Chris Christie is BOOED at Republican religious conference for slamming Trump

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was booed at a Republican religious conference Friday for telling the public that former President Donald Trump “has let us down,” has no “character,” and is “making our country smaller.”

Christie, who is running against Trump for the GOP nomination, thrilled Friday at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference, which draws an audience of Christian conservatives.

Mike Pence called on all 2024 Republican candidates to support a nationwide 15-week abortion ban and called for a “different leadership” than Trump before Christie took the stage.

Christie began his speech by saying he planned to talk about “character” before hammering the former commander-in-chief halfway through β€” sparking boos and cheers of “we love Trump!” of the crowd.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was booed at a Republican religious conference Friday for telling the public that former President Donald Trump “has let us down,” has no “character,” and is “making our country smaller.”

β€œI’m running because he’s abandoned us. He has failed us because he is not willing, he is not willing to take responsibility for the mistakes made. And all the flaws he has. And all the things he’s done,” Christie said.

“And that’s not everyone’s leadership, that’s leadership failure,” the former New Jersey governor added.

That remark led to loud boos from the public.

“You can jeer at me if you want,” he retorted.

‘But this is the point. Our faith teaches us that people should take responsibility for what they do. People need to stand up and take responsibility for what they do,” he continued.

Christie noted that as soon as he started criticizing Trump, the ex-president started berating him.

“And belittle me,” Christie offered.

And I’ll tell you. If all you do, all you do is to disagree with someone and you get such treatment in return, I’m on a great list of Americans like Rex Tillerson and Jim Mattis and Mark Esper and Mick Mulvaney . And John Kelly,” Christie said, ticking off the names of Trump aides who became critics as the audience continued to yell at him.

A handful of people started a “we love Trump” chant.

“And you can love him all you want,” Christie replied.

β€œBut I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you, doing things like that makes our country smaller. It makes our country smaller and it makes us smaller,” he added.

Afterward, Christie spoke to reporters and continued to tear up Trump.

He pointed out how Trump had once offered him the chief of staff job.

“And then he said on a podcast yesterday that he never trusted me,” Christie noted.

Christie began his speech by saying he planned to talk about

Christie began his speech by saying he planned to talk about “character” before hammering the former commander-in-chief halfway through β€” sparking boos and cheers of “we love Trump!” of the crowd

Christie noted that as soon as he started criticizing Trump, the ex-president started berating him

Christie noted that as soon as he started criticizing Trump, the ex-president started berating him

‘Well, what does that make him? A liar or an idiot?’ Christie mused. “It’s one or the other.”

Christie told the press that he fully expected to be harassed.

“I’m not going to come here like other candidates and give in to them,” the ex-governor said. “I knew there were a lot of Trump fans and I knew I was probably going to get booed.”

‘But you know what? I guarantee you one thing – I got everyone in that room thinking today. And that’s part of your job as a leader,” he added.

He said he believed Trump still had the support of so many Republicans “because I think they have no respect for President Biden and he’s the latest frame of reference by comparison.”

β€œAnd I don’t think anyone in that room can honestly say, given his behavior, that he’s a person of character. He’s not,” Christie said.

“If they want to ignore the character issue in choosing the president of the United States, I think that’s wrong, but it’s also their choice,” the former governor argued.

Faith and Freedom Coalition founder Ralph Reed kicked off the conference by asking the public not to be audible about their displeasure.

“I ask that if someone comes on stage that you disagree with on one or more issues, keep it to yourself,” Reed told the crowd.