I’m a dating coach and here are 5 signs the guy you’re seeing may have a secret girlfriend or wife

A dating coach has revealed five signs that the guy you’re seeing may have a secret girlfriend or wife — including that he never shares pictures of you on his social media.

British coach Jacob Lucas says he’s used his real-life methods to “help millions of people get the love life they’ve always wanted”

Not only does he work directly with clients, he also shares dating content on TikTok with his 750,000+ followers. He is also the author of the Her Dating Coach guide.

In a recent video on the platform, he outlined five signs that the person you’re seeing may not have been honest about their relationship status.

And shockingly, according to Jacob, he’s been hearing this scenario “so often” lately, which says “shocks” to him, because he doesn’t understand how people think they can escape it.

According to dating coach Jacob Lucas (pictured), there are some common signs that the person you’re dating is already in a relationship

In the video, Jacob says, “I’m a professional dating coach, and [here are] five signs that the guy you’re dating might have a secret girlfriend or wife.

“I’ve heard this is happening so often lately, and it shocks me how people think they can get away with it.”

He outlines the first sign and says, “Number one, they refuse to post you on social media.

“This one is clear. The reason they do this is because they don’t want their partner to see that they are secretly dating you.’

His second point relates to how the dater behaves when it comes to their loved ones. Jacob says, Number two, they never introduce you to their family or their friends.

“This is because they are afraid that their family or friends will turn that girlfriend around you, which will ruin the whole relationship and best secret girlfriend.”

Meanwhile, another thing the person is likely to be secretive about is their home, the dating coach says.

He explains, “Number three, he will always make an excuse for you not to go to his house. The reason is that they are afraid that their girlfriend will show up at their house and catch you together.’

One of the signs the dating expert (pictured) shared is making excuses not to spend time at his house, and not sharing pictures of you on his social media

One of the signs the dating expert (pictured) shared is making excuses not to spend time at his house, and not sharing pictures of you on his social media

He continues: ‘Number four is that they are very difficult to get in touch with, for no good reason. Well, there’s a reason for that – it’s because they’re with their secret girlfriend and they’re afraid of getting caught talking to you.’

And the fifth and final point also pertains to the dater being secretive and vague. According to Jacob, “Number five is when you ask him to hang out with you, he’ll give you the strangest excuses why he can’t.”

A number of viewers shared their thoughts on the video, and some added their own signs that someone you see may already be in a relationship.

One of them wrote: “You missed, I will not take you in public. Man I saw very briefly made a lot of excuses not to go out on dates. smelled a rat, so get out quickly!’

Another added: ‘Not available on weekends or available after hours; “I’ll call you back text” every time you text at dinner time…unless single dad.’

Another shared a similar sentiment, writing, “Yes, even if he only replies to messages during the day and not on weekends!”

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A number of viewers took to the comment section to share their thoughts, and some suggested other characters

A number of viewers took to the comment section to share their thoughts, and some suggested other characters

And another commenter added, “Pays everything in cash, wants to hang out at random times, claims no social media, no public dates — my boyfriend had all the signs. He finally told her. Married.’

Dating expert Jacob recently appeared on a recent episode of new Sky video seriesLife Simplified, hosted by comedian Mo Gilligan on YouTube.

The episodetitled DATING SIMPLIFIED, saw Jacob giving advice in an effort to simplify the world of dating.

Research shows that 28 percent of young people under 35 have stopped using dating apps altogether and 27 percent take regular breaks “to keep them sane.”

Jacob spoke on a variety of topics throughout the episode, discussing signs someone is interested in you, how to write dating app bios, and communication.