Robert F Kennedy Jr. says Covid-19 was ‘ethnically targeted’ to have no effect on Jewish people

Democratic presidential nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr plunged into new depths of conspiracy theory when he claimed that Covid-19 was “ethnic” and that “the people most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

RFK Jr., 69. made the comments Thursday at an event at Tony’s Di Napoli restaurant on New York City’s Upper East Side.

The son of the late Robert F. Kennedy drew public with his bizarre rants about vaccines, but the night turned into “a war of words and farts,” the New York Post reports.

The Post also reported on RFK Jr.’s anti-Semitic diatribe. “We don’t know if it was intentional or not, but there are documents that show the racial or ethnic difference and the impact,” the Democratic nominee added.

He believed those in power are working on biological weapons that would make Covid-19 look “like a walk in the park.”

Robert F Kennedy Jr. pictured at Thursday’s event where he made outlandish claims about Covid-19, telling an audience the virus was not designed to ‘affect Jewish or Chinese people’

RFK Jr, 69, made the remarks at an event Thursday at Tony's Di Napoli restaurant on New York City's Upper East Side

RFK Jr, 69, made the remarks at an event Thursday at Tony’s Di Napoli restaurant on New York City’s Upper East Side

Hosted by writer Doug Dechert, the event was said to have descended into a night of 'screaming and farting'

Hosted by writer Doug Dechert, the event was said to have descended into a night of ‘screaming and farting’

Of Democrats polled in the recent poll, 58 percent support Biden for the nomination, while 15 percent support Kennedy

Of Democrats polled in the recent poll, 58 percent support Biden for the nomination, while 15 percent support Kennedy

“We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons, and we are developing ethnic bioweapons. They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race,” he continued.

There is no reliable evidence to suggest that anything RFK Jr said was correct. While there are new reports suggesting Covid-19 was man-made and escaped from a lab in Wuhan, nothing indicates it was an ethnic target.

The event was organized by writer Doug Dechert. According to social diarist David Patrick Colombia, About 16 people were present at the dinner, including someone from Amsterdam News, Page Six and radio presenter Rita Cosby.

Colombia wrote that a question-and-answer session began as soon as the first course ended.

“The honored guest shared his views on various topics and situations he was asked about,” Colombia wrote.

Towards the end of the night, a heated argument ensued between the host, Doug Dechert, and art critic Anthony Haden-Guest. The critic called the host “a miserable blob” and told him to “shut up.”

The critic then called Dechert ‘insignificant’ and ‘f*****g insane’. Videos posted to social media show Kennedy laughing during the war of words.

Finally, the night turned into a further farce when Dechert farted while announcing, “I’m farting.”

RFK Jr’s adviser and right-wing activist Morton Klein told the Post that the candidate’s latest comments “worry” him.

“This is crazy. It makes no sense that they would. I’ve read everything. I was totally against the vaccine. . . I wanted to convince myself that it was correct not to take it. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Klein said.

Kennedy has dabbled in anti-Semitism with some of his other comments about the Covid-19 pandemic.

He has repeatedly appealed to the Nazis and the Holocaust when speaking of measures to contain the spread of COVID-19, such as mask requirements and vaccine mandates.

He has apologized for some of those comments, including when he suggested that people in 2022 would be worse off than Anne Frank.

Democratic presidential nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr has promised Dr.  Anthony Fauci for his actions during the COVID-19 pandemic

Democratic presidential nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr has promised Dr. Anthony Fauci for his actions during the COVID-19 pandemic

Kennedy this week promised Dr. Anthony Fauci for his performance during the COVID-19 pandemic he must win White House in 2024.

“Of course if there were any crimes he committed, I would tell the Attorney General to prosecute him, not wait,” Kennedy promised during an interview on Fox news.

While Kennedy did not state outright whether America’s former top doctor is guilty of committing a crime, he stated how he believes Dr. Fauci has caused “a lot of harm” by claiming he withheld treatment from Americans during the early stages of the pandemic.

Kennedy said it was Fauci’s actions that actually contributed to the high death toll in the United States.

“I think mainly by depriving Americans of early treatment, he has achieved the highest death toll in the world,” Kennedy said during Monday night’s interview.

“We only have 4.2 percent of the world’s population, but we had 16 percent of the COVID deaths in this country and that was because of bad policies,” Kennedy explained.

“There are countries that did the opposite of what we did, that provided Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, other early treatments to their populations and had 1/200th of our mortality rate.

“There’s a lot of things that we’ve done wrong in our country and some of them were, I would say… some of the things that were done by health officials at the time that they knew would be harmful.”

Kennedy has made similar allegations in the past in a book titled

Kennedy has made similar allegations in the past in a book titled “The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.”

Kennedy was then asked by host Jesse Watters why he continues to promote the false claim that childhood vaccinations are associated with autism.

“I do believe that autism is due to vaccines, but I think most of the things people believe about my opinion of vaccines are wrong,” Kennedy said.

“You know, everything I’ve said about vaccines, we should have good science. We should have the same kind of testing, placebo-controlled trials that we have for any other kind of medication.

‘Vaccines are exempt from pre-licensing placebo-controlled trials. So there’s no way anyone could determine the risk of all those products or even the relative benefits of all those products before they’re made mandatory and we should have that kind of testing.’

Kennedy was not vigorously challenged by Watters during the interview, who seemed to accept the details he was praising.

The candidate is believed to have as high as 20 percent among some Democratic voters, though there is no indication that President Joe Biden will enter a debate with him or self-help guru Marianne Williamson.

When announcing his campaign in April, RFK Jr compared his campaign to the American Revolution.

“My mission during the next 18 months of this campaign and throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt fusion of state and corporate power that now threatens to impose a new brand of corporate feudalism on our country,” Kennedy said. .

The candidate was once best known as an environmental lawyer who dealt with issues such as clean water.

Kennedy launched his campaign on April 19 at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston with his wife Cheryl Hines, the Curb Your Enthusiasm actress

Kennedy launched his campaign on April 19 at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston with his wife Cheryl Hines, the Curb Your Enthusiasm actress

But over the past nearly two decades, he has become one of the leading voices of the anti-vaccine movement. His work has been described by members of his own family and public health experts as misleading and dangerous.

His efforts intensified after the pandemic and the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, and in 2021 he joined anti-democratic figures and other groups.

He has appeared at events promoting the lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and with people applauding or downplaying the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol.

A photo posted to Instagram showed Kennedy backstage at a Reawaken America event in July 2021 with Roger Stone, the ally of former President Donald Trump, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and anti-vaccine profiteer Charlene Bollinger. All three have promoted the lie about the 2020 election theft.

Kennedy was a guest on Infowars, the channel of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and on the “War Room” podcast hosted by Steve Bannon, a longtime Trump ally, promoting his best-selling 2021 book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” . he accused the US’s top infectious disease physician of participating in “a historic coup against Western democracy.”

During the pandemic, RFK Jr’s group, Children’s Health Defense, raised funds and followers in the US and abroad, doubling its revenue from 2019 to 2020. Revenue more than doubled from $7 million in 2020 to $16 million in 2021.

Facebook and Instagram have removed Children’s Health Defense accounts for spreading misinformation.