Popular influencer quits social media after stirring up controversy

A controversial Australian influencer has quit social media after a series of attacks from people she calls her “haters” left her feeling unsafe and suicidal.

Emma Claiir, who received backlash in April when she admitted to killing two cats when she was a child, told her 105,000 followers Monday that she left Instagram after the criticism.

“As most of you know I gave birth to the most amazing, precious little boy on 12.4.23 and he completely changed my life,” she began her very long post.

“I was so excited to share my life with all of you, share where things came from and just be real with my postpartum journey and experiences with my baby.

But unfortunately none of that became possible when I shared a story from my childhood on my podcast. I was soon canceled and the death threats started pouring in,” she continued.

A controversial Australian influencer has quit social media.’ Emma Claiir (pictured), who received backlash in April when she admitted to killing two cats as a child, told her 105,000 followers on Monday that she left Instagram after the criticism

“The story was blown out of proportion and turned into something it never was. People started a witch hunt on me and did everything they could to make sure my life was ruined.

“I lost my job, my mental health was seriously affected and people just laughed about it.

“I realized it was taking me away from my son and keeping me from being present with him, so I took a little break.”

Emma continued, “Ever since my return after that, people decided it was okay to spread cheating rumors, make up lies and try to continue ruining the life of a new mom who was already pretty open about her mental health issues in the to live.

“Not only did I have haters trying to ruin my life and spread hate and rumors, but I also had good friends doing the same thing.

“Friends I thought were there for me, friends I trusted, and friends I thought would never stab me in the back.

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“I lost my job, my mental health was severely compromised and people just laughed about it,” she wrote at length in the post, part of which can be seen here

“These friends denounced my personal life, joined in the lies and rumors to make it seem legit, and shared something I posted on my private Instagram page, which was for family and friends only, where I spoke openly about a dark place where I was’ she said.

“This was a breaking point for me. I suddenly started feeling unsafe in my own bubble, I started feeling unsafe in my own home, my anxiety went through the roof when I went out in public, I felt constantly violated, the death threats got louder and the lies and rumors also grew louder.’

Emma said her mental health is suffering and she is considering taking her own life.

“People did everything they could to ruin my life. Messaging my friends with nasty messages, messaging brands and companies that followed me with threats, and much more. People dehumanized me daily and laughed at my struggles,” she said.

“My mental health eventually collapsed. I entered a very dark room that was extremely scary and unfamiliar.

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“Not only did I have haters trying to ruin my life and spread hate and rumours, but I also had good friends doing the same thing,” she said.

“I kept telling myself that this would only go away if I killed myself.”

She continued, “The only way to make the haters happy is to disappear for good and officially leave this world.

“Maybe my son and my husband really would be better off without me and I should just let them go, maybe my friends and family would be better off without me too so I should just let them go.”

“These are thoughts no new mother should have.”

The influencer concluded by telling her followers, “Always remember the online space can be awful, fake and harmful whether you have followers or not, so it’s okay, strong and powerful to walk away if you need to .’

She took a break from social media earlier this month after being accused of “toxic positivity” regarding posts about her baby.

She took a break from social media earlier this month after being accused of 'toxic positivity' regarding posts about her baby

She took a break from social media earlier this month after being accused of ‘toxic positivity’ regarding posts about her baby

“It has just been brought to my attention that my last [post] about having a tough Mother’s Day is a form of toxic positivity and can be detrimental to other moms who are struggling and that I need to do better,” she wrote.

Emma continued at the time that she was “in hiding” for a while to protect her mental health.

“It seems like nothing I post is good enough these days and everything I post is wrong and right now I can’t be bothered to please everyone,” she snapped.

“I’m doing my best to be somewhat real and relatable here and hope I can help at least one person feel better or less alone, but it’s getting harder and harder to show up when I’m constantly being told I’m with be wrong or be poisonous. or should do better.’

Emma was widely criticized and was ousted by makeup company MCoBeauty in April after admitting to two incidents of historic animal cruelty on an episode of her podcast Simply Chaotic.

Emma said at the time that she would

Emma said at the time that she would “go into hiding for a while” to protect her sanity

Three other brands subsequently cut ties with Claiir, including a vegan makeup company that promotes how it doesn’t test its products on animals.

Lust Minerals confirmed in a lengthy Instagram post at the time that it would no longer be working with Claiir.

“We are deeply saddened by the events that have taken place regarding Emma Claiir. Lust Minerals does not condone cruelty of any kind. We stand by our values ​​- our products are cruelty free and vegan certified,” the statement read.

‘As a company we take these matters very seriously and have therefore made the decision to end all activities with Emma Claiir. Our community is our first priority.’

Fashion retailers Glassons and Princess Polly also distanced themselves from Claiir, saying they would not work with her in future campaigns, according to screenshots of DMs the brand sent to customers.

The screenshots, obtained by the “snark” account Influencer Updates AU, confirmed that both labels had cut ties with Claiir as a result of her cat controversy.

Emma was widely criticized and was sacked by makeup company MCoBeauty in April after admitting to two incidents of historic animal cruelty on an episode of her podcast Simply Chaotic.

Emma was widely criticized and was sacked by makeup company MCoBeauty in April after admitting to two incidents of historic animal cruelty on an episode of her podcast Simply Chaotic.

Claiir shared the bizarre admission on her podcast earlier this week, after her co-host Kristy Jean asked her to reveal a personal secret.

The mother of one left Jean baffled by admitting, “I killed my cat.”

Chuckling awkwardly, Claiir continued, ‘I didn’t mean to… I was young, I was a child.

“I waved my cat. I thought it was just a hug. And I accidentally released it.”

Claiir clarified that the animal died “of fright,” rather than of any injuries from being flung across the room.

After sharing a laugh with her co-host, Claiir added, “I just wanna say, I’m giggling about it now, but this happened for years and years and years [ago].

“And, like, I was crazy about a little kid.” Incredibly, Claiir went on to admit that she “also accidentally killed her best friend’s cat.”

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Three other brands subsequently cut ties with Claiir, including a vegan makeup company that promotes how it doesn't test its products on animals

Three other brands subsequently cut ties with Claiir, including a vegan makeup company that promotes how it doesn’t test its products on animals