New Zealand toddler Mahina Toki dies after falling from catamaran at Musket Cove and drowning during family holiday to Fiji

New Zealand toddler Mahina Toki dies after falling from catamaran at Musket Cove and drowning during family holiday to Fiji

  • Thirteen-month-old baby girl found in ocean
  • Loosened from oars on boat
  • Parents were cooking below deck

A toddler who was reportedly tied to a boat while her parents cooked dinner has drowned after escaping the harness and falling overboard.

The body of 13-month-old New Zealander Mahina Toki was found floating in the water at idyllic Musket Cove in Fiji on Friday.

Mahina, who had just turned 13 months the day before, had just been harnessed up and watching a movie on the family catamaran Kalamari.

Her parents Mark and Kiri were cooking downstairs in the galley before coming on deck to find their daughter missing.

Fiji police said the toddler managed to break free from the harness and fall overboard before drowning.

Mahina (center picture with parents Mark and Kira), a 13-month-old girl from New Zealand, was found near Fiji

After an urgent search, the girl’s body was found floating in the water and the family rushed to shore, desperately begging for help to resuscitate her.

There were several boats nearby at the time, including doctors and medical personnel who immediately rushed to help.

Despite frantic efforts, the young girl could not be brought back to life.

Island Cruising New Zealand owner Viki Moore said bystanders did everything they could to save the toddler.

She revealed that it was common for people to be tied to the boat while sailing.

“I don’t know what happened in this case, but it’s very sad,” she said.

The devastated family had arrived in Musket Cove two days earlier on Wednesday, having departed from New Zealand.

The little girl’s death has sparked a wave of grief among loved ones and the community.

Fellow cruiser Grace Palos has set up a fundraising page, labeling the toddler as a “beautiful, happy, smiling child who loved the water and life on the boat.”

Her mother, Kiri, said she had eyes that looked into your soul from the day she was born. She was 13 months old yesterday,” the Give a little fundraiser reads.

‘Mahina’s parents, Mark and Kiri, are busy resuming their lives and traveling back to their home on New Zealand’s Great Barrier Island.

The idyllic setting of Musket Cove in Fiji was the scene of tragedy on Friday when a toddler drowned

The idyllic setting of Musket Cove in Fiji was the scene of tragedy on Friday when a toddler drowned

“The cruisers of Musket Cove humbly ask for your help in raising funds for the family to cover the cost of flights home, funeral expenses, and anything else Mark and Kiri may need as they move forward.

“To beloved Mahina, may you live forever in peace, splashing with joy somewhere in the sea.”

By Monday morning, more than $28,000 had been raised.

Musket Cove Resort manager Joe Mar described it as a huge shock to the community.

“The family rushed to the coast to seek help and many people came to help, but unfortunately could not revive her,” he said.

A spokesman for the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said: NZ announces reported knowing of the death and providing consular assistance.