Claim To Fame: Olivia Aquilina Guesses Wrong And Reveals Her Aunt Is Jenny McCarthy On The ABC Show

Jenny McCarthy’s niece, Olivia Aquilina, was revealed Monday on ABC’s episode of Claim To Fame.

Olivia’s relationship with Jenny, 50, was revealed during the season two episode after she incorrectly guessed that Karsyn’s celebrity relative was race car driver Jeff Gordon.

“Olivia, you took a swing, but it was a miss,” said show co-host Kevin Jonas, 35, as Olivia was eliminated without any drama when Tom Hanks’ cousin Carly Reeves was eliminated.

The show then played a clip that Jenny recorded for Olivia.

“Hey Claim To Fame, I’m Jenny McCarthy and this is my cousin Olivia,” Jenny said. “I’m so proud of you Liv. You are simply the greatest and the sweetest. And I’m so excited for the world to see who you are, my wonderful niece!”

Famous aunt: Jenny McCarthy’s niece Olivia Aquilina had her identity revealed on Monday’s episode of Claim To Fame on ABC

“Jenny’s great,” Olivia said. “She’s so down to earth, a great person and a great aunt.”

All the other contestants were shocked that Olivia was related to Jenny.

“I think I was very good at hiding it,” Olivia said.

“I was committed to Carrot Top and that’s the complete opposite of Jenny McCarthy,” Chris said, referring to the red-headed comedian.

“I feel like I’m on top of the world,” Karsyn said in a confessional. “I made a little plan with this theory from Jeff Gordon, and my plan worked.”

The episode titled Good Cop Bad Cop started with a detective game where each of the contestants had to interrogate each other to win immunity, a clue to the winner and an advantage.

A detective started by asking Karsyn, who was hooked up to a heart rate monitor, if her celebrity drives a Nascar and she said yes.

The other contestants were then convinced that her famous relative was Jeff Gordon.

Proud Aunt:

Proud Aunt: “Hey Claim To Fame, I’m Jenny McCarthy and this is my cousin Olivia,” Jenny said. “I’m so proud of you Liv. You are simply the greatest and the sweetest. And I’m so excited for the world to see who you are, my wonderful niece!”

High praise:

High praise: “Jenny is amazing,” said Olivia. “She’s so down to earth, a great person and a great aunt”

The Hosts: Kevin Jonas and his brother Franklin Jonas co-hosted the season two episode on ABC

The Hosts: Kevin Jonas and his brother Franklin Jonas co-hosted the season two episode on ABC

On top:

On top: “I feel like I’m on top of the world,” Karsyn said in a confessional. “I made a little plan with this Jeff Gordon theory, and my plan worked”

Chris went next and kept his heart rate low so they couldn’t tell if he was acting or telling the truth. Chris was afraid that the players realized he was not related to Jim Carrey and tried to shake them off.

Hugo thought JR was related to an athlete.

“I don’t know anything about Olivia,” Monay said.

Gabriel was thrilled that all the questions he was asked were about the NFL. Gabriel said in a confessional that he made everything up and didn’t even watch sports.

“They’re not even trying to think of anything else,” Gabriel said.

Hugo worked to raise his heart rate to confuse the other contestants. Chris had thought Hugo was related to Donald Trump, but wasn’t sure.

Monay got nervous when asked if her famous relative ever did stand-up comedy.

“They’re starting to get through to me,” Monay said in a confessional.

Detective Game: A detective started by asking Karsyn, who was hooked up to a heart rate monitor, if her celebrity drives a Nascar and she said yes

Detective Game: A detective started by asking Karsyn, who was hooked up to a heart rate monitor, if her celebrity drives a Nascar and she said yes

Heartbeat: Chris went next and kept his heartbeat low so they couldn't tell if he was acting or telling the truth

Heartbeat: Chris went next and kept his heartbeat low so they couldn’t tell if he was acting or telling the truth

Got Nervous: Monay got nervous when asked if her famous relative ever did stand-up comedy

Got Nervous: Monay got nervous when asked if her famous relative ever did stand-up comedy

Famous family members: Monay, Olivia, Karsyn, Gabriel, Hugo, JR and Chris pondered the clues

Famous family members: Monay, Olivia, Karsyn, Gabriel, Hugo, JR and Chris pondered the clues

Gabriel was the winner of the competition to see who was the best detective with the highest score. Chris and Olivia got the lowest scores and were told one of them would guess. Chris was still convinced that Karsyn was related to Jeff Gordon. Monay gave him Karsyn’s clue and he shared Hugo’s clue with her. They looked at it and saw that there was a commander and chief who grew nuts.

“It’s Jimmy Carter!” said Monay. “Jane was right from day one.”

Chris said he had to convince Olivia to shoot Karsyn and if she was wrong she would be eliminated. Chris told Olivia that all indications for Hugo pointed to Trump.

“Lying to Olivia doesn’t feel right,” Chris said. “But at the same time I’m trying to protect myself.”

Chris showed her Karsyn’s clue and read it and decided that her claim to fame was Jeff Gordon.

Gabriel entered the wine room to choose an additional clue. He chose JR’s designation.

“I think JR was lying all along,” Gabriel said. “This has nothing to do with no basketball, no net, no field, no jersey.”

Gabriel then realized it could be an old country road in the clue.

Sports Questions: Gabriel was thrilled that all the questions he was asked were about the NFL

Sports Questions: Gabriel was thrilled that all the questions he was asked were about the NFL

“Man, if he’s related to Lil Nas X, it’s going to be crazy,” said Gabriel.

Gabriel then shared the clue with Chris to bond with him.

Olivia pretended her famous relative was Carrot Top.

In the final guess, Olivia was chosen to be the gambler after a house vote.

Claim to Fame returns next Monday on ABC.