UFO fever grips Washington: Republican Congressman says UFOs may be ‘ancient civilization’

UFO fever appears to be gripping Washington after a series of extraordinary claims and revelations from lawmakers this week.

Claims of an illegal, covert UFO retrieval program operating in the shadows were made public this month by Air Force and Intelligence veteran David Grusch.

Congressman and Marine veteran Mike Gallagher released his theories on the mystery this Tuesday, suggesting that UFOs may be time-traveling craft piloted by humans from the future, as in the 1984 movie “The Terminator.”

Florida Senator Marco Rubio also revealed that he had been approached by several senior government officials with the highest security clearances who said they had “first hand” knowledge of UFO programs.

Congressman and Marine veteran Mike Gallagher this Tuesday unleashed his own theories about the mystery, suggesting that UFOs may be time-traveling craft piloted by humans from the future, as in the 1984 movie “The Terminator,” or “an ancient civilization that simply constipated’

Rep. Gallagher, a Republican from Wisconsin, appeared on ESPN analyst Pat McAfee’s sports talk show and floated his hypothesis that the unexplained phenomenon “could actually be an ancient civilization that just hid here and suddenly shows up.”

But Rep. Gallagher also brought the talk back to Earth, expressing concern that the mysteries in the sky would turn out to be cutting-edge aerospace technology controlled by a foreign adversary to the US.

“I’m probably most interested in whether it’s hostile technology, particularly from China,” said Gallagher, who also chairs the Chinese Communist Party’s House Committee.

Whether or not we are alone in the universe, the congressman is not alone among his fellow legislators to openly voice his UFO concerns.

Senator Rubio – in the unbroadcast portions of his interview with NewsNation on Monday – expressed concern at the apparent and “deeply problematic” lawlessness of the alleged UFO crash recovery and reverse engineering program.

Behind closed doors, the Senate Intelligence Committee, of which Senator Rubio is vice chairman, has heard more “firsthand” testimony about these classified UFO programs from senior military and intelligence whistleblowers outside Grusch.

In a full and unadulterated transcript of his recent interview, provided to DailyMail.com by a member of Senator Rubio’s office, Rubio described the alleged UFO program as “essentially some kind of internal military complex that is their own government and must be held accountable.” pass’. to no one.’

“It would be a huge problem,” the Florida Republican said, “if it’s even partially true.”

Senator Rubio expressed concern Monday about the apparent lawlessness of an alleged top secret UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering program, in unbroadcast portions of his NewsNation interview.  Rubio said the program is a

Senator Rubio expressed concern Monday about the apparent lawlessness of an alleged top secret UFO crash recovery and reverse engineering program — in unbroadcast portions of his NewsNation interview. Rubio said the program is a “massive problem.” […] if it’s only partially true’

New claims of a deeply hidden UFO reverse engineering program have exploded in the public eye in recent weeks, with news of an official whistleblower complaint filed by former senior intelligence official and Air Force veteran David Grusch.

“We’re not talking about prosaic origins or identities,” Grusch said The debriefing this month. “The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.”

According to Grusch—whose last position answered directly to the head of the Pentagon’s top-secret spy satellite agency, the National Reconnaissance Office—the US has a wealth of craft parts and equipment of “non-human origin.”

In TV and print interviews and secret briefings on Capitol Hill, Grusch has said the US and other countries are also involved in a top-secret “80-year arms race” to weaponize the downed UFOs.

‘The existence of complex historical programs for the coordinated detection and study of exotic material, dating back to the early 20th century, should no longer remain a secret,’ says Grusch.

But Grusch has also claimed that the information was illegally withheld from Congress as the military, the intelligence community and their private contractors raced to quietly profit from the technology.

Senator Rubio did not mince words about the seriousness of these allegations in the clipped parts of his NewsNation interview.

“If that’s true,” Rubio said, “what you’re really saying is that there’s a group of people within the United States government who believe they have something they don’t have to share with anyone, including elected officials. civil servants they regard as temporary workers.’

Former intelligence officer David Charles Grusch said the US has a trove of parts and equipment from UFOs of 'non-human origin' that have crashed to Earth

An image from an unclassified video taken by US Navy pilots showing interactions with

Former intelligence officer David Grusch briefed Senator Rubio and others on evidence that a trove of UFO parts and equipment of “non-human origin” is now secretly held by the US. On the left is an image from an unclassified video taken by US Navy pilots showing the ‘Gimbal’ UFO

While the Inspector General of U.S. Intelligence found Grusch’s July 2022 whistleblower complaint “credible and urgent,” Senator Rubio carefully noted the many remaining questions about the veracity of these allegations.

“There’s 1 of 2 things that are true here,” Rubio said in his unaired response, “either what he’s saying is partially true or completely true, or we have some really smart, educated people with high powers and very important positions in our government that is crazy and puts us on a goose chase.’

After attending classified briefings by both Grusch and some “first-hand” witnesses with “very high clearances” for the government’s UFO reverse engineering program, Rubio admitted he was “still not in a position to make that judgment.” ‘.

But the senator believes these whistleblower claims deserve attention, regardless of the truth behind them.

“Both are a problem,” Rubio said. “Either what they’re telling us is true — or we have some people in key positions who are doing this for one reason or another.”

“We need to figure this out,” the senator said, “we can’t get around it.”

Echo Representative Gallagher’s Responses to Pat McAfee’s ShowRubio did not rule out the possibility that many UFOs sighted by U.S. military personnel and the alleged UFO material kept out of congressional control could be evidence of a foreign nation’s advanced technology.

Both Rep.  Gallagher, seen on The Pat McAfee Show above (center table) as Sen.  Rubio have expressed concern that the UFO mystery could be a breakthrough aerospace technology controlled by a foreign adversary to the US.  Senator Rubio described this outcome as his

Both Rep. Gallagher, seen on The Pat McAfee Show above (center table) as Sen. Rubio have expressed concern that the UFO mystery could be a breakthrough aerospace technology controlled by a foreign adversary to the US. Senator Rubio described this outcome as his “greatest fear”

“My biggest fear in all of this, frankly, and I’m not ruling anything out of course,” Rubio said, “is that an adversary has made a technology leap that would be really bad news, and we’d get caught flat on it.”

The senator noted that whether the reality of the threat comes from US adversaries abroad, “non-human intelligences,” or unaccountable domestic actors from the military and defense sector, the credibility of the witnesses requires action.

“People we’ve entrusted to do really important things for our country are saying some pretty incredible things,” Rubio said, “that I think we should take seriously and listen to.”

“We’re getting more information now,” he added, “more people [are] more than ever before in the history of our country.’

“We need to find answers,” Rubio stressed, “because at the end of the day, when federal government agencies are unsupervised and doing what they want, that’s generally not a good outcome for the country.”