Dog with an impressive underbite wins a legion of online fans

“Cute,” “precious,” and “beautiful” are just three of the compliments adoring online fans have given a 12-year-old crossbreed dog with funny features.

Mugsy has an impressive underbite and owner Carly Tannura, 22, of New Jersey, loves to show him off.

Mugsy never had an underbite or protruding teeth as a puppy, it wasn’t until he became one that he grew into his features, and Carly loves him just the way he is.

She explained, “He’s just grown into his features this way, he’s pretty much always looked like this, except when he was a puppy.”

“When we got him he was a beautiful six week old puppy and we had no idea what he would look like when he grew up.

Mugsy, a 12-year-old crossbreed dog with an impressive underbite, has thousands of adoring fans online thanks to his owner’s TikTok posts

Mugsy's distinguishing features developed when he turned one -- he never had an underbite or protruding teeth as a puppy.  With thousands of fans often calling Mugsy

Mugsy’s distinguishing features developed when he turned one — he never had an underbite or protruding teeth as a puppy. With thousands of fans often calling Mugsy “cute” and “beautiful,” Carly is far from alone in taking pride in his looks

Unfortunately, Carly also got some unkind comments when she posted videos of Mugsy on their shared account, @carlyandmugsy.  Fortunately, the vast majority are complimentary, with one person describing it as

Unfortunately, Carly also got some unkind comments when she posted videos of Mugsy on their shared account, @carlyandmugsy. Fortunately, the vast majority are complimentary, with one person describing it as “precious”

When he developed the underbite, we thought he looked super funny and was still adorable – everyone who saw him thought he was hilarious.

“His dad was a puggle, but we’re not sure what his mom was.

“I’ve received so much love and kind words from people who have seen Mugsy’s TikToks! It makes my day to read comments – especially when people say that Mugsy’s videos bring them joy.

“I’ve definitely gotten a lot of hate comments, mostly people assuming he’s unhealthy or not being taken care of, but the kind comments outweigh the negative ones so I really can’t complain too much.

“It feels surreal that so many people around the world have seen Mugsy and become happy with his funny features.”

Carly posts videos of her pug on the TikTok account @carlyandmugsy, which has 186,000 followers.

Some videos, like the one with Mugsy wearing headphones around his neck, have been viewed more than five million times and generated tens of thousands of comments and even more likes.

Aside from a few unkind comments – one person wrote “what’s THAT” – the response to Mugsy has thankfully been overwhelmingly positive.

One fan wrote, “Bro ur dog is just so cute.”

Carly Tannura, 22, pictured with her mother Jennie Tannura, 51, is delighted that so many people around the world are enjoying Mugsy's funny features

Carly Tannura, 22, pictured with her mother Jennie Tannura, 51, is delighted that so many people around the world are enjoying Mugsy’s funny features

Carly likes Mugsy just the way he is and says he's grown into his funny features.  Neither she nor the majority of her TikTok followers would want him any other way

Carly likes Mugsy just the way he is and says he’s grown into his funny features. Neither she nor the majority of her TikTok followers would want him any other way

While another TikToker commented, “I don’t care what anyone says this dog is precious.”

A third posted, “you’ll never change your mind, this dog is adorable.”

Some viewers of another of Carly’s posts about Mugsy, which has garnered more than 22,000 comments, seem to agree that the crossbred dog looks like a British man.

One woman wrote: ‘I’m glad we all agree this is a British man’.

Another wrote: ‘Have the London look’.

Yet another posted: ‘Prince Philip reincarnated’.

Although a fourth was not convinced by the resemblance, she was still a big fan of Mugsy.

“I’m not kidding, this is the cutest dog I’ve ever seen. What breed is he and how can I get one,” she added.