Google Bard content should be fact-checked, recommends the current Google VP

If you need even more reason to be skeptical about generative AI, look no further than a recent BBC interview with Debbie Weinstein, Vice President of Google UK. She recommends people use Google Search to check content generated by the Bard AI.

Weinstein says in the interview that Bard should be viewed more as an “experiment” better suited to “collaboration around problem solving” and “creating new ideas”. It seems that Google had no real intention of using the AI ​​as a source of “specific information”. In addition to checking all the information provided by Bard, she suggests using the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons at the bottom of the generated content to provide feedback to improve the chatbot. As the BBC points out, Bard’s homepage states “it has limitations and won’t always get it right, but it doesn’t take Mrs Weinstein’s advice” to double-check the results via Google Search.