The 16-year-old teenager who was arrested after a mob of 40 attacked three Marines will be tried as an ADULT

A 16-year-old who was part of the mob of 40 who attacked two Marines at a beach party will be tried as an adult, the teen’s brother said.

The attack, which was captured in a now-viral video, took place shortly before 10 p.m. Friday in the town of San Clemente near Camp Pendleton, a Marine Corps base.

The 16-year-old was one of five teens – four boys and a girl – arrested on Tuesday for assault with a deadly weapon.

It’s unclear why the teen is being charged as an adult and whether the other teens are being charged as adults as well.

Videos circulating online showed the victims, Marine Hunter Antonino and two other unnamed military personnel, being kicked to the ground until a woman and a man broke up.

The 16-year-old, one of five teens – four boys and a girl – who was arrested on Tuesday for assault with a deadly weapon for assaulting three Marines, is being charged as an adult

Antonino told KCAL the fight started when he told the teens to stop setting off fireworks

Antonino told KCAL the fight started when he told the teens to stop setting off fireworks

Police initially found two victims, but then determined that a third Marine had also been attacked, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department said.

Recent footage surfaced that casts doubt on the innocence of the three Marines involved.

The video shows how the teen provokes the soldiers who stumble topless on San Clemente beach on Friday night, holding bottles of beer.

One of the military lashes out at the teens, dropping his bottle of beer, and has to be restrained by his comrade as the kids continue to goad them while filming on their phones.

Nine teenagers have since been arrested over the attack in which the servicemen were repeatedly kicked as they lay on the ground, with at least one of them suffering a concussion.

A relative of the teen said so the New York Post that the minor suspect is facing two felony counts by Orange County prosecutors for the alleged assault.

The attack on the Marines has been widely condemned, including by the local mayor, especially since it fell on Memorial Day weekend.

The Marines say they were attacked after confronting the group about setting off fireworks.

But footage taken prior to the all-out brawl shows Marine Hunter Antonino drinking around some teens and talking openly to them, holding a bottle of whiskey.

On Tuesday, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department confirmed they had charged four boys and a girl with assault with a deadly weapon and would be held in juvenile detention.

Four others have also been charged with assault and assault.

San Clemente Mayor Chris Duncan revealed that deputies nabbed the prime suspects in the mob of teens who launched the attack.

He said, “They think they have the people they are looking for. Not to say there might not be a few others. They are quite confident that they have the main culprits.’

Footage of the incident was used to track down those involved, the mayor added.

“In the current era, you get caught — people are going to take it up,” Duncan said.

“I hope this is a learning lesson for young people in the community to not let themselves get out of control when something like this happens.”

When the Orange County Sheriff’s Department was approached for comment on the latest footage of the incident, it said it had not seen the new video.

Hunter Antonino, one of the Marines, told KCAL that the fight started when he asked the teens to stop setting off fireworks

Antonino said he and his friend were enjoying a rare time off from Camp Pendleton in Oceanside over Memorial Day weekend when crowds began setting off fireworks.

A piece of debris then hit him in the face and Antonino said he politely asked them to leave.

He said: ‘They set off fireworks, they were belligerent and obnoxious and annoying other people, so I went up to them and told them to stop,” he said.

But the group followed him back to the pier, whereupon Antonino said he and his friend warned the teens they were Marines “so they would leave, but they didn’t.”

In the original one-minute clip posted to Facebook, the Marines could be seen trying to climb the steps outside the Pier Bowl as a group of teenagers yelled at them.

As they approach the stairs, a boy is seen brutally slapping the back of one of the Marine’s heads.

Two U.S. Marines were seen in footage attacked by a mob of teens along a California beach over Memorial Day weekend

The crowd kicked the Marines Friday night after the men confronted the teens about their behavior in San Clemente, California

A 16-year-old who was part of the mob of 40 who attacked two Marines at a beach party will be tried as an adult

The original attack began outside the Pier Bowl as the Marines began moving up the stairs

The original attack began outside the Pier Bowl as the Marines began moving up the stairs

The latest video shows the moment a large group surrounds two of the Marines as they begin pushing each other back and forth

The latest video shows the moment a large group surrounds two of the Marines as they begin pushing each other back and forth

The soldier turned and charged at the attacker, leading to an all-out brawl, when the boy’s friends jumped in to wave and kick him.

Within seconds, the group circled the two Marines shouting “Get that f***er” and “F*** that f***er up,” even using the N-word at one point.

And two of the victims were seen curled up on the ground as the group continued to beat them with vicious kicks.

The brawl only ended when two bystanders, an unidentified man and woman, intervened and yelled at the children, “Stop, what are you doing?”

San Clemente Mayor Chris Duncan described the attack over Memorial Day weekend as “tragic.”

“This is San Clemente, Marines are always welcome here, it’s always celebrated, it’s always taken care of, and that’s why this is so tragic,” he said.