing late last month, unable to finish his sentence.

‘Is everything all right?’ asked Sen. John Barrasso, a former orthopedic surgeon and the third-highest-ranking Republican in the Senate, grasping his arm. “Is there anything else you want to say or should we just go back to your office?”

After a few moments, he led McConnell away from the lectern and into his office.

Another GOP senator John Thune continued with the press conference, before McConnell returned and said, “I’m fine.”

When a reporter asked if he felt he could fully do his job, McConnell said “yes” and moved on.

It raised new questions about his ability to do his job and the advanced age of so many of the country’s political leaders, including President Biden.

Aides later said McConnell had felt “lightheaded” before making his comments.

Later, McConnell told reporters that the president called to ask about his well-being.

He said he told Biden he was thrown in a “sandbag,” a reference to the president’s joke after he tripped over two sandbags at an Air Force Academy graduation ceremony in June.

Former President Trump posted on Sunday evening that he thought McConnell should step down from his position

Former President Trump posted on Sunday evening that he thought McConnell should step down from his position

McConnell, left, is assisted by Senator John Barrasso, second from right, and a Capitol police officer after the GOP leader froze

McConnell, left, is assisted by Senator John Barrasso, second from right, and a Capitol police officer after the GOP leader froze

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suddenly stopped speaking and had to be walked off stage during his press conference

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suddenly stopped speaking and had to be walked off stage during his press conference

In the weeks leading up to his freeze during the press conference, McConnell had also fallen several times.

McConnell had fallen a few days earlier while stepping off a plane at Washington’s Reagan Airport, in a series of incidents that sparked concerns about his health.

McConnell has fallen twice more this year, according to multiple reports, one of which resulted in a concussion and has led to speculation about whether he is neurologically affected by the spills.

The first fall this year, according to a new CNN report, happened in February while McConnell was in Helsinki with a US delegation. The Kentucky Republican stumbled and fell as he got out of his car on a snowy day as he walked toward the Finnish president.

Just days later in March, McConnell fell again at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Washington, D.C., leading to a concussion after hitting his head in the fall.

He also broke some ribs in the hotel and was out of Congress for nearly six weeks recovering.

“It’s good to be back,” he said after returning to work. “Suffice it to say, this isn’t the first time stubbornness has served me well.”