How to Make a LinkedIn Account Attractive to Recruiters

LinkedIn is the largest and most effective social platform for finding a dream job, establishing useful work connections and demonstrating your skills and abilities. Everything here is the same way as with a resume : you should update it regularly and add something new to give complete information to a future employer or recruiter. Well, if you’re looking for a new job and want to become an ideal candidate, then your main goal is to attract the attention of the recruiter and encourage him to consider your resume and portfolio. 

But how to do it? Is it possible to stand out among thousands of other candidates? This is real if you approach your account seriously and wisely. We’ll simplify your online path to the perfect job. In this article we’ll tell you about 3 smart ways to make a profile stand out, professional and competitive. Keep reading!

  1. Invest in your profile right away

Do you think that you’ll need additional third-party help much later than now? Well, you’re deeply mistaken. To be honest, the first thing you should do is start investing little by little. You won’t have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars, but you should be ready to generate at least $10-20 in your marketing budget to invest it in effective boosts. 

At the same time, growing with incentives should be consistent and reasonable. So, at the initial promo stage, it is best for you to use the opportunity to buy aged LinkedIn accounts. This boost is most effective for those who have just started their journey on the platform and are striving to grow on it. Paid accounts can be useful in many ways: you can personalize one of them by making it the main profile, or send interactions with them to your fresh page, helping to improve visibility and engagement. Both of these options are good, so do as you see fit.

  1. Make a good first impression

First of all, recruitment managers pay attention to such things as resumes and the main profile photo. Therefore, you need to do everything so that the recruiter wants to contact you and consider your candidacy for one of the positions in the company. 

Fill out your resume from the past to the present, tell them about all the places of work, your hard and soft skills that you possess first-class. 

Make an amazing photo, it shouldn’t be too serious or too funny, ideally something in between. Before uploading an image, make sure it is of good quality.

  1. Stay active

Try to update your feed as often as possible and add something new related to your niche. LI is not just a job board, it has everything to keep in touch with other colleagues, share their niche materials and generate new content. 

Imagine: a recruiter visits your profile and sees that you haven’t added anything new for a long time, and you don’t have many connections. What will he think? He’ll probably decide that you are inactive and not interested in cooperation. But it’s not like that! 

So don’t forget to write posts (it can be anything, from an incident in the office to the stages of developing a new project) and look for new useful connections – this is a big plus in job search, in the eyes of a recruiter you’ll look like a real specialist who is interested in work. Good luck!