Bungie explains why Destiny 2 keeps going down — and how it plans to fix it

Lot 2 has been in a difficult position since Bungie released the Lighting expansion earlier this year. While many fans have complained about the expansion itself, the biggest problem with the game has been its stability. In a recent blog postthe studio finally explained why these issues are happening in the game, and gave players a roadmap for fixes coming later this year.

In the past few months, players have been disconnected from the middle of activities much more often than usual. From a player’s perspective, it feels like he’s being helpful Bungie Help Twitter account lets players know that the game is down for “emergency maintenance” more often than ever before.

This instability – and the frustration it’s causing in the community – has led to Bungie’s most transparent update yet on the game’s health. In Thursday’s blog post, Bungie explained that the studio has invested heavily in improving the game’s stability around high-traffic moments like an expansion launch or a raid race. And to Bungie’s credit, both Lighting and the Root of Nightmares attack were very smooth launches from a player experience.

Unfortunately, these upgrades came with unexpected disruptions Lot 2‘Claims’ service, which is essential for the functioning of the game. All gameplay messages – every enemy killed or item picked up – make a claim and direct it to a specific server for the game to respond properly. Claims now remain functional even if loads of Guardians try to log in and play all at once, but the system no longer properly heals itself.

When a Claim communication channel breaks and doesn’t repair itself as it should, players receive one of many infamous error codes such as Weasel or Baboon. When this starts happening en masse, Bungie is sometimes forced to shut down the entire game to restore functionality.

The developers assure players in the post that Claims is the main issue on their board, but also stress that it is a complex issue and will take time to resolve.

Bungie is currently working on processes to bring Lot 2 back online faster if it goes down. For the upcoming midseason update – due in a few weeks – Bungie is rolling out an improvement to its logging and warning systems, which should help prevent the game’s stability issues from getting worse, while also laying the groundwork for important fixes. solutions to come. late in the year.

Starting with Season 22’s launch on August 22, Bungie will introduce fixes for the “self-healing” issues Claims is having. There are multiple solutions here that should target specific areas where Claims is failing and hopefully fix themselves.

Season 23, which should launch in early December, will look to the future for even bigger architectural improvements depending on the success of the Season 22 patch.

All of this is surprisingly transparent and straightforward from Bungie, a studio that typically explores the inner workings of Lot 2‘s magic for itself. Patience in the community is getting very thin even with the official reveal of The final shape expansion coming in August. But blog posts like this tend to restore some faith in the creators of Destiny.

All eyes are now on August 22 Lot 2 Showcase – not just to see what new content Bungie has in store, but to see if the game will finally be stable after months of turmoil.