Learn How to Create your Literary Agenda to Organize Your Year as an Author

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Have you decided to publish a book? There will be many questions you may have asked yourself about the process you have started, a long road you have to travel. But on this path, you will not only need answers to your doubts, but you will also need a lot of organization since keeping in mind the deadlines so as not to miss them and reach your goal is an important point.

And how to get organized? There is nothing better than having an agenda, not just any plan, but one that fits your literary needs. The year has 365 days, 366 in the case of leap years. Making the most of every day of the year is essential if you want to publish a book. And for this, we insist order is the cornerstone.

How to get organized to publish a book

To publish, you have to get organized. To do this, the first step must consider the dates that will gradually mark the publishing process. At this point, we recommend you start working with a Google Calendar, a free application that will make it easier to keep track of important dates, even adjusting them with colors according to the themes.

For example, in red, you can indicate the dates for the delivery of the chapters or the manuscript (once you have applied the changes proposed by the publisher). In blue are the days when you will work on the promotion of the book, and in another chromatic variety, the days dedicated to the presentation of your work.

Best of all, you can use the Google Calendar mobile application to generate notifications and avoid missing important dates to meet all paper service deadlines! A literary agenda that you can always have at hand, as close as you have your smartphone.

Keep other dates in mind

Of course, when organizing your literary agenda, you will not only have to include the dates related to the publication of your book. There will be other dates that will undoubtedly help you. A good example is the anniversaries of illustrious authors that you can remind your followers on social networks and gain interaction.

And it goes without saying that in this agenda, you must include reminders that warn you of the proximity of important dates, such as Book Day or the beginning of Christmas, to start working on specific actions to promote your work

Reflect on the changes in the literary process

The dates you mark in your calendar are not set in stone; there may be variations to which you will have to respond (perhaps the publisher has brought forward the manuscript revision deadline), or the presentation of your book has been canceled. If there are changes, you must reflect them in your agenda.

But haste is not a good advisor, and with your hectic workload, you may forget. But there is no more significant mistake than ignoring these variations and working for the wrong date. We recommend you take a look and mark the actions performed and those that have undergone some change each day.

Be realistic with the times

We recommend that you reflect on the actions you will perform when publishing a book and the time it will take you to execute them. You will also have to be realistic in this regard. Be cautious and think that you can do everything in a few days. When planning, consider your possibilities and the workload you already have.

Stay flexible with the dates too. Leave space and assimilate that there will be days when you will be tired and unable to comply. Also, if you see that you have time left over at the end of the day, you will be able to dedicate it to other tasks for which you have not paid enough attention.


We mentioned it before, but it is better to categorize to know which activities deserve more attention when it comes to getting organized. For example, deadlines will have to have some signal that tells you that this is an unavoidable event. For this, nothing better than a chromatic warning, a color that stands out and catches your attention as soon as you look at your literary agenda.

On the other hand, we also recommend establishing several categories that make up your literary agenda. A color for each topic so that you can also recognize what you are referring to by looking at your action calendar.

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